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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 214
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Chapter 214
“Whitney...” Valerie gasped, covering her mouth.
Nolan and Parker looked on in astonishment at the woman with terror etched on her face.
Her hand never left her belly, a mother’s instinctive protective stance.
“Can I beg you? This child will have nothing to do with you from now on. I promise I won’t use it to blackmail you. I won’t ask for
child support.
Ludwik, you can be harsh, but you can’t deny a child. You gave him life, he’s seven months along now. In two months, it’ll be
born. It’ll smile at me; it will cry and fuss. It’ll be a living and grow up...”
Her voice broke with pain. “Even if you despise me, the child is innocent. Please, don’t take its life away.”
The cigarette between Ludwik’s fingers trembled as he flicked it fiercely, his deep eyes misting with a cold fog.
Those were his children – there were two, not just one!
Could he really be so heartless? It was this woman’s shameless betrayal that he couldn’t stomach.
And the thought of them calling Bryce ‘Dad’ – it tore him apart. He was a man of stature. What belonged to him could not be
taken by others.
So, maybe it was better they were never born.
But his heart, raw with the pain of detachment, wrapped layers around him.
Memories of his anticipation for the twins flashed uncontrollably through his mind. He wouldn’t have cared for her so tenderly if
he hadn’t hoped, wouldn’t have taken her for her first check-up.
Even last time, when she was hurt and they went to the hospital, he wanted to be heartless, but still, he secretly pocketed the
ultrasound image.
The greater the anticipation was, the deeper the disappointment became. Now his head was full of hate. He knew he was
beyond reason..

But who could understand the agony of his pride being crushed?
Watching her empty gestures of submission, his eyes lowered. His heart fluttered with a twinge of pain and hesitation.
The operating room was at a standstill, the cigarette butt fell, signaling his wavering resolve.
Parker stepped forward silently, trying to bring Ludwik back to his senses.
That’s when a commotion erupted from the corridor.
Bryce rushed in with a squad of police officers, “Ludwik, you have no right to end a life!”

Like a wounded beast jolted awake, Ludwik’s gaze turned icy as he saw the newcomer.
His eyes mocked with a sarcastic laugh, “So eager to play the stepdad, Mr. Lutz? You want to play house, but I won’t let you.
Doctor. proceed!”
Parker knew he was furious. Just moments ago, he had seen the sorrow in Ludwik’s eyes.
But Whitney was terrified. Seeing Bryce with the officers, she clung to him like a lifeline, crying, “Bryce, stop him!”
“Don’t be afraid!” Bryce burst into the operating room, gently lifting her down to shield her behind him, “Are you all right,
“I don’t want to lose the baby!” Whitney murmured in desperation, her hands trembling as she clutched his shirt, fearing Ludwik
would take
her the next second.

Her dependence moved Bryce, and he held her hand reassuringly, “I won’t let him touch you or the baby. We have laws that
protect us!”
“Mr. Lutz, whose child are you protecting? This is my child. Are you impotent?”
Ludwik’s scornful laughter filled the air, enraged by the couple’s interaction.
The corridor was filled with officers, surrounding the two most powerful men in Banyan City. They were hesitant to act.
Nearby stood Parker, Nolan and Felix, along with many nurses and doctors.
Ludwik’s taunting words turned all eyes to Bryce, casting peculiar glances.
Whitney felt Ludwik was being too arrogant and hurtful. She frowned in worry, looking towards Bryce.
Ludwik’s gaze grew colder.
Bryce remained composed, smiling slightly, “No need for Mr. Lippert’s concern. As for you and Whitney, you’re legally divorced
now. You have no claim over the child she carries.”
“We haven’t finished the divorce procedure. I can still make decisions, and Mr. Lutz can’t do a thing.” Ludwik boasted.
Chapter 214
“But the police can!” Bryce’s brow tightened as he turned to the Banyan City police force. “Mr. Lippert might be powerful, but I
can call on the city’s main office. If you insist on this, we’ll see who’s really in control. Let’s wait for the court’s decision to see
who has the right to decide a life.”

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Ludwik sneered. “To play the stepdad, you’re going to such lengths. Do you enjoy caring for my offspring that much? Seems Mr.
Lutz has a taste for charity.”
More taunts that cut deep.
Bryce’s eyes turned frosty, but his demeanor remained calm, “Whether or not the child is mine by blood is irrelevant. I will love

and protect him as my own. Unlike Mr. Lippert, I love everything about the woman I love. I’m Whitney’s fiancé now, and I have
every right to protect this child. Mr. Lippert, step back, or I will take actions!”
His declaration of guardianship and tender confession disgusted Ludwik to his core.
This only fueled his jealousy further. He looked at Whitney with disdain, “I didn’t realize you enjoyed trash-picking so much,
happy with your buy-one-get-one deal?”
Whitney’s breathing quickened. Even insults should have their limits!
Bryce held her close, his patience thinning, “Say what you will. I’ve chosen Whitney.”
“Ludwik! Don’t let them get to you. It’s not worth it!”
Elaine arrived late, wrapping her arms around Ludwik’s, casting a glance at Whitney and feigning sweetness, “I know you’re
doing this for me, to clear the way for our perfect engagement. But remember, there is virtue in mercy. Ludwik. We’re about to
get engaged. Let’s not spill blood. Besides, Bryce wants to pick up a ready-made child, doesn’t he? Give him the chance! We’ll
have our own children in the future, won’t we, Ludwik?”
Elaine said this to appear gracious, sensing Ludwik’s reluctance to terminate the pregnancy. She figured she’d play the good
Samaritan for now. Later, once they were engaged, she’d deal with the unwanted child herself, and Ludwik would never suspect
Ludwik glanced at the stunned Whitney, who was still cowering behind Bryce as if he were her knight in shining armor.
His heart had grown so cold it was numb. Squeezing Elaine’s hand tightly, he smirked with a frosty edge, “Of course, my children
should only be borne by you.”
Whitney felt as if her face had been torn off, watching the duo play their parts in harmony.
Her heart had long been desensitized. Her child was unwanted. And indeed, he had come for Elaine to deal with the problem.

Truly, he was a heartless man.
She tried to mask her desolation, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she looked at them, “Many babies? I believe Elaine has
forgotten her little issue of having just one kidney-unless, of course, Elaine actually has two functioning kidneys, which would
explain this slip of the tongue, wouldn’t it?”
It was a probing question.
Elaine faltered, her face paling for a brief second before she defensively turned to the man, “I simply forgot for a moment that I
have a disability, Ms. Valentine. Why must you attack me so viciously? Ludwik, you’ll let me have children, won’t you?”
“Enough,” Ludwik snapped, glaring at Whitney and pointing at Bryce, “You think you’ve found yourself a protector? I won’t let you
two off easily.”
Whitney was furious, “What more do you want from me? You know exactly why I got engaged to him!”
Ludwik frowned, what did he know? Wasn’t it her shameless betrayal?
Elaine was momentarily taken aback, but then she remembered the transaction from yesterday under the name Skyfaith could
easily be explained away.
She batted her eyelashes cunningly, “Ms. Valentine, don’t start with another sob story, pretending your engagement to Bryce is a
farce. Do you think Ludwik would believe you now?”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!