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Love Unbreakable

Chapter 370 The Prenuptial Agreement
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Chapter 370 The Prenuptial Agreement Curious, Erick warily accepted the folder and pulled out the encrypted documents inside. His eyes went wide with shock and disbelief when he saw the content This document was Mitchel's will! Erick flipped through the pages quickly. But the more he read, the more bemused he became By the time Erick got to the last page, he struggled to keep his surprise in check. "You're leaving eighty percent of your entire fortune to Raegan?" "Correct. The will has been notarized Rest assured. There will be no changes," Mitchel affirmed.

There was no force in the world that could have stopped Erick from gaping.

Eighty percent of Mitchel's fortune for Raegan, and the remaining twenty for Mitchel's mother.

Erick had an idea as to why Mitchel had allocated his fortune in this manner. It wasn't because Mitchel favored Raegan over his mother.

Mitchel's mother had already owned six percent of the Dixon Group's shares. With this additional twenty percent of Mitchel's fortune, her share would surpass Raegan's. A revelation startling enough on its own.

Willingness to give a fortune worth billions to Raegan so readily...

Mitchel gave Erick a moment to absorb the news before explaining calmly, "Erick, my intention in showing you this is not to gain immediate approval from you for me to marry Raegan. I

just want a chance to make things right and make up for my past mistakes. I've been so preoccupied with work that I neglected Raégan and caused her undue suffering, even to the point where she lost our child.

I understand where you're coming from, but I still want to beg for a chance to make amends. Could you please not intervene in my getting along with Raegan for some time? Even if Raegan doesn't choose me in the end, my will remains unchanged.

Raegan is the one I desired to spend with for the rest of my life," Mitchel's tone was somber, his expression earnest.

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Mitchel was never one to openly express his emotions, but once he was sure of his feelings, he stood firm and resolute. And for Raegan's sake, he was willing to explore every possibility.

Vhen Mitchel was making his mpassioned speech, Erick had slid - : Sw Mitchel's will away, only to be pushed | k h way by Mitchel, wh remarked, "Please keep this will for ewlldern t on his refined face. "You Mitchel's enemy and got exposure, it could destabilize the Dixon Grou

tock market presence. Moreover, Mitchel would likely be forced to step down from his position as CEO.

Mitchel, a shrewd businessman, indoubtedly knew the risks of his For the first time, Erick realized the terrifying extent of Mitchel's folly when t ied y 10V¢ Enick wa simply | DS¢ { | I ever oeen in ove In Enc} reer ambitions { K precedence ver love without Actually, 1 have ne ndition," Mitchel answered grimly.

Erick smirked. He knew it! There was no way Mitchel was truly that selfless Erick braced himself, waiting for Mitchel to reveal his true intentions.

However, Mitchel simply said, "Please

lo not tell Raegan about this will. I don't want to add to her emotional irder 4 For the umpteenth time in the last five minutes, Erik was rendered speechless.

This was truly baffling. Mitchel turned it to be way mor elfless than he had ever imagined. Was he truly seeing ISt ! EXC Ked And you d { { 2y nt your Chis w 1 rather icial point. A child was the ultimate litmus test of a man S11 erity Few men ould wholeheartedly ept a child that was Thinking of Janey brought a gentle smile to Mitchel's face. "I'm very fond of Janey, but I'll also respect her

choices. Whether or not she likes me, I'll treat her as my own daughter." Erick scoffed. "Nice words are easy to ly, but acting on them is another Mitchel replied lemnly, "If Raegan h es not to have more children, I il | ire y 1 that Jane Vy will be our I'he noch mile n Enck's face froze and he once again found himself speechle It w rare for CEO of a publicly traded company to make such 1 promise especially ne that pertained to the inheritance of the corporation. Mitchel was actually willing to accept Janey as his only child In the world, even without knowing whom Janey's biological father was. A truly remarkable stance.

