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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 453 World History
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"You have lost all ancient history?! Hmm... It is indeed not very practical to rely on one person to pass everything on to the next generation, listen up then..." Fugon nodded a few times and then looked seriously at Robin, "We basically don't know the origin of life in this world, our history books only span to around 500,000 years ago, but it's enough to give us everything we need about what's going on around us... So let me start without any further deletions, 500,000 years ago there was no energy cultivation yet, there were only several intelligent races that sometimes fought and sometimes cooperated like any in-race tribes, and there weren't any major issues, as for those races, most of them were branches of the Treant species, they are plants that have mutated and gained intelligence."

Hearing those words, Alexander and the rest's eyebrows sank, even Robin himself furrowed his brows slightly, intelligent plants? They have nothing of the description to this point other than the Tree Father himself maybe, Did he mean the buds? Was his reading of the memories of the buds inaccurate as they turned out to be a real independent race?

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Fugon noticed the change and smiled slightly, "You all don't need to think too much, I know you didn't see any Treant before, history says that Treants are completely different from the buds we see every day, Treants could be real trees that can move or flowers that jump and play with each other, they are real plants that have gained its consciousness from nature! At that time, it was not strange to find a few men fighting with a tree while it jumped and kicked them with one of its roots, or to find a guy picking a flower to smell its fragrance while it curses him! Those creatures were extremely widespread, at that time if we humans trampled a field of corn you might find half of it turned into Treant creatures!"

"This is because the laws of this world support plant life more than others, it can even be said that it was tailor-made for the Treants! this troubled other creatures like us humans and made us somewhat powerless in front of them, but it didn't threaten our existence... The good thing is that the Treants are lazy creatures who often like to just dig their roots to the ground and relax under the sun~ and they do not tend to live in groups either, so there have been no major wars ranging between our races. But at the same time, we humans did not have any land of our own, nor a place to call it home."

Then he continued, "We didn't dare to live in the same spot as we might get annihilated in our sleep, so our ancestors were living in scattered small villages, and even though they weren't left alone... Our ancestors would wake up to find their fields destroyed by a Treant who wanted to save his unconscious relatives, for example, or perhaps a huge Treant passing through the middle of a human village and simply destroying it under its roots killing half of its citizens... Those creatures knew exactly how strong they are compared to us humans and acted accordingly, with no care whatsoever."

"There is such a thing?" Robin furrowed his brows slightly, whether the mortal human's memories or the bud's memories didn't contain such a distant history

Fogon nodded slowly and then continued, "You may be wondering why you haven't seen a Treant in your lifetime. Well, that is because they were all exterminated... Except for seven."

"Seven? You mean…?"

Fugon nodded again, "Yeah, I mean the current Seven Tree Father."

"Waiiit wait wait, I don't understand anything here. The Seven Tree Fathers are the only remaining treats in the world?" Robin waved his hand several times, "Does that mean that in the World War, the humans won, and they won so overwhelmingly that they almost annihilated all the Treants? But how are the Seven Tree Fathers running the world now?"

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Fugon shook his head slowly, "Let me explain to you... About 220,000 years ago, one of our human ancestors invented a technique by which he could accumulate natural energy within his body to power himself. That ancestor spread the technique to the entire human race so that we could protect ourselves from the harassment of the Treant race and Their illogical behavior, and this is what happened... and a little more if I may say~"

Then Fugon continued, "The first thousand years after the invention of the Inner Energy Gathering Technique, we humans managed to gather ourselves together after we were scattered and found a piece of land to establish our own kingdom and erected walls around it and placed a heavy guard of cultivators, even the new Treant creatures that were appearing within our walls, we would throw them out or subject them to our service... At last, and for the first time in this world history, we could live in a large community and in peace, away from the Treants' headaches, for a while at least."

"But it seems that the world had another opinion. After the first millennium, very powerful Trent creatures began to appear one after the other. It was clear that they also follow some kind of energy cultivation system, and the problem is that if both a Trent and a human were at the same energy level, the trend would be much stronger thanks to its already stronger body, that and their numbers were already many times ours and were constantly increasing to the point of threatening the survival of our small kingdom, the enormous amount of natural energy at that time pushed this process even faster... We have preserved our cultivation technique within our borders and are sure that no leaks have occurred, how did the Trent creatures manage to strengthen themselves to this degree and threatened our thousand years of accumulated progress? Our ancestors did not know at that time, and to this day we do not know what happened either!" Fugon shook his head

But Robin raised his eyebrows a little, he had just remembered what the All-Seeing God had said when they first met about the planet interfering and influencing newborns to grow up and invent techniques to harness natural energy.

'Perhaps there really was no leakage, perhaps the planet helped the Trents indirectly to restore the balance of power, Fugon said that the laws on the planet seem to be tailor-made for the Treants, I would not be surprised if the planet wants them to dominate and have more power over the rest of the other insignificant races here like humans..' Robin thought as he wiped on his chin

But suddenly he stopped and opened his eyes to the last of them and then asked, "Wait, You say the laws of the planet are tailor-made for the Treants? Why don't I feel this? The laws seem too normal here, except that the law of life is perhaps a little more apparent compared to the rest of the laws, and why haven't more Trent creatures been created from that day? You said they even grow in the corn fields, right? Also, what do you mean by massive natural energy? Natural energy is very scarce here! ...Are we talking about the same world?"

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