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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51 Reverse Situation

Arya was very direct and expressed herself without hesitation. Her actions were so quick that no one

was able to stop her.

A voice suddenly came from the crowd asking, “What do you mean by ‘in future’? Miss Arya, have you

finally decided to make a comeback?”

The area where the reporters were, wasn’t that big. In fact, many people in the industry would

recognize his voice.

“Why is the Star Arm’s reporter here? They are an exclusive subsidiary of Dahua Entertainment, they

only interview international celebrities!”

“Who is this Arya? Quick, take more photos! This will definitely make today’s headlines!”

It had been a while since Arya had to face so many reporters. She kept her composure and said all she

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needed to say.

“I will take responsibility for everything I did and said today. I will not disappoint any of my fans.”

“So to answer your question, Yes! From today onwards, I am officially stating my comeback and return

to showbiz. I hope I am able to bring my work to everyone to see.”

When Arya finished, she turned and walked away.

The area where the reporters were had turned extremely awkward. Daniel’s expression darkened.

All the directors that were present were furious. Arya had actually dared to use their shooting area as

her press conference and publicly announced that their products were inferior!

“Director Parker, is this how you do things?”

“The matter is not over yet!”

They had initially planned to take advantage of Arya’s popularity to see a large quantity of products.

Now, Arya’s announcement would definitely bring them trouble.

Daniel was very embarrassed. He wished he could rip Arya apart.

She took out her phone and posted the segment from start when she appeared to her announcements

she made, anonymously on the internet.

Within a few minutes, the segment became a hot topic and discussions were circulating.

“Wow! Arya is so awesome. How many celebrities actually dare to speak truth nowadays?”

“That CEO of Brilliant Entertainment, how can he treat his ex-fiancée like this? He cannot be

considered as human. We should boycott other celebrities under Brilliant Entertainment and only

support Arya!”

“If all celebrities had such positive energy, youngsters wouldn’t go blindly following them!”

“Arya is so beautiful and imposing. I’ll definitely be her fan. I’ll be watching every show and movie she

is in!”

The barrage online was all compliments and praises to Arya.

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Caroline angrily got in the company’s car and called Daniel, “What else do you have to bear? Hurry up

and get her out of there. If she continues to do anything more, we both will be ruined!”

Daniel had planned to get her out of there and didn’t need Caroline to remind him.

Because of Arya’s stunt, his and Brilliant Entertainment’s reputation had completely plummeted. He

may have also offended the directors and be sued.

He attributed everything to Arya’s ability to bear a grudge.

“You’ve gone too far! You think you can return back to showbiz with a few sentences? Don’t forget, you

are still under contract with me. Without my permission, you can’t take on any projects!”

Daniel with hatred in his eyes chased after Arya.

“Then we shall wait and see.” Arya said in a calm expression.

“You will pay deeply for what you did today. Even if you don’t clear Caroline’s name, I still have ways to

have her become the best actress. When that happens, you won’t stand a chance. Now go back out

there and apologize to them!”