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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107 A Talented Man And A Beautiful Woman

Allen walked out of the stage wearing a custom-made suit after the host’s passionate introduction. His

deep cold eyes were especially charming under the spotlight. His entire body exuded a high and cold

temperament that was so different from the others.

His gaze froze on Arya’s face. A few second later, he moved his gaze away.

“Director Jones, please say a few words.” The host handed over the microphone.

Allen paused for a few seconds and said, “I hope Dahua’s artists can perform better in the future. I wish

Film Festival a great success this time.”

The Dahua was already the highest level of the Brokerage Agency in the industry, but Allen’s ambition

was more than that.

He wanted to lead the artists under Dahua to achieve greater success. Like an eagle, he wanted to fly

higher and higher.

Arya looked at the man who was standing on the stage, dazzling like a star. She seriously promised in

her heart that she would stand beside him at the fastest speed possible.

“Director Jones must have seen many excellent movie works. We all want to know what kind of movie

and actor can score ten points in Director Jones’s heart. If a perfect score is ten points!”

“I can give you an example of this question.” Allen did not think too much about it. He immediately gave

an answer.

“I think the movie with the perfect score should be moving. The actor with the perfect score should be


“For example, a movie I saw a while ago, “Winter Love”. I think it’s a rare masterpiece in the movie

industry. Every actor is very outstanding.”

The host smiled and agreed. He looked in Arya’s direction and said, “As far as I know, the female lead

of this movie is also at our scene. She is Arya!”

In an instant, a light pink spotlight hit Arya. The diamond on her dress was very dazzling under the

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Arya calmly stood up and picked up the microphone from the staff. Her voice was gentle. “Thank you

for Director Jones’s affirmation.”

She knew that Allen intentionally mentioned it to create an opportunity for her to show her face.

However, just this sentence attracted the attention of others. Everyone knew that the president of

Dahua Entertainment, Allen Jones, was a legend in the industry. What he hated the most was

actresses coming to his side.

Allen only mentioned the name of the movie and Arya dared to talk to him. She clearly wanted to take

the opportunity to build a relationship with him.

“Let’s see how she makes a fool of herself later. Do you really think she can do anything just because

she looks good?”

“How interesting…”

“It’s just movie queen who is not famous. She can only use this kind of low-level method to gain


On the stage, Allen looked at Arya. He knew what others people would think, but it was this that

allowed Arya to leave the deepest impression on them.

“Miss Arya herself is more beautiful.”

Allen’s words were very sincere. The president of Dahua Entertainment actually publicly praised a

female star in such an occasion. Could it be that he…

His gentlemanly gaze and tone made everyone realize that he really admired Arya.

At this time, the host noticed the two people’s clothing. “The two of you also have a tacit understanding

of aesthetics and look very compatible … Why don’t we invite Miss Arya onto the stage?”

With Allen’s identity, it was impossible for him to wear low-tier clothing. All his clothing was custom-

made. Arya’s clothing could actually match his suit. She must also have a background. Instantly, Arya’s

image in everyone’s eyes became more mysterious.

Arya lowered her head and smiled. She thought to herself that she should go home and have a good

talk with her Mr. Jones. He said that he would not interfere with her work. However, he used all kinds of

methods in increase her reputation. The only person who could cause such a ruckus here was a wife

maniac like him.

Under the host’s invitation, Arya endured that gazes of the people around her. There was envy,

contempt, jealousy… She suddenly mustered up her courage, lifted her skirt, and walked step by step

onto the stage.

The moment she stood beside Allen, the entire audience fell silent.

Because the two of them were too compatible!

The cameraman raised their cameras and looked at them. Every look in their eyes was like a scenery,

especially the explicable feeling of harmony between the two of them.

Arya’s expression was generous and proper. No matter what she did, there would be people discussing

it. It would be better to accept it safely and be able to stand beside Allen in this way. It was also a rare


The host threw out a question at the right time, “Arya, do you have anything to say to what Director

Jones said just now?”

This question was completely a trap. Arya’s answer would very likely cause her to offend a

heavyweight Brokerage Agency like the Dahua.

Below the stage, Caroline revealed a proud smile. The higher she climbed, the more miserable she fell.

Allen was known as the hardest ice mountain man in the industry. Arya would definitely become a big

joke that everyone knew about this time.

She was angry that movie queen still wanted to befriend the most powerful Director Jones in the

entertainment industry. Stop Dreaming!

Hearing the host’s words, the originally lively scene gradually calmed down.

Under everyone’s gaze, Allen took Arya’s microphone, “This question will make Miss Arya very


His gentlemanly way of doing things was too shocking. He actually took the initiative to help Arya out.

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Could it be that he really fell in love with Arya?

Just as everyone was guessing, Allen revealed his usual cold and arrogant expression, “Why don’t I

take a picture with Miss Arya and end it.”

Allen Jones took the initiative to take a picture!

It seemed that Arya did not want to hook up with Allen at all. She did not deliberately ask about his

clothes and attire and intend to create an encounter. The really why the two of them were so

compatible was really a beautiful accident. Otherwise, the dignified President of Dahua would take the

initiative to take a picture with Arya?

But in everyone’s eyes, Arya was too lucky to be able to take a photo with Allen.

Seeing the picture freeze, the host clapped his hands in enthusiastically. “Thank you for Director

Jones’s arrival. At the same time, thank you for Miss Arya. Please take a seat.”

The two of them who had just together like a couple quickly separated and turned to their seats. It was

as if nothing had happened just now. There was no expression of uncontrollable excitement on Arya’s

face. Her calmness won her many appreciative gazes.

No one believed that she had used tricks to get close to Allen. Instead, they felt that this once grand

slam movie queen was indeed extraordinary.

“Heh, she really knows how to act.”

Seeing her performance, Davina snorted and lowered her voice to Daniel, “Contact a few familiar

reporters. I want to stir this matter up. I want everyone know that what kind of person Arya is.”

The night of red carpet had just begun and there were already turbulent waves in the dark. Allen’s

casual mention made many people remember Arya’s beautiful figure and her high EQ.

Movie queen who had been banned and involved in love triangle relationship, was once questioned by

the public, walked step by step to red carpet today. She could even be a pair with President of Dahua,

Allen Jones.

In future, Arya’s name would definitely become famous.

The Brokerage Agency who had once thrown out an olive branch to Arya, CEO of Sunsand, Lincoln,

turned his head to his assistant and said. “Go and arrange it. I still want to fight for the opportunity to

sign Arya’s name.”