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Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 303
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Chapter 302 Whether it was announcing an engagement or filing for divorce, I was always on board, thinking that would be the end of it and that we could finally go our separate ways.

But unexpectedly, my existence becunbearable for them.

Bryant heldtightly as if trying to mergeinto him, whispering soothing words, "No, Jane, that's not what I meant. Please calm down for a moment." "What do you mean, then?” I struggled to keep my trembling body under control, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Are you going to say you never thought of marrying Dorothy? That sendingabroad was for my benefit?" A wondered, 'What about that bullet you fired in my direction or your defense of Dorothy before Ramona? Was it all just a joke? Or did I deserve it? I can't and won't believe it anymore." The harsh yet truthful words of the Myers women echoed in my mind. Bryant and I were worlds apart. I had once attempted to bridge that gap because of Timothy, but it was nothing more than a fleeting illusion. Even living under the sroof, Bryant and I were like two parallel lines that would never meet.

At my words, Bryant paused, loosening his grip and resting his forehead against mine, his gaze intense. "Just believe in me, one last time." It felt like a scorching touch, makinginstinctively want to pull away. Yet, something madehold Bryant's gaze. "Believe what? That after three years of marriage, you didn't even want to have a child with me?" The words he had spoken the day we went to file for divorce stung like a thorn in my heart. It wasn't aboutbut about the child that could have been.

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His eyes filled with regret and helplessness, and he hesitated before speaking but was interrupted by a knock.

"Who's in there?" There cGregory's voice, which was stern and different from his usual carefree demeanor. It was the Myers family's territory, and Gregory was close with Dorothy. If he found out and mentioned it to Dorothy...

238 SFGFSS OF x 25 ± 20 20 The last thing I wanted was more trouble with Dorothy after the divorce. I pushed Bryant away forcefully, but he remained unmoved, his voice low, "What's going on between you and Gregory?" "What's it to you?" My frustration boiled over, glaring at him. “Letgo! If Gregory sees you with me, your plans to marry Dorothy will be ruined." The moment I finished speaking, Bryant let go. The man who seemed desperate to make promises a minute ago feared his fiancée discovering our entanglement.

I couldn't help but smirk bitterly as I watched him leave, feeling a slight pang in my heart. Turning around, I opened the door to Gregory's scrutinizing gaze.

He looked pastinto the yard, his voice cold and ominous, "What are you doing here?" "I, uh, I finished breakfast and got lost. Then I suddenly needed the bathroom and saw this door open..." Gregory didn't press further, returning to his usual laid-back demeanor. "This isn't a place for you. Don't cin here without reason." 1 shouldn't have said anything, but perhaps feeling guilty, I asked, "Why not?" He answered, “Because it's not for the likes of you." His hand rested on the door, gently pulling it shut and changing the lock code. He was methodical and earnest throughout the process, as if worried about damaging something.

Chapter 303 It seemed he was planning a big event. To those in the know, Gregory was changing the locks. But to others, he might look like he was engaging in sancient ritual.

I finally put two and two together. "Is this... your missing fiancée's garden?" Gregory's thick lashes fluttered as he shota glance. “You know the answer, so why ask?" "You..." I couldn't help but blurt out, "Have you ever considered what if you can't find her?" He stareddown, his eyes narrowing, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Then I certainly won't settle down for anyone, including you." "Stop flattering yourself." I nearly choked on my words. "Someone like you? I wouldn't take you even if you were the last guy in the world." Having been burned by Bryant's unrequited love once was enough for me. From then on, I'd steer clear of men haunted by the ghost of a past love.

And who was he? The heir of the Ford dynasty, a legacy five generations deep.

As a divorced woman, what right did I have to even dream of becoming part of their family? Besides him, his family would probably chaseout with pitchforks.

"Mr. Ford, Ms. Webster." The butler ran over, out of breath. "I've been looking everywhere for you two: Lady Ramona was asking for you." When we returned to Ramona's garden, Bryant and Dorothy were there, too.

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Dorothy was on the verge of a meltdown. “Grandma, you're seriously not attending mine and Bryant's engagement party?"

"Marriage is a matter for the parents to attend." Ramona waved atm elegantly as I walked in, showing no interest in the festivities. "I'm getting old and don't enjoy these loud events anymore." I nodded slightly and walked over, Ramona pullingto sit beside her.

Fuming, Dorothy looked like she wanted to crush her coffee cup. "What if it were Lilliana's engagement party?" "You've always compared yourself to Lilliana." Ramona didn't directly answer, but her point was clear: Lilliana, the granddaughter who shared a quarter of Ramona's blood, wouldn't just be another guest. She'd take the reins and make it an event to remember.

Not entirely witless, Dorothy caught the implication and felt slighted. "How could I not compare myself to Lilliana? Even the servants reminisce about how quirky and smart Lilliana was as a child! But no matter how great she was, she's gone now. Why can't you praisefor once... Ah!" Before Dorothy could finish, with zero regard for gentlemanly conduct, Gregory flung a cup of warm coffee right at her.

Unperturbed by his lack of decorum, Gregory's smirk grew wider. "Dorothy, what right do you have to compare yourself to her? Her influence is why you're here commanding attention." That single statement had metaphorically trampled Dorothy into the dirt. It was as if he was saying an imitation daring to compare itself to the original.

Bryant, who had once stood by me, stepped forward to protect Dorothy, his gaze icy. "Mr. Ford, regardless of your thoughts, she is my fiancée."

Is that so?" Gregory's laugh cwith implication. "If she truly manages to marry into the Ferguson family, might respect her." Bryant's eyes widened, and he quickly changed the subject before Dorothy could catch the hidden meaning. "Whether you respect her isn't the point." "Oh." Gregory seemed unbothered, his gaze sweeping overbefore resting on Dorothy with a half-smile. "Do you think he's that into you?" X