Erick studied Mitchel, his tone a bit more fervent as he questioned, "Do you truly mean that?" After all, people were inherently elfish. Especially people like them who were born into privilege and irried burdens far greater than that of the : person. They couldn't wavered the face of Erick's queries Erick's expression twitched. "Who said Raegan is going to marry you? Erick found Mitchel's forwardness presumptuous. Before Raegan even agreed to marry him, Mitchel had already prepared a prenuptial

“It all depends on Raegan. I won't force her, but I want to provide Janey with a complete family," Mitchel said, his obsidian-like eyes earnestly conveying his promise to Erick. "If you give me a chance, I swear on my life to protect Raegan and Janey." Outwardly, Erick maintained a cool demeanor, his expression giving little away. But internally, his heart was in turmoil. Mitchel was proving to be exceptionally determined and a master negotiator who knew exactly what to offer, presenting terms that were difficult to refuse. More importantly, it seemed he cared for Janey from the bottom of his heart.

Erick's lips turned down when he remembered Janey's biological father was actually Mitchel. He wondered whether Mitchel's unconditional acceptance of Janey stemmed from the

bond of blood Mitchel coughed a few times and winced. He was yet to make a full recovery and needed to return to the hospital as soon as possible. "Erick, I've ent the details of the Boyd family's ndal to your email. Excuse me, but I must head back to the hospital now. | incerely hope you wi nsider my Erick held on to the document, mixed emotion i through his dark eyes. Lost thought, he didn't speak Raegan stared at the fragrant porridge simmering in the pot with a puzzled

At first, she had deemed cooking a hallenge for her, but after consulting with Annis, she found herself able to prepare the dish proficiently as if she had done it before However, it seemed Mitchel would not Raegan didn't want to break her promise it Erick had instructed Vict to watcl er even more closely thar efor ie even restricted her moven t 1st the mpany and the house. Erick simply wanted Mitchel to be out of Raegan's life, not wanting any harm from Mitchel t ome her Raegan stared out at the darkening skv. wondering whether the stubborn Mitchel still refused to eat anything except for her dishes

After hearing one too many sighs from Raegan, Annis gazed at Raegan and asked, "Miss, do you want to go out?" | Raegan hesitated before shaking her head. "It doesn't matter. My brother Ant tared at Raegan intently. She 1 tell Raegan wanted to go out, her | 16 turn from delivering the porrid i ked wouldn't harm 1st 1 k¢ e to make it quick Victor w invited t me In for I n was hesitant. This wasn't the first time Erick got angry because Of hesitatior ~orrectly. "If your brother

omes back before you, I'll cover for you. I'll just tell him that you aren't feeling well and went to sleep early." Annis pushed Raegan toward the door, 1 note of urgency in her voice as she 1anded Raegan a thermos. "Go quickly Rae i t up a he made for the th t then in hand Howeve Nn 1s if on Par t ! [ e wondered wh er ther nad rmved early Erick marched ver with determined strides. His eyes narrowed as he asked, Not anvwhere Raegan voice

quivered, and she stared at her toes with a guilty expression. The thermos she held felt like incriminating § Erick glanced at the thermos and ighed. He felt as if he was playing the role of a wicked queen. He looked away and said quietly, "Be home by nine Ul Rae n t ight she had mishe I Erick pinched expI 1 gest 1 UU L ne Knew { t £ 4] { It nh word went I xpectation Why Y re re ettir me Raegan Just to be sure that she heard him right, Raegan asked again, "You're really letting me see MilCnel

Oblivious to the talk between Mitchel and Erick earlier this day, Raegan couldn't wrap her head around Erick's sudden shift in demeanor.

Erick, slightly annoyed, arched an eyebrow at Raegan and retorted, "Do Raegan now had the confirmation she sought. Erick truly allowed her to visit Raegan w ffled. She wished she could teleport to the hospital this minute and ask Mitchel how he managed t nvince her brother.

Well, I'm leaving," Raegan said as she got into the car.

