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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 98
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The patriarch slapped his thigh excitedly and quickly summed everything up, "Excellent, as long as we made everything clear, I will immediately start building a grand auction hall in downtown Jura and start promoting its opening in two months from now,

We will also begin to search for talents in the soul power of Jura City, and in the military campaigns against the rebels in our new lands, then we will announce the opening of general recruitment for the entire kingdom for those with strong souls and retired knights when the auction opens in two months, is that good?"

Robin nodded, "The timeline is okay, in two months Zara can have a few pills and talismans of a suitable level to sell... Ah, I almost forgot, catch!"

Robin took out two scrolls from his cloak and threw them towards the patriarch, who picked them up and opened the first of them excitedly, but soon the enthusiasm turned into a few tears that could be clearly seen in the patriarch's eyes.

The elders present were tensed upon seeing this scene and one of them hurriedly asked, "What is it, Patriarch? Is there a problem in that scroll..?"

The patriarch smiled and wiped his eyes, then passed the scroll to the elder next to him, "No, not at all... take it, you Read it too."

After the Sheikh also read it, he cried and then passed it to the next... 

some were thrilled, some got emotional, it passed to all of them until they all finally understood what this was... 

The new land was officially granted to them by a degree from the royal family and finally, they were recognized as a Marquess family... 

Their dream and that of their parents and grandparents have come true...

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After a few more seconds, the patriarch finally opened the next scroll and found a pledge sealed by the sage Albert that the Burton family could expand as they liked so long as *they don't go too far* and that they could aggressively defend their interest or attack against any personal problem without interference from the royal family for fifty years.

The Patriarch was very surprised by this and quickly looked at Robin, "This is..?!"

"There is no need to think about the importance of that promise now, focus on the Marquess document... With this document, you can legally launch subjugation wars on our new lands and formally dominate them, 

and no other family will try to take a piece from it without starting a war with us... I refuse to think that some family would offend us over new un-subdued land,

 you can also use it to increase the family's business and recruit more talents from all over the kingdom for a MARQUESS family now! Just... make the most of it."

"Alright, then we'll leave now and let you rest." The Patriarch nodded excitedly, then stood up excited to start what he had to do, and the rest of the elders stood after him

Robin was right, their new official status would bring them more benefits, be it political weight or commercial, everything needs to be reconstructed! 

"Wait," before everyone left Bailey interjected, "Robin, you asked me to lock up your brother John until you *have time for him*, he has been in prison since then... 

since you are here now what do you want to do with him? He has been screaming since we throw him in prison that he wants to meet you.."

"Oh, I almost forgot about that guy... I guess he can't really be left imprisoned for too long... Kill him." Robin waved without interest

"... Hah?" Everyone responded at the same time, wondering, Robin's answer was not expected at all

Robin raised an eyebrow, "What? We won't let him eat and drink for free forever, right? Kill him, hang his body in front of his house for seven days, and then throw the body out of town to be eaten by the beasts."

Robin was speaking softly, but every word that came out with dense killing intent made the bodies of everyone present shiver and the hair of their bodies stand up

Caesar quickly tried to intervene after hearing those words, "Father! Perhaps there is a misunderstanding, even if he is mistaken he is still your brother, perhaps you should-"

"Shut up! Taking you to the restaurant for the first time and letting you handle the situation yourself without helping you can be considered a coincidence or his character as weak, but smuggling you out of the family residence a few hours before the competition? 

Taking you to the city gate? Convincing you to go with the saints who clearly wanted to kill you? are all of these coincidences too?" Robin got really angry and yelled at Caesar

"... Maybe.. maybe it was really a coincidence…" Caesar spoke in a low voice, not looking directly at Robin's eyes

When Robin saw him like this he didn't continue his screaming, after a few seconds he spoke again, "I haven't got the chance to hear all the details about what happened that night, I'll ask you one question and the answer to it you will decide whether to carry out the death penalty or to postpone for further investigation, answer only with the truth...Ready?" 

Caesar's eyes flashed for a moment, he didn't want to believe that his kind Uncle John had a hand in the assassination attempt, if he had a chance to save him just come now, so he hurriedly replied, "I'll answer honestly, please ask!"

Robin nodded, "When the Saints got busy with their battles and you decided to escape with Peon and Theo using Darkness talismans... did that guy try to stop you from leaving in any way?"

Caesar was shocked by the question and looked towards the ground, He didn't answer...

When Robin saw him like this, he furrowed his eyebrows more and looked at Peon, "Did that really happen?"

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"Yes, mast-... Ahem, Yes, father. Uncle John did try to stop us with all his might, and I assume that if he had known about the existence of the talismans beforehand, he might have grabbed us so we wouldn't leave him alone." Peon spoke without feelings

When he heard the report, Robin became even angrier, "That bastard!! If he isn't killed for treason, he should've been killed for rampant stupidity! Billy, do as I told you, but hang him in front of his house for two weeks instead of one, and tell everyone what he did... Tell them that this is the penalty for treason against the family, for treason against me! No one will escape punishment, not even those who are my flesh and blood."

The betrayal of his institution's colleague who came to kill him... the betrayal of the person who leaked his information to the royal family, and the betrayal of his *brother* John, who almost lost Caesar from him...

For Robin, whose path depends on going step by step as secretly as possible, betrayal is his worst nightmare.

The elders understood what Robin was up to and nodded and then left, Billy also sighed and went out behind them to do what he had to do...

After he emptied the building for Robin and accompanied him, Robin looked at Caesar who was still clearly very sad, "Sigh~ I don't know if you are sad that he betrayed you or that his betrayal of you will lead to his death... 

Either way, you must realize that your life is more important than Anyone or anything, whoever wants to mess with you, they better be ready to get killed themselves.

... Go now, choose rooms for yourselves, arrange your stuff in your new rooms and rest for the night. Tomorrow the three of you will go to more battles.

And you, Zara, after you have a good rest, start making a few spirits revitalizing pills as I taught you, and make a few different kinds of talismans, but let your primal focus be on cultivating and resting your soul powers, that's more important than any instant benefit we might gain from the auctions, always put your health first... and when you are done with the talismans and cultivating, go out and play.. live your life and meet the other girls in the family, you are a Butron as much as they are."

"yes, father." The four nodded, Theo and Peon without emotion... Caesar held on a little better, and Zara was visibly excited and happy.

Caesar smiled awkwardly and spoke jokingly, "And you, Dad, what are you going to do? Don't say you will be focusing on training and leaving the three of us in the dirt behind you, you've already caught with us even though you focus on research more.. this is really hurting our self-confidence!"

"Hahaha don't worry boy, I have something in my head to look for and this may take a lot of time, you will have enough time to build your pillars before me, but don't be lazy! Go away now.... it's time for bed, and a new beginning tomorrow!"