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Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 626
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The anticipation was thick in the air, almost palpable.

The day of the gala had dawned surprisingly bright and clear, a stark contrast to the dreary, rain-soaked days that had preceded it. Vista Town's elite and a smattering of celebrities usually glimpsed only on screen graced the event, making the hotel's entrance a parade of luxury cars and eager reporters.

Catching sight of the cameras, I couldn't help but express my amazement, "My mom really went all out with this." Beside me, Gregory nonchalantly agreed, "Yeah, the scale of this thing is kind of stressingout." I thought he shared my sentiment until he added, "Makesthink I'll have to go even bigger for our wedding." I was speechless.

I sneaked in through the back door into the green room.

Bella's eyes lit up when she saw me. "My daughter looks stunning." Despite my excitement, nerves tingled through me.

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Feeling the sweat in my palms, she guidedto sit down on a couch. "Take a breather. Ivy will cfetch you when it's your turn." I nodded.

Before leaving, Bella turned to Gregory, saying, "Try to calm her down a bit, will you? She's still pregnant, and even at three months, we can't have her getting too stressed." "Of course, Bella." Gregory settled next toafter Bella left.

He asked, "Wantto say anything in particular?" "I don't even know..." "Okay." Suddenly, he knelt in front of me, "I've been trying to comfort you all morning with no luck. It's hard to control physiological responses." "But, I might have a slightly unconventional solution." Intrigued and too preoccupied to question his logic, I went along with it, believing in him.

"What's the plan?" "I could propose to you." As the guests seated themselves in the banquet hall and the reporters found their spots, the flash of cameras was blinding when Bella took the stage.

"I'm sure you've all heard the rumors. When I initially denied any relationship with Summer Taylor, your curiosity was piqued." "Here, I'd like to clarify..." Bella exposed Pearl's past misdeeds and how Summer deceived her, preventing her from recognizing her own daughter.

Being a well-known actress, her tears flowed on cue, enhancing the emotional impact of her speech. She chose a subdued gown for the occasion, willingly playing the supporting role to her daughter. Her heartfelt delivery moved many in the audience to tears.

However, among the crowd of journalists, a masked woman's eyes gleamed with malice.

When Christine cto fetch me, Gregory had stepped out to take a call.

Surveying me, Christine teased, "What's with the flushed ears?" I rolled my eyes. "It's nothing. He just brought up proposing out of the blue." "Proposing? He did?!" "Not exactly." I muttered under my breath, "He always mentions it in passing, but never follows through." "Your man doesn't seem the type to back down." Christine began analyzing, "You mean so much to him, so proposing has beca big deal. Probably nerves." "It's not like running a company with a blueprint to follow." "He wants the proposal to be unique, just for you." Hearing this, I nodded, "You're good at analyzing others' relationships. When it comes to your own though..." I realized too late I had touched a sore spot.

Christine's expression dimmed slightly, which madefeel guilty. "Dailey's hurt. He probably wanted you to visit. I didn't tell you because after last time, I didn't want you to feel obligated." "I've already been to the hospital." Christine's tone was light, "Not because I knew he was injured. I was there on other business and heard, so I stopped by." A hint of scorn crossed her face, "Unfortunately, I saw him with his et art by his side, feeding him apples, looking very cozy. Must be his old flame." Trying to appear unaffected, I could sense her hurt and offered a comforting hand.

"It's my fault; I've been neglecting you." If Dailey was playing games, then it was tto move on. "We don' need someone who keeps us hanging while having someone else in their heart."

Christine raised an eyebrow, "Exactly. It's not like I'm short on options if wanted someone who's attentive and understanding." "Let's not dwell on this. Today's about you being happy." Knock, knock- As we spoke, someone knocked on the door.

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Christine opened it.

"Ivy." With a smile, Ivy announced, "Jane, you're up." Following Ivy, I prepared to make my entrance.

Gregory, having finished his call, reassured me, "Go ahead, KII bè Fight there in the audience." "Okay." I nodded.

"And now, letintroduce my biological daughter to you all." As Bella spoke, the grand doors of the banquet hall opened.

Under the watchful gaze of many, I caught my grandmother's loving look and smiled back, offering a small wave in return. Her gesture eased my nerves as I confidently approached my mother.

Just then, a shrill voice pierced the air.

"Jane, just die!"