~ 1 MA } 4 uray Erick watched the car speed away, a wave of melancholy washing over him at the thought of his sister growing up and away from him. He comforted

himself with the thought that she had only gone to meet Mitchel and was not getting married this instant. { At the hospital Luciana waited in the corridor n, Katie emerged with an empty thern n hand. She miled at Lucian 1d stated iciana, Mitchel ite everythin He er said your Re y \ l I face lit up with yy, her wrinkle leepened, but somehow they only added to the warmth of her smile The past few vears of marital discord and a distant son had aged Luciana significantly, stripping her of her once vibrant demeanor

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f course, I wouldn't lie to you," Katie issured, her smile seemingly genuine When Luciana heard this, she felt a | burst of happiness. "Mitchel always listens to you, Katie. Was he in a good I £ ty, Mitche ttitude toward nt i | It seemed Mitche een Iurious { | funeral 1o1 Ra Mitchel kept n ! r that Raegan \W reaction that kept h pitalized for week ind 11 111101 ren ned misunderstandings between Mitchel

exacerbated by Katie who passed on news from one person to the other.

Luciana became frightened and incertain of her place in Mitchel's heart, so Katie persuaded Luciana to ndergo ps) ¢ | therapy tee t nt he was : Katie pinior ' A t ime to Mit { t 1 that it te : ’ ’ 1 that she

well-being and safety. She would do anything to ensure that, even if it meant sacrificing everything else Katie's eyes flickered as she said to Lucian Luciana, this is unfortunately not a 1 time. Before I came out here, Mitchel told me he was feeling a Luci face fell and she wrung her hands t ether l'hen next time," she Katie's | ne t that very second Katie g ed at Luciana and said, Wait for me by the elevator. I need to Katie walked over t y spot where Luciana uian see nel ) answer

Luciana lingered by the elevator, her gaze aimlessly falling on the mirrored irface 4 Ding 1ddenly, the elevator dinged ibcon 1sly, Luciana looked over nd ht mpeé f a girl hurrving Ww { X y tnir € 1se that

entire floor. Could that girl be Raegan? "What's wrong, Luciana?" Katie returned, noticing Luciana's_forlorn Ie Luciana started, but she lismissed her thoughts a second later nd decided t to bother Katie with Katie, 1 interpreting Luciana’ expressi n attempt t neak a I nce t A ippressed It nd isked Katie, ha Mit € et term wit! raegan he regained mi ure quickly and

mentioned Raegan in a long time." | Unable to shake the suspicion swirling in her mind, Katie probed, "Luciana, why did you suddenly ask about this?" Nothing. I was just thinking out loud,’ Luciar replied with an awkward Katie eyed i for a moment. She ntertwin ¢ ArT with Luciana’'s, her ex f f warmth 1 | { time tO spare { 1ay : y { 5 for your l hesitated Ve een feeling The tI ht of therapy made Luciana foe neasy since it often left her with foggy mind and poor memory for . frerward For some inexplicable reason, she was starting to become

wary of therapy.

'Oh, come on, Luciana. I've already made an appointment with Mr. Gomez for you. He even canceled on high profile clients just for you," Katie insisted. Mr. Gomez was well-known for his psychological treatment and relaxation therapies and was highly For all that had been said, Luciana found it hard to refuse and nodded in On the hillside In a luxurious villa, a room filled with swirling smoke created an air of mystery Luciana lay on a chair, deeply asleep The door creaked open and Katie

walked in. She didn't even glance at the sleeping Luciana, accustomed to the scene.

Did she say anything?" Katie asked.

Mr. Gomez nodded. "She said she saw her deceased daughter-in-law at the Kat Xpre n turned frigid. Just as e kept it f 1¢ A malicious mile V Kat i] he ordered, In that tell h that 1I her son marrie form laugnter-in-1aw, ne + lie Again, Mr mez nodded. "We should stick to the previous hypnosi NA rt o Katie sald narpily Use

deep hypnosis. The kind that works in one go." "That could be quite harmful," Mr.

Gomez warned.

Katie smirked. "It doesn't matter." ince Luciana dared to keep secrets from her, Katie found no remorse for lisregarding Luciana's health. After all, the nly reason she kept Luciana iround w for her goal to marry Mitche After that ¢ lidn’'t care whether ] ! 11e r ved Before Katie left he glanced at Luciana pale face, her smile