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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chatper 93
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Chapter 0093

“Aren’t you betraying him too? Should he shun you forever?” Violet retorted. A different emotion drove her

statements in support of Luclus.

“You... How dare you challenge me?” Howard, stung by her words, roared in fury.

Violet faced the enraged elder with composure. “Agatha is his wife, replaceable over a lifetime. But you, his

grandfather, deserted him in his darkest hour. What does that make you? It’s like adding salt to his wound,

destroying him for life!”

“What do you know?”

Though he wasn’t shooting, Howard was visibly shaken, his expression betraying his inner turmoil.

Meanwhile, a figure quietly approached, his eyes coldly fixed on the irate old man.

Lucius announced, “Grandma says If you persist, she'll never see you again.”

His eyes betrayed every bit of disrespect for Howard, even if he spoke to him politely.

Howard, initially seething with anger, suddenly seemed to lose all his fiery energy, resembling a deflated


George pushed Violet away from the gun’s muzzle.

Lucius approached and subtly distanced Violet from George, drawing her close.

“Also, don’t handle my woman roughly next time,” he warned.

The phrase “my woman” astounded Violet, who was in shock at his brazen defense of her in front of his


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Howard, clearly upset by Lucius’s words, grumbled, “How dare you speak to an elder in such a manner?”

His howl was loud enough to rattle the roof tiles.

“If you're truly an elder, act with sdignity!” retorted Lucius sharply.

“You rascal!” Howard's anger escalated, met by louder rebukes from Lucius.

The intensity of their quarrel left everyone, including Violet, overwhelmed, as if their very eardrums might



Violet admired Regina for being able to live with such a man without becoming overwhelmed by

his presence.

Observing the stark contrast between Howard's flery temper and Lucius’s Icy demeanor, she couldn't help but

question whether they were truly related.

George, attempting to ease the tension, interjected, “Madam Davis is still recuperating and should not be

disturbed. Master Davis, please think of her health.”

This appeared to be calming Howard down a little. He grunted before turning to leave.

Stopping midway, he instructed George. “Inform Lucius to relay a message to his

grandmother. She is mine, in life and in death, forever my woman!”

Lucius was present, yet Howard's stubborn demeanor mirrored that of Lucius himself. Despite their distinct

dispositions, both shared a similarly overbearing, arrogant, and unreasonable nature.

Outside, a helicopter lifted off, carrying Howard away. The wind creates ripples in the grass.

The room finally fell silent.

“Should we really let the old man go just like that?” Violet mused, gazing skyward at Howard's diminishing

figure, finding a sense of loneliness in Howard's departing form.

Lucius hummed indifferently, as if relieved to see him go.

Violet, realizing Lucius was still holding her shoulder, tried to move away.

“What did you mean by what you said just now?” Lucius asked, not releasing his grip..

Violet was perplexed. “What did | say?”

“Never mind.”

He evaded the question with an ambiguous answer.

When he cdownstairs earlier, he had overheard her bold confrontation with Howard. No one had ever dared

to challenge Howard in such a manner, nor had anyone openly discussed the past events with him.

Lucius harbored deep-seated bitterness towards Howard, a sentiment that had driven a wedge. between them

over the years.

Yet, it was only in Violet's presence that he found the courage to articulate these suppressed emotions. The

sense of abandonment he felt from his grandfather lingered heavily in his mind.

He ascended the stairs.


Violet, lost in thought and touching her chin, struggled to decipher the meaning behind Lucius’s

earlier question.

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Eventually, she too made her way upstairs.

Lucius rested against the wall at the top of the steps, his typical poised and graceful manner tainted by

loneliness and despair, like an abandoned child.

His eyes lingered in the direction Howard had departed.

The hurt of Howard leaving him must have been profound. Coupled with the betrayal by his most beloved

woman and the alienation from his nearest kin, he must have felt an overwhelming sense

of isolation.

Violet, driven by a sudden impulse, approached and embraced him.

“V...Vivi!” Lucius uttered, his voice tinged with surprise and uncertainty.

By the tViolet realized the inappropriateness of her gesture, it was too late.

She quickly withdrew, her face flushed with embarrassment. “I...I was just trying to measure your waist.”

The excuse sounded painfully awkward.

Lucius, tilting his head, looked at her with a knowing gaze and asked, “Did you manage to take the


“Yes,” she replied in a rush.

“And why do you need my waist measurement?”

“That is...”

Feeling his piercing gaze, which seemed to penetrate her facade, she found it impossible to continue her


Finally, she confessed, “Honestly, | saw you standing there, so alone, and | thought about your past. | just felt an

urge to hug you.”