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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 61
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Chapter 0061

Violet, who was quietly preparing her own meal, overheard their discussion. Lucius had recognized her as

Agatha, and despite his hate for her, he still sought medical attention for her and even gave her days off. It

demonstrated his human side.

She considered doing something in return. Knowing that his poor eating habits caused unease among everyone,

she decided to act, partly for her own peace of mind.

Selecting a few basic items from the refrigerator, she tossed them before the chefs, suggesting, “Just make

something simple for him?”

The chefs looked at her doubtfully, then skeptically.

“Are you insulting us? We're award-winning chefs! Master Lucius hired us to cook sophisticated dishes, not

simple ones,” one of them responded, visibly offended.

The head chef, in a fit of annoyance, swept the ingredients off the table.

With a helpless shrug, Violet commented, “Suit yourselves.”

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She had made her suggestion; the decision was theirs to make. After finishing her breakfast, Violet went out to

the lawn.

She returned for lunch at two o'clock, having put in extra work during the cooler hours of the morning, which

allowed her a longer break in the afternoon.

As she was heading upstairs after lunch, a loud crash near the study caught her attention. Several plates flew

out of the room, breaking upon impact with the floor.

Violet reflexively jumped back, and narrowly avoided a plate tossed her way.

At the study’s entrance, George and the head chef stood with their heads bowed in submission.

Lucius’s voice, laced with impatience, echoed from inside. “Do it right, or I'll throw you all into the swamp!”

It was evident that his work-related stress had kicked in.

Violet, observing the scene, shook her head helplessly.

The previously arrogant head chef now appeared deflated, as if he were going to cry.

George, upon noticing Violet, seemed too fearful of Lucius’s wrath to say anything.

Deciding to intervene, Violet returned to the kitchen. She selected a few more ingredients, and advised the

chefs, “Follow my instructions, and you might have a chance to get out of this alive.”

The chefs, still in shock from Lucius’s outburst, stared blankly at her.

Evidently, after enduring Lucius’s criticisms, none of the chefs were willing to step forward and take the lead.

Violet sighed and took it upon herself to start cooking, fearful that these chefs would perish if something went


Once she finished preparing a few simple dishes, she presented them to the chefs and suggested, “If Lucius gets

angry, just say that | was the one who made them.”

The chefs, uncertain at first, ultimately decided to serve the dishes Violet had prepared.

Having done what she could, Violet stretched and made her way back to her room.

There, she lay in bed in fear. She recalled a twhen Lucius had criticized her cooking. If he found the meal

unsatisfactory this time, she feared the chefs would blher. This thought made her regret involving herself in

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the mess.

Worried, she cautiously went downstairs to assess the situation.

Outside the study, all was quiet. No dishes had been thrown out. Her relief grew when she saw George

carrying empty plates that were still intact.

Feeling reassured, Violet took a deep breath and headed back to her room.

Upon her return to the kitchen, Violet noticed a significant shift in the chefs’ attitude towards her. They nearly

worshiped her.

“If there's anything you'd like to eat, just let us know. We'll make it for you!” they offered enthusiastically.

She closed her eyes, Violet thought for a moment, and then she listed a variety of delicious dishes that came

to mind.

The chefs employed by Lucius, now seemingly devoted to her, spoiled her with their cooking.

Over the course of a week of indulging in their culinary creations, she noticed she had gained sweight.

Pleased and patting her belly, Violet stepped back into the hall, just in tto see Lucius emerging from his
