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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 412 Gold And Milk
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The reactions of the members of the Golden Battalion varied between fear, stupefaction, and even a hint of anger when they saw hordes of the humanoid white creatures coming at them like a river that was finally unblocked

Just moments ago they were thinking about how stupid these white humanoid creatures are to die such a pointless death!

But seeing this, their expression turned extremely ugly, not because of how strong the enemy is, but because they started thinking that maybe the stupid side during the last hour wasn't their enemy after all...

With just a few giant trees that the users of the Major Heavenly Law of plants managed to uproot, tens of thousands of enemies were visible, and even as they hurried at them they couldn't see an end to their numbers, there are much more of them still hiding

But even knowing this, the Golden Battalion members continued to advance at the same pace without stopping.

And soon, the two sides collided.



The walls and thorns of ice met the incoming humanoid white creatures' hordes and were able to instantly stop their advance and even managed to push them back a little.

Those who were unfortunate enough to be at the first few raws were either crushed by the stampede from behind or pierced by the ice thorns in front of them

While those in the back weren't in a much better situation, whoever tried to jump over the moving ice walls and thorns was met with flame arrows that turned them into ashes before they reached the ground again.

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Even those who were far away from the golden battalion weren't let off, hurricanes and wind blads float randomly killing unknown numbers of them in no time.

The golden army, slowly but surely, began to move away from its previous position between the three mounds, and the suicidal attacks that came upon them from above gradually decreased until they finally stopped, but their back was not protected either...

When the humanoid white creatures on the mounds found their presence above was of no use anymore so they began to climb down to participate in the battle, their overwhelming numbers covered the mountain from top to bottom turning it completely into a milky white color!

In the blink of an eye, the Golden Battalion found themselves surrounded from the front and the rear.

Only the Heavenly Plant Law users adjusted the scales a bit after they joined the battle...

As Robin commanded, the Major Heavenly Law of Plant users split into two halves, the first dedicated to protecting the ground under the golden battalion... and the second half was pushing the trees aside to make way for the army and at the same time were using those trees and its roots as a long-range attack to block the incoming enemy hordes

Only with the cooperation of the wind attacks from above and the giant tree roots from below did the pressure on the golden battalion decrease somewhat.

About half an hour passed since Robin gave the order to advance, but it seemed like a whole day...

So far not a single soldier has been killed, although it is a great morale boost for them, not a single one among them has rested for a moment, even the divine blacksmiths and inscription masters got themselves busy throwing out attacks!

The golden army has break out of the siege of the Three mounds successfully, but it fell into another kind of siege, now they were attacked from all sides without a chance to breath

Every time a soldier of the golden battalion attacked or even defends he would kill dozens of the humanoid white creatures, but their numbers didn't decrease at all but increased instead

Yes, increased! with every passing second thousand of humanoid white creatures would come running from the forest, it's almost like when one of them dies, two would appear!

They attacked without a specific plan and any fear of death as if they didn't know what death even means.

If it weren't for the Golden battalion entirely made up of Saints and Sages who have a high ability to control their emotions, some of them might have already collapsed under this enormous pressure.

Quite simply, a bird's eye view from above would see what is going on as a piece of gold swimming in a sea of milk!!

But with fire and ice flying attacks, tree roots sprouting everywhere, wind blades, and tornados appearing and disappearing momentarily... It was epic, to say the least.


At this moment a huge tornado rapidly approached the golden battalion storming hundreds of humanoid white creatures on its way, until it reached the golden battalion, Alexander quickly emerged from the tornado, and shouted in a loud voice, "Your Excellency, we have found a hill ten kilometers to the northwest, If we climb it successfully, it will be a suitable headquarters for the army, I will lead the way there."

Robin nodded and then raised his voice, "You heard him, follow that tornado!"


After hearing the orders, Victoria moved the forces she controls to get in behind the huge tornado that Alexander and the rest of the Sages had created, but the epic scene itself didn't change much.

Everyone was focused on their role, and every man and woman in the golden battalion focused on getting to the hill to save their lives.

Except for Robin... He looked completely absent-minded and looked up at the sky with furrowed eyebrows.

"Dad, what's wrong? Where are you looking? We need you to stand tall and set an example to the rest, You are worrying everyone... Can I help with something?" Zara spoke in a worried voice as he pulled up Robin's cloak

Anyone can worry or feel fear or stress, but not Robin!

He is a divine figure in everyone's hearts. If they find him standing lost and distracted in this kind of situation, what will happen to their morale?

Robin lowered his head with a smile and patted Zara's head, "Don't worry honey, just stay ready and wait by my side until I need help, okay?"

"En." Zara nodded, her eyebrows still a little knotted as she watched her father turn back to look at the sky again...

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Robin undoubtedly looked very worried... and he was!

The All-Seeing God told him that this planet should have experts in the Sagehood realm, where are they? Where are even the Saints? The strongest of all who attacked until now had strength equal to level 20, which means he is only a knight!

It is impossible that there is this huge number of energy foundations and knighthood realm cultivators, and there is not a single saint between them... Secondly, who moves them and gives them orders?

The fall of those humanoid white creatures from the top of the mounds in this suicidal manner was undoubtedly to move Robin's army from their place and push them to another, more dangerous spot.

This was clear as day, and Robin knew they were most likely waking into a trap, but it was inevitable...

If he remained in his place and received those suicidal attacks none stop, his forces would have been exhausted sooner or later no matter what he does.

But what was that *more dangerous* place that these creatures were trying to push them into? Did they want to attack them in open ground, as is happening now, or did they want them to fly and attack them mid-flight somehow?

Those humanoid white creatures that were hiding behind the trees, was that the trap he was anticipating? Well, if Robin's army had entered the forest and were attacked in such a manner, they would have suffered huge losses...

But where are the saints and sages? Is there still another trap?

Come to think of it, the proper action against those suicide attacks was for the battalion to fly up to engage them head-on, and not to advance on the ground like h ordered to, is this the real trap? Was it during the flight..!?

'Could it be that they can't fly at all and I'm over thinking? ..No, It's not like Nihari, the codintions here is suitablet for flight, Alexander and the rest are flying with no problems, if they have sages they should be able to fly too...'

If he gave orders to the Golden Battalion to fly now, would those experts appear? What trick will they use against them? Do they have some hidden weapon to use against them in mid-air? Will he have the power to fend them off by then?

He wasn't afraid about Alexander and the other 9 sages flying with him, if they do have a trap to use mid-air they wouldn't activate it on a few targets and make it useless by alerting the rest

Questions were accelerating in Robin's head non-stop, but in the end, he decided to stay on the ground and continue crawling towards that hill as he was.

Thinking about this, Robin's face began to twist with rage... What the hell is wrong with this planet?!