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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120 Deal With Devil

“Shut up!” Daniel slammed the table and stared at her.

“Okay, I won’t say anymore.” Caroline shrugged and walked to the side. She clearly felt that Daniel’s

attitude towards her had changed.

Daniel was also an ordinary man. No matter how much he liked Caroline, he would not tolerate her

betrayal. When he saw the news on the internet and thought that Arya might have played with his

feelings, his heart gradually turned cold.

Caroline knew Daniel well. Seeing that he did not have anything to refute, she hooked her lips and


“Didn’t you also suspect her in your heart? Don’t interfere with this matter. I want to teach Arya a good


As long as Brilliant Entertainment did not help Arya with public relations, her reputation was over.

Caroline thought complacently, but she did not expect that she would lose everything.

Caroline arranged her assistant to fabricate fake news and framed Arya. She said that when Arya

debuted that year, she owed a lot of money and needed to use her body to pay back. This was also the

important reason why she did not get married despite being with Daniel a few years. She implied that

Arya was a female celebrity with messy private life. Those appearances of hers were all fabricated by


The news spread like wildfire. Arya saw it and pretended not to see it. She only wanted to enjoy the

rare holiday and other things were not within her consideration. But after seeing the news online, Allen

could not help it.

“Let’s go back earlier.”

He wanted to get rid of this matter as soon as possible. He did not want the news to have a bad

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influence on Arya.

“No need, Allen.” Arya smiled and turned around. She leaned on his shoulder. “I know you are worried

about me, but I am not affected by them at all. As long as the people who support me understand that

those are lies, it is enough.”

“Furthermore, you deliberately put down your work to accompany me out. How can I let you down? If I

go back like this, I feel that it is too much of a pity.”


Allen still wanted to say something, but Arya stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips.

“At this moment, I only want to look at you. I just want to be with you.”

Allen raised his hand and hugged her waist. The two of them fell on the big bed behind them. Allen was

totally out of control when he had the beauty in his arms. He impatiently tore Arya’s dress, feeling the

love and warmth of her wholeheartedly. Everything else was no longer important.

The two of them had a good time here, which allowed them to fully relax. There was no president of

Dahua Entertainment here, nor movie queen in the entertainment circle. They could hug and kiss as

much as they wanted.

Two days later, they boarded the flight back to China together. In Allen’s words, they would have many

chances to go on a vacation in the future. But Arya needed to make a plan for her comeback now.

Arya also understood the complexity of the situation and agreed reluctantly.

On the back to China, Allen did not let Arya read the phone or newspaper. He did not want her to throw

herself into a nervous mood too early. He had already arranged everything. Those people who spread

rumors would not have a good time.

According to the information his assistant gathered, apart from Brilliant Entertainment and Caroline,

there were also Aorai’s artists involved.

“She is an idol of new generation. She is the daughter of the director who invested in Aorai. She may

have used some connections in the media.”

“Got it. Let’s do it for now.” After Allen hung up the phone, he looked at Arya. “You did not rest much on

the way back. I asked the driver to send you back first.”

Arya blinked. Her eyes were filled with gentle smile. She looked at the exist sign in front of and walked

out of the door. She could not hold Allen’s hand outside. She also could not bear to part with it.

But she knew that only by bravely holding on would she be able to walk side by side with him in the


“Okay, I will go home and wait for you.”

She could guess that Allen was probably going to help her deal with public opinion. She wisely chose

to believe in him and did not ask any more questions. She smiled and left with Luna.

“Arya, do you think the big boss is in such a hurry to return to Dahua? Will he help you get revenge?”

Luna guessed as she sat in the car.

Arya smiled faintly and flipped through the primary film sent by the advertising company, “Maybe…”

“Tomorrow is the award ceremony. I see Caroline’s performance is about to stop.” Luna thought about

how she was about to see Caroline collapse and felt good.

Arya looked at the street outside the window and the dusk was slightly heavy. This is the first time she

looked at this street so quietly.

Tomorrow night, she is looking forward to it.

Caroline’s apartment.

As soon as Daniel walked in he smelled the smell of alcohol all over the room. Caroline curled up on

the bed and slept soundly.

She was still pregnant but she actually dared to drink so much alcohol!

No, it might not be her. It might be the alcohol drunk by the man who had been fooling around with her.

Daniel still had a spare key of the apartment in his hand. Perhaps Caroline had already forgotten about

it. He looked at the woman on the bed and his face gradually turned green. He had already given

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enough tolerance and opportunities.

But Caroline could not turn back. They would never be able to return to the past. Since that was the

case, don’t blame him for being merciless.

He opened Caroline’s phone and noted down Quentin’s number in the contact list.

Every time Caroline contacted Quentin, she would carefully delete the records, but there would always

be times when she missed out.

Daniel sent someone to check Quentin’s information and found that he was just a wealthy

businessman who was at the edge of the entertainment circle. But in this world where money could be

used to make trouble, he had more connections in the entertainment circle.

However, men knew men’s intention better. He could not really like Caroline. It was just that he was

infatuated with her figure. If Daniel could give him a more beautiful woman…

“I know about you and Caroline. I want to see you. I have evidence of you having an affair. If you don’t

want the whole world know about your affair, you’d better cooperate with me.”

“Why should I believe you? I dare to sleep with your woman. I’m not afraid of being exposed. Oh, I

almost forgot. She’s still carrying your child.” Quentin smiled maliciously on the other side of the phone.

He lit a cigar and said proudly, “Go expose yourself. Let the reporters know how you were cuckolded.”

Daniel clenched his fists. It was as if someone had dug a hole in his heart. The feeling of betrayal made

him wish he was dead.

“State your conditions. I don’t need Caroline anymore. You can do whatever you want with her in

future. I only have one condition. I want you to become the protector of the Brilliant Entertainment and

stand on the Brilliant Cooperation’s side unconditionally.

Quentin smiled and said, “She is just a woman. How dare you negotiate with me like this?”

“Don’t you agree?” Daniel frowned. If that was the case, he would lose his advantage.

“I agree, but I still need one more person, Arya. As long as you send her to my bed, I promise you that I

will give you a satisfactory answer.”