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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 71
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Chapter 0071

“How could that be?” Lucius flatly denied it.


Regina challenged him, “I've been through it all; how could | have missed it? What do you have to hide?”

“Aside from you, no other woman in this world could have my affection!” Lucius’s tone was firm and decisive.

Meanwhile, Violet, who was tidying a small bed outside, paused when she accidentally overheard their


She accidentally knocked her palm against the bed’s edge after hearing Lucius’s clear denial of having feelings

for her.

Was there a problem with her? What difference does it make if Lucius falls in love with another woman?

Violet stroked her finger, and headed outside. She felt a strange tightness in her chest as she left the room.

Lucius was gone when she returned to the room, leaving only Regina.

There was irritation on Regina's face as she beckoned to Violet, saying, “Vivi, cover here!”

Obediently, Violet approached her with the juice.

“Starting today, I'd like you to wear these while you're looking after me!”

Regina picked up a pile of clothes from the bed, and handed them to her.

Violet gazed at the clothes, visibly puzzled. The garments were made from high-quality material and showed

expert craftsmanship. It was evident they were designed for a young woman.

She asked, “Where did these clothes originate from?”

“George collected them for me.”

Violet remembered that George had visited various rooms earlier. These were the rooms Lucius used for his

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She asked, “Grandma, what's the reason forto wear these clothes?”

Violet could tell, even without wearing them, that these were the kind of provocative dresses left behind by

Lucius’s visitors.

“I want to brighten up the atmosphere in my room. Having you in these clothes will lift my spirits and aid my

recovery,” Regina explained.

Violet wondered if that was the true motive.

“Don’t worry, George has ensured they are all thoroughly cleaned and sanitized,” Regina added, noticing her


Violet smiled bitterly as she grasped the clothes. “I'll wear them for you now.”



Left with no choice but to comply with the wishes of a gravely ill elderly woman, Violet dutifully retreated to

another room to change her clothes.

Regina, feeling victorious, whispered to herself, “Just wait, you scoundrel! You think you can deceive your

grandmother. Let's see how long you can keep up this charade!”

She didn’t just insist on Violet changing her clothes, and also wanted Violet to put on makeup.

Aiming to satisfy Regina, Violet applied a subtle amount of makeup.

She stood out and attracted attention because of her natural beauty and flawless skin, which were both

enhanced by minimal makeup.

Though Violet felt deeply uncomfortable, Regina was overjoyed and kept showering her with compliments.

Lucius, rubbing his forehead, ascended the stairs. He suddenly noticed a striking silhouette crossing his path.

The woman, with her hair loosely tied, radiated a timeless elegance.

The cut of her backless dress revealed her slender arms, well-shaped legs, and delicate waist, while her skin

appeared soft, glowing, and supple.

Lucius wondered if George had found another companion for him.

However, this woman headed straight into Regina’s room.

Intrigued, Lucius followed, and upon entering, his voice turned icy. “Violet? Why are you dressed like this?”

“She looks stunning in this outfit,” Regina interrupted, pulling Violet closer. “See, she’s like a flower in full


Violet, already uneasy in her new attire, flushed even more at Lucius’s disapproving tone. Her cheeks, more

flushed than the blush on them, contrasted with her innocent expression.

Lucius, visibly affected, averted his gaze and reluctantly admitted, “Fine, as long as Grandma is pleased.”

“Come, sit and chat with me,” Regina beckoned, patting the bed next to her, her mood

noticeably lighter than it had been in the morning.

Lucius sat down, his expression troubled.

“Vivi, fetchsporridge.”

“Vivi, geta glass of water.”

“Vivi, bring me...”

Regina asked Violet for things often, which was very out of character for her.

Violet's elegant form moved back and forth, repeatedly coming into and out of Lucius’s view.

The issue was her attire, which was rather revealing. Each tshe leaned over, it either exposed more of her

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chest or her legs.



Lucius found himself captivated by the sight, his throat dry.

Her waist, though incomparable to that of an international supermodel, was slender and enticing, stirring in him

an overwhelming desire to wrap his arms around her and pull her close.

He shot Violet a stern glare.

Busy with attending to Regina, Violet tried to cover herself as much as possible, she was flustered and

preoccupied, and didn’t pay attention to his mood.

She continued to disregard Lucius entirely.

His thoughts drifted back to the morning, recalling how she had ignored him even though she knew the jacket

was his, without offering a word of thanks.

He noticed his jacket carelessly thrown at the head of the bed, partly on the floor. He pondered whether Violet

always treated his belongings with such disregard.

Lucius suddenly stood up, saying, “Grandma, you should rest now. | must leave.”

Regina didn’t press him to stay.

Violet discreetly wiped her sweat away.

“That jacket belongs to Lucius, doesn’t it? You should give it back to him,” Regina pointed out.

Violet looked at the jacket, realizing she had forgotten to remind him to take it.

“Hurry, | need to sleep,” Regina said, closing her eyes.