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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 441 Whale On Land
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*swoosh swoosh swoosh*

"Your Excellency, are you okay?!"

"Dad!! I was worried sick about you!"

"Ah! His Excellency is truly awakened!!!"

The news of Robin waking from his deep sleep took everyone on top of the hill by storm. In the blink of an eye, the imperial tent was filled with sages using the Major Life Law and specialized doctors, and even top generals like Elizabeth and Zara were among them.

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As whoever could not enter the tent because of his low status, or because he saw that it would not benefit his excellency anything if he entered now and would only contribute to the overcrowding of the tent, would remain standing outside waiting to see his excellency when he come out or at least until he heard some good news from those who entered, General Alexander was one of those...

Robin's reaction to the entry of this number of people into his tent was a bit too... Nice!

He just smiled and nodded, left whoever wanted to examine his body with his soul sense or perform a bodily check to do it at his convenience, and contented himself with embracing Zara and patting her on the back of her head to reassure her, but that is all, he didn't even say a word from start to finish...

When Elizabeth noticed this, her brows furrowed and then she clapped in a hurry, "Alright everyone you have seen His Excellency and made sure he is okay, he must be exhausted now, let us go out now and let him rest."

Everyone inside the tent appeared dejected and disappointed upon hearing this, but they did not waste any more time, they all began to bow one after the other and exit the tent quietly.

"Elizabeth, you may wait..." For the first time since the crowd arrived, Robin called out as Elizabeth was about to leave.

"...? Yes." Elizabeth took one step before leaving the tent and looked back at Robin with more uneasiness, Robin's voice was simply too weak!

"Shall I go out, Dad?" Zara raised her head from his lap and asked

But then Robin smiled and just shook his head gently, telling her to stay without saying another unnecessary word...

"....May I ask about what happened that day? And how are you now? We know that woke up a few days ago before returning to sleep again, does waking up now mean you are completely healed? Or..?" Elizabeth remained silent for a few seconds after which she could not hold herself any longer and asked

Robin's gentle facial expressions, his half-open eyes, and even his slow movements in patting Zara's back and her hair were all not normal things, that's not Robin's nature, something has to be up with him!

Even Zara noticed this and took her presence in Robin's lap as an excuse to examine his condition as accurately as possible, but she did not find anything abnormal...

Robin raised his head and looked at Elizabeth with that gentle smile, and spoke with apparent difficulty, "....Maybe I should start from the beginning so as not to jump around the same topic, but first excuse my speaking speed while I do so, I will try my best... That day I was trying to search the soul of that humanoid creature to find out what was going on around us through its memories... But after going a little deeper into its soul I found a very strong resistance... Resistance of a level that even a half-step Emperor level person like you shouldn't have, never mind the level 14 humanoid that I was trying to search!"

after pausing for a second he continued, "…After that, I felt that my surroundings suddenly changed and my soul moved to a very wide place, and I found myself standing in front of a huge formless and bright mass and I felt hostile from it... I quickly discovered that it was a soul, the strongest soul I had ever seen before... So I tried to pull my soul quickly back to my body so as not to directly collide with it... But the problem is that I was no longer wandering in the soul of that white humanoid as intended Rather, As I said my soul was transferred to another zone, and I did not know a way back to my body..."

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"And what happened after that?!" Elizabeth asked again when she saw Robin pause for a few seconds

"…While trying to find a way to escape, that powerful soul turned to attack… Hundreds of tree branch-like whips attacked my soul and soon they wrapped themselves around my soul, capturing it with ease and preventing any attempt to withdraw my soul to my body even if I found a way back… After fixing my soul in place without any means to move, that large soul mass slowly advanced toward me... And I saw in the formless mass a mouth-like gap began to open in my direction... to tell the truth, I felt a fierce killing intent from that thing that almost broke me… That huge soul's intent was clear, it wanted to devour my soul right then and there…"

"Ahh!!" Zara retreated from her father's lap and placed her hand over her wide-open mouth... Devouring a soul? Just the term alone was enough to send strong chills all over her body!

Robin paused for a few more seconds and then continued, "...I didn't know what to do in front of that open mouth… It is not like I was an ant-like existence in front of it or something like that, In fact, the gap between my soul strength and his was not that huge... It is just that my soul was a raw mass of energy and I didn't know how to manipulate it to send attacks or to defend against it, I was like a whale trapped on land while facing a land beast, not knowing what to do… In summary, I didn't have any way to retreat neither did I have any means to fight back, so when I found the situation hopeless, I decided to blow up my soul and die along with that abnormal soul…."

"Blow up your soul?! You are now..?!" Elizabeth's body trembled when she heard this and she took a few steps toward Robin in apparent concern

What does soul detonation mean? A person is nothing but a body and a soul... If the body dies, the soul will turn into a ghost that roams around for a while before it dissipates, and in the worst case, the soul may fade away immediately after the death of the body.

And if the soul is damaged, the body will turn into what looks like vegetables, just a living thing without an identity or a thought of its own, and in the worst cases, the vital processes will stop and the body will start to rot...

This is not something that needs calculations or research from Robin to know its consequences, but rather general knowledge that everyone has known since time immemorial

If Robin had blown his soul out at that moment, then the one sitting in front of her right now would be...