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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 39
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Chapter 0039

“Let my daughter go! Please!”

The woman shielded Violet behind her and pleaded with Luclus.

Why was she begging for mercy on Violet's behall?

Violet was confused.

They were soon surrounded by dogs.

The woman lifted her stick and swung it at the dogs. She was not worried about herself whatsoever and just

focused on protecting Violet.

Lucius swung his hand upstairs, and George Immediately moved. He gave an order, “Chase them back!”

A few bodyguards jumped in and cracked the whips in their hands. The dogs yelped in pain and ran back.

Violet and the woman fell to the grass. Due to the chaos earlier, the grass was a mess.

After a long moment, Violet finally wrapped her head around what had happened. She grabbed the woman.

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“You stupid girl! Why did you do something like that?! Why didn’t you listen to your own mother?! Why did you

do this to yourself?! Why?!” The woman slapped her multiple times, and she did not hold her strength back. She

cried while yelling, as if she was thoroughly disappointed in her.

Wait... She said mother.

Was she Agatha River's mother?

While the woman hit her with all her strength, Violet could see the love in her eyes. A person would only grow

resentful of someone if they had truly loved them before, she supposed.

Dumbfounded, Violet just stared at the gray-haired, middle-aged woman. She was envious, but also touched.

She had never thought that there would ca day when someone would protect her at the risk of their own

lives, then beg someone to spare her while casting aside their own dignity. Even when the woman hit her, her

actions stemmed from love.

Was this how it felt like to have a mother?

Even so, Violet's last shred of rationality made her think of one thing.

“Could we do a paternity test?”

The woman stopped crying and yelling at her. She stared at her with teary eyes. “For what? You were never my

flesh and blood. I'm just your adoptive mother. How could you forget that?”


Was there really no way for her to prove that she was not Agatha River?


For sreason, she no longer felt as disappointed as before.

“Seriously, you. The woman shook her head before hugging her tightly, as if she was worried Violet would

leave the moment she let go.

Having never enjoyed a mother’s love before. Violet felt really touched and said, “Mom-.-”

“Oh, my child—" The woman finally broke down and started bawling.

Violet stayed in her arms quietly while also crying. She had never thought that someone would show her such

concern after she had been abandoned by her family, much less imagine that she would receive a mother’s

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love from a woman she did not even know.

Perhaps it was not so bad being Agatha. At the very least, she had a mother who cared for her and loved her.

Violet had never longed to be Agatha as much as she did at that moment.

After they were done crying, Naomi River, Agatha’s mother, led her out of the backyard while holding her hand.

Her tight grip made warmth blossom in Violet's heart, even though she had gone through such a scare just


Lucius cdown and headed out.

“Master Lucius!” Naomi suddenly rushed toward him and fell down on her knees in front of him. “It’s my fault for

not bringing up my daughter property. Lettake her place for whatever wrongs she has done.”

Touched, Violet teared up again. She went up to Lucius and bowed willingly for the first time. “I'm Agatha

River. I'll pay for all the mistakes I've made.”

Lucius remained stony faced when Naomi spoke, but when Violet did, he narrowed his eyes and stared at her.

“Please don’t get innocent people involved.” Violet pulled Naomi up.

When Naomi wanted to say something else, Violet touched her arm and shook her head. Her eyes were filled

with determination.