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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 390 The Great Green Hill Declaration
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After two days of sailing, Caesar sent a request to Jabba to send him a number of Draco Beasts, so that he could reach the Water Continent faster, Because he wanted to speed up the implementation of his father's orders - according to him -

Jabba knew that Caesar wanted to escape from the narrow space of the ship and the suffocating atmosphere that was imposed on him, but he had no choice but to listen to this simple request of Robin's Adopted son and send The Dracos in his direction

'If they can reach their destination faster, why not the rest?' Jabba liked the idea and sent some Dracos towards Elizabeth, Alexander and Gu as well.

The decision to ride these Beasts was not easy for any of the previous emperors and their collaborators, but eventually they decided to do it and accept Jabba's gift... In the end, saving a few months before preparing to invade the next planet will be in their favor

That is why the four emperors and their closest aides were able to reach their continents during the same week of the declaration, Caesar's selfish request turned into a great help for everyone ..

The weak after the Great Green Hill Declaration...

This is what the event was known for, The Event that changed everything on Planet Jura.

More than a billion humans living on the surface of the planet did not know what was happening on top of that small hill near that unknown shore in the forgotten Ancestral Continent, they did not know the threats, enticements, hardships, and psychological pressure that all parties went through to reach this final picture.

But when the details of the most controversial Declaration in history were published and everyone knew that it was a done deal, reactions varied greatly...

In the continents of wind, water, and the sacred tree...:

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When Victoria, Alexander, and Elizabeth returned to their continents and announced the new world order, it led to massive anger in their continents, and thus great turmoil and immense protests occurred that were unprecedented during the past few thousand years.

The existence of Robin and his Demon army was known before the Great Green Hill Declaration thanks to the youngsters who returned from the Central Continent and spoke of what happened there.

Everyone knew that there was a guy named Robin who had a large army of crimson things and wanted revenge on the Flame Empire for some reason.

But they were also furious and demanded the saints and sages close to them pressure their emperor to hunt down and kill that Robin guy and destroy his army, for how could someone like him be allowed to touch their children and keep them imprisoned for months? How could someone like him tell them not to return to Central Continent again? Who does he think he is?!

And suddenly the guy they used to insult him day and night, despise him and urge the powerhouses to hunt him down, has become their new emperor? Just like that?!

Their leaders told them that this Robin subdued the entire planet and that it was not only their empire that surrendered, but who would believe that?

How can a person subjugate the entire planet without a fierce world war? There wasn't even a bar fight!!

And how can they be sure of this in the first place, when traveling to the central continent has been prohibited for months? It is clear that they lie to try to contain their anger!!

Weren't they always telling that they are the chosen elite and the bloodline of emperors? And that those who live in the Ancestral Continent are all rabble that is useless in everything other than farming the lands and catching fish? Now it has been announced that they have become affiliated with someone from the Ancestral Continent?!


The protests that struck the three empires were aimed at empowering the opposition parties to seize power from the current emperor and nullify that humiliating decision.

Of course, in a ruling family, there are always a few opposing individuals who want to seize power.

This will be their chance, as all the people are with them, they were begging them to take over!!

But they were surprised that all the High-level Sages agreed with the Great Green Hill Declaration and all the level 40 Sages who head the various opposing parties, the ones that WILL become emperors immediately if they listened to the people, all strongly supported The Great Green Hill Declaration as if their lives depended on it!!

Well, their lives literally depended on it, not everyone knew that yet though...

When the people finally found that there was no hope of changing the situation, the protests subsided, and they no longer had anything to help them... They just lowered their heads crying in the streets from the severity of the insult they felt.

They were occupied without a drop of blood being spilled. Their cowardly so-called Emperors surrendered without trying to stand up for themselves!

How will they live their lives after this point? How will they ever raise their heads again?!


...In The Flame Continent

When Old Gu returned with the Flame Legion and announced the details of The Great Green Hill Declaration and the establishment of the True Beginning Empire, he was welcomed like a hero, and celebrations took place everywhere in the streets of the Flame Continent!

Among the clauses in The Great Green Hill Declaration was that everyone who remained alive was pardoned from the death penalty and that there would be no reason for the war to continue after today

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And on the same day Old Gu and those with him returned, the Demons received orders to withdraw immediately towards the Central Continent... That was the happiest news they heard in their lives, that's all that matters now.

But after the overwhelming joy that hit them out of nowhere like a hammer, everyone returned to reality, they went back to look around them, and they saw a scorched and occupied land that they no longer had authority over... The nightmare ended, but at what cost?

The children of the Flame Continent wiped the tears from their eyes, they themselves did not know whether they were tears of joy or helplessness, and without a word, they started removing the rubble and rebuilding their homes with hunched backs and lifeless eyes...


....The Ancestral Continent

Although most of the people of the ancestral continent live in kingdoms other than the Black Sun and are considered to be under the occupation of Robin as well, the feeling that they are under occupation and that this is very humiliating and these thoughts did not disturb them even for a moment, simply what they saw during the past year and a half made them forget what the word homeland or belonging means.

Currently, their homeland is the rubble under which they live and their belonging is to the members of their families who are still alive, that's if they exist.

Their hatred for Robin was not an iota less than the people of the rest of the continents, for most of them Robin is the reason that will keep them alive, they feed on the idea that someday they will watch him die!

Robin knew this very well, yet his speech that resonated throughout the Ancestral Continent did not consider anyone's feelings, did not inspire anyone and certainly did not make them hate him any less.

But it was more than enough to deliver the message Robin wants.. *hate me all you want but RESPECT ME*

This, combined with the fact that they were all certain that the only person who could restore safety to the continent was Robin, made it possible for them to accept Billy and the Burtons who already started taking over the streets.

It wasn't all easy for Billy though, there was still a lot of hostility and resistance, but they did not represent 10% of the population of the continent who wanted to regain a sense of security even for one minute before death, and this resistance did not make a big difference.

Billy and the Demons killed or imprisoned anyone who resisted the implementation of the new system and continued with the plan to tighten security and restore the government on the continent.

... The week after The Great Green Hill Declaration the whole planet ignited in different ways

But the week that followed was nothing short of amazement and shock.