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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 140
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Chapter 0140

As George walked in, he was utterly speechless at the scene before him.

His employer was...applying ice to someone's face! Could the world turn upside down? Was the Third World War

underway? Opting not to disturb them, he discreetly exited the room.

Lucius’s adeptness made Violet aware that this man was actually proficient at this. She suspected his initial

roughness was a deliberate act, a form of playful punishment.

Once he was done, she covered her face and complained playfully, “So, you're teaming up with those people to

bully me?”

Lucius was innocent. He applied ice because he cares about her. At the question, he wondered if Violet was blind

enough to see that.

Unbeknownst to Violet, Lucius had quickly mastered this task with his exceptional intelligence. Initially, he had

no clue about the proper way to do it.

After discarding the ice pack in the bin, he commanded, “Make something forto eat.”

In light of his earlier care, Violet obediently made her way to the fridge, which she found fully stocked with

various ingredients. Additionally, there was a small, well-equipped kitchen area.

She sighed, and began chopping up ingredients on the cutting board.

Lucius felt a strange satisfaction as he watched her cook from behind. Settling down with a pillow, he turned on

the TV, waiting for the meal while watching sshows.

Violet glanced back at him occasionally, lounging comfortably, and couldnt help but wonder if he was too

relaxed for someone in another person's office.

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An hour later, she served several delicious dishes, filling the room with their tantalizing aroma.

Lucius dove into the meal with an enormous appetite, as if he hadn't eaten in days.

Violet speculated whether his earlier kindness was just a ploy driven by hunger to have her cook him a hearty

meal. Knowing his delicate stomach, Violet intervened when he grabbed for his third serving of pasta.

Lucius, visibly annoyed, shot her a deadly look.

“You're going to control how | eat now?”

Violet was helpless in the face of his reaction. Couldn’t someone who has a weak stomach be self -aware?


“Just eat at the next meal, that’s enough for now.”

“Are you going to cook forlater?”

He was skilled at capitalizing on opportunities. She hesitantly nodded to urge him to put down his


With this promise, Lucius reluctantly agreed to let her remove the remaining dishes.

After cleaning up. Violet took off her apron and wiped her hands. “If there's nothing else, I'll be

going now.”

Lucius’s eyes, burning with a different hunger, fixated on her chest, and she declared, “I'm not

done being hungry.”

Violet glanced anxiously at her chest, found nothing amiss, and suggested, “Perhaps you should drink more

water if you're still hungry.”

He suddenly rose from the sofa and walked towards her.

Violet was overcwith dread. She took an involuntary step back, but he had already closed in.

“I don’t want water, | want you,” Lucius confessed, his stare becoming scorching hot.

Violet's heart skipped a beat as those final few words brushed against her ear. Before she could answer, his lips

were gently kissing and nibbling on her earlobe.

Her legs gave way, causing her to fall backward, but his firm grasp caught her. In the next instant, their lips met

in a deep, passionate kiss.

The unexpected kiss left Violet in shock, her instincts to resist were momentarily forgotten.

Lucius deepened his fervent kiss, his passion evident.

It seemed like an eternity before he released her. As he glanced at her, the fire in his eyes was still burning

brightly, hinting at something.

Touching her lips, Violet asked in confusion, “Why... Why did you kiss me?”

Lucius was overcwith the impulse to devour her right then. “Can’t you see why?”

She could only shake her head, too bewildered to play along.

In a fit of irritation, Lucius swept her onto the sofa, his kiss even more intense than before. It wasn’t simply a kiss

this time. His hands were actively setting fire to her body.

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Violet was caught in the storm of hie naceion weakly attamatina to nuch him away. Her offarte


barely affected him, as his advances were gradually softening her shields.

Finally, in desperation, she bit him.

“Have you turned into a dog?” he asked, releasing her, his expression dark with anger.

Shaking, Violet backed away and stammered. “You...you...”

She was painfully aware that she was dangerously close to losing control over her emotions.

Violet didn’t want to yearn for an unattainable love, especially since he had vowed never to love


Hastily, she escaped the room, leaving Lucius alone.

The finger marks on her cheeks faded that night, but her swollen lips were a stark reminder of

their encounter.

Violet avoided Naomi, fearing she might notice something was off. She locked herself in her room as soon as she

went home, claiming the need to work overtime.

Throughout the night, the sensation of Lucius’s warm breath on her neck haunted her.

The next day, with eyes red from a restless night, she went to the office. The mood in the office was darker than

it had been in previous days.