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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 416 Terrifying Question
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"Alexander Levan, you seem to think you are so smart, hah? Do you think you can lead my army better than me? then tell me... Who are we?!" Robin's loud voice caught everyone's attention, and his strange question made everyone furrow their eyebrows...

*Who are we?* What kind of question is this?

Even Alexander frowned his eyebrows, not because Robin held his armor in this humiliating way or the way he yelled at his face as if he was just a follower

He knows very well that really became just a follower after the Great Green Hill Declaration and everyone here knows this, Robin didn't even have to yell at him or give him any reasons for his actions, He swore to carry out all his commands to the letter!

His questions and angry shouts just now were not to rebel against Robin, even if he wanted to he can't, but rather it was just a way to vent the helplessness he feels...

But now he looked at Robin with great stupefaction, then looked around at the rest of the golden army... Who are we?

Alexander didn't know what Robin meant, but it was Robin who asked him, he had to answer whether he like it or not, so he answered superficially with the first thing that crossed his mind, "We, the elite army from Planet Jura, we came here to conquer this planet."

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"That is absolutely right!" Contrary to what Alexander was expecting, Robin complimented him on his response, and then continued, "This is an elite army, most of them are at the peak of the Sainthood Realm or in the Sagehood Realm, fully equipped with Divine Armor and Divine weapons, and possessing the best Heavenly Law Techniques they can get, each *soldier* of them can command an army Or rule a kingdom on his own. An army of fifty thousand soldiers gathered over the years from all over planet Jura after I unified the planet and built the space portals, if the planet had not unified, how would we have gathered an army like this? If it weren't for the space portals, how would we gather and train them? Had it not been for their training for three years and their preparation for this war, how would they have dealt with this f*cked-up situation with such professionalism?!"

Robin's words stirred Alexander's emotions more, isn't that what he was shouting about just now? How can those humanoid white creatures covered in tree leaves stand in front of the golden army!?

Alexander took the opportunity and spoke again, "Your Excellency is absolutely right, please give us orders and we will show you what this army can do, your elite army will destroy all enemies!"

"IDIOT!" This time Robin did not praise him, but rather scolded him and pointed upwards, "Who are they?!"

Alexander followed Robin's signal and looked at the twenty thousand saints and sages who were showering attacks on the White Flame Dome,

Again, Alexander did not understand what Robin's question meant, but his face turned into a clear disdain, and replied anyway and sneered and said, "They are the army of this planet, playing tricks and taking advantage of the homeland to the fullest, But it is nothing in front of our absolute might? They only take advantage of the fact that Your Excellency is kind and does not want to exterminate them yet, but with our strength and our bravery, what can they do if your Excellency ordered all-out war? they can only... they...?!"

"Hmph, looks like you finally understood…" Robin let go of Alexander's armor with a slight pushback, leaving him to look up in utter stupefaction.

The look of disdain on his face turned to awe, then horror...

Not only he, but everyone who heard Alexander's words furrowed their brows and started to think about it, but some of them also reached the main point quickly and started to break into a sweat as they looked up in fear, and some of them still trying to understand what was going on.

But who was there? The uniform they were wearing may deceive those who don't know them, they are sages who have lived for hundreds of years, experienced the vicissitudes of life, and have vast experiences like the sea...

As for the rest, although they are still young, are the heroes of the Borton family who have fought a war against the Flame Empire for more than a decade, everyone who survived that internecine war gained great wisdom and immense war experience

Who were Galan Bradley and  Raymond Alton and the rest of the heaven-defying figures that Robin met and feared during his time at Planet Jura? They were dukes that ruled over hundreds of millions of souls, they could move armies and decide the fate of whole kingdoms, killing millions of mortals and experts if they will with no consequences, weren't they peak-level saints as well?

This golden army has 35,000 such figures!

In less than ten minutes, everyone understood what Robin was aiming for... The key in Alexander's words was *the army on this planet*

As Robin said, they are the representatives of the planet Jura, the most powerful battle group that can be gathered, after the unification of the planet they were gathered, equipped, and trained over three years.

Who are their enemies now? Were they also the representatives of planet Greenland? The answer is simply no.

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According to Robin's words about his experience in moving to planet Nihari for the first time, no one felt him landing on the planet, so theoretically, none of the inhabitants of Planet Greenland should know that they will land there... When did they gather this army?!

Did they know they were going to land here? But how did they know they were coming in the first place?! As long as the space portal is not activated and the coordinates are not placed in it, it is just a metal structure like any other

Even assuming that a person on this planet felt that there was a space channel linked to his planet when they started their journey here thus he prepared an army to receive them, this is also absurd!

All those present here had a clear mind during the trip, and they could feel that it took them about 5 days to reach this planet...

Was that person who discovered their journey able to gather all the experts on the planet in this place, coordinate between them, and prepare counter plans within only five days?


Even Robin, Emperor of the Planet Jura, the only person under the sky whose request cannot be refused, is impossible for him to gather the entire army of Planet Jura, train them to work together, and prepare plans for them to face an invasion from another planet in only five days.

And certainly, it is even more impossible for him to motivate his soldiers to the point of throwing themselves into their death without hesitation versus an enemy they don't even know, as is happening now.

Of course, all of this is assuming that someone felt the space channel, and this is a very weak possibility. It is most likely that their location was not known until after they reached the planet...

So how did they get surrounded in this way? How did the army of Planet Greenland gather on such short notice?

Is it possible that until this moment... they were fighting the locals of this forest?!