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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 445 I Need To Know
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"Dad…" Zara muttered in a low voice, biting her lips, then walked two steps behind her father

Only after Robin moved a few hundred steps away from that large crowd, and after Elizabeth ordered them to return to their duties and not to disturb His Excellency, Robin's features turned from smiling and comforting to someone with severe headaches again, then he raised his left hand and began massaging his forehead...

Acting in front of all of them that he was completely fine was not easy, during that short period that he stood in front of Alexander, he activated many Minor Heavenly Laws besides the Major Heavenly Law of life in order to be able to put on that mask... although this increased the pressure on him more and increased his headache more and more, However, the army's morale cannot be allowed to fall because of him!

"Hoooh~ I'm fine…" Robin slowly shook his head and started to advance again in a certain direction, then suddenly asked, "…How are Jabba and the rest? Why did they leave and what exactly is going on there?"

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Elizabeth took two more steps forward to be closer to Robin, then began to reply, "Second Commander in Chief, Jabba, decided to take the army and head in a northwest direction because he realized that the enemy forces were withdrawing to that side in secret, then---" Elizabeth continued without Stop until you get to the part where Jabba decides to enter the battle between some local humans and white humanoids

"There are people here who are identical to the people of Planet Jura, that really explains a lot and fills in a lot of blanks..." Robin nodded with a slight smile, "Jabba's decision was flawless. If we had a local ally on this planet, everything would be easier... Then what happened?"

"According to reports, the battle between the local humans and the white humanoids was already in a state of equilibrium at the time, with no indications that it would lean toward one of them any time soon, but after our forces intervened in favor of the local human army, everything collapsed… even though there were around 20,000 white humanoid saints and sages chasing after our men, and they too joined the battle, they were unable to equalize the great danger shown by the men of the Golden Battalion, and within only three hours, that battle was resolved in favor of the humans.

Then she continued with some concern on her face, "The problem is that after the defeated white human forces retreated, the generals of the human army came to greet Jabba and the rest cheered, but the big problem that arose was the language barrier… Jabba and the rest initially thought it would be an Ordinary problem that they just have to show that they don't know the language of those locals then they can communicate by sign, or ask someone to teach them the language, but the problem was bigger than they thought... Those humans looked very apprehensive when they learned that our men couldn't speak their language and They left a distance between them, and in the blink of an eye all attempts to communicate were cut off."

Robin's steps stopped and his eyebrows furrowed slightly, "...their behavior has one explanation, which is that there is some unified language for the planet and that it is not normal for them to find someone who does not know it. They must have started to doubt the origin of the members of the Golden Battalion at that point. That's why they put their distance... I'm afraid Jabba's plan to try to blend in with the locals hit a metal wall before it even started."

"It's true, Jabba also came to this conclusion in his report. The situation really didn't go as he wanted but it's not too bad either..." Elizabeth nodded and then continued, "After that battle, that local human army disintegrated into several small armies and they began to infiltrate in all directions, Jabba said in his report that they are trying to kill all the white humanoids in that area and control the largest plots of land possible, and they have also begun to build some simple defensive fortifications."

Robin looked at Elizabeth with surprise, "And what is not bad about that? If those humans are our allies then we can congratulate them, but as long as they start to suspect us and isolate our army, they are potential enemies, and they could be worse of an enemy than those white humanoids too... "

Elizabeth shook her head lightly, "It is not like that. Even though they are suspicious of us, they show clear respect for us and consider us at least as the enemy of their enemy... For example, during the three days that followed that battle, the white humanoids organized 5 more armies to attack the local humans... The Scale of those battles wasn't remotely big as the first one, but they still weren't something the local humans can handle with ease after they split up, so they were asking for help every time from Jabba and they fought side by side more than once, the second proof of their respect is that they sent parts of their armies to control the lands on their right and left and behind them, but they did not advance towards us until this moment, they came to a full stop at the point where they met Jabba!"

Robin looked in front of him again for a few seconds, before moving again towards the captives' tent which was now close by, and asked, "How far is it between us and Jabba right now?"

"A little more than a thousand kilometers," Elizabeth responded quickly

Robin nodded, "Good, when Jabba sends the next report tell him to pull back exactly five hundred kilometers and start making some fortifications at that point."

"...Is this really necessary? Wouldn't this show weakness on our part?" Elizabeth did not understand

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"Their behavior says that they moved to take advantage of the chaos we created and control more lands, but we are currently standing in their way preventing them from doing so. They may respect the fact that we have helped them achieve those results now, but if we continue to stand in their way, sooner or later a conflict will happen. I didn't come to this planet for a piece of land, I've had enough of this in Planet Jura, earning an entire race's enmity over a piece of land is quite irrational... So it would be better if we withdrew 500 kilometers on our own and showed goodwill, and at the same time start making fortifications at that point to tell them they can't approach more, It's a simple message and I know they will understand it." Robin analyzed and then removed the curtain from the prisoners' tent and entered the tent, then he waved to the guards inside to withdraw

Only after they left did Robin continue, "Tell Jabba that until I go to him myself, even if he cannot win their trust, our relationship with these local humans must remain neutral."

"You will go to the front yourself? When?" Zara asked excitedly and worried at the same time

Robin took a few more steps and sat down in front of one of the captured white humanoid creatures... Like last time, that creature was tied hand and foot from behind, but this time the creature was not trying to bite Robin's head off, rather it was looking at him with its green eyes with great fear

Robin slowly extended both hands and placed them on either side of that humanoid creature's head, and started the soul search process again, "... We suffer from an acute lack of information, like a blind person feeling the road, all we know now is the result of accumulated experience by falling into a hole after a hole... We cannot go on like this. Tell Jabba that I will go to him when I know what I want to know."

"Are you... Is that Sould Search? Again?! Dad, what are you doing? You can barely speak but want to perform a soul technique of this level? Please stop!!" Zara took a few steps and spoke anxiously

"It's okay... There is no rush this time..." Robin gave a cruel smile and started his work...


Starting from that day and for weeks, the tragic cries did not stop for a moment from that tent...