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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 382 No Thanks~
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"I swear to be completely loyal to His Excellency Robin Burton and not to harm his interests and----" Wind Emperor Alexander's voice reverberated up the hill like thunder in everyone's ears, especially the Sages of The Wind Empire that were scattered around the hill, they weren't quite sure what they felt…

Just now, they had heard the Sacred Tree Empress Elizabeth take such a humiliating oath and began to treat the Sages of the Sacred Tree Empire as enemies and traitors, they were looking at them up and down like trash!

Now, in the blink of an eye, they are on their side again, but in the other camp!

The atmosphere shifted several times from hostile to succumbing to shock, but not a single Sage of Wind Empire could lie and say that they didn't feel much more at ease hearing their Emperor's oath.

A while ago, after the betrayal of the Sacred Tree Empress, the Sages of the Wind and Water Empires were thinking of all possible scenarios of war or even escaping this hill

Some even began to question whether their empires could survive after this betrayal at all

And now, in the blink of an eye, only the Water Empire was left standing alone!

The Elders of the Water Empire looked around like crazy... A few minutes ago there was some kind of balance between them and Robin's forces, but now they were surrounded by enemies from every direction!

The Elders of the Sacred Tree and Wind Empires only raised their shoulders and extended their lower lips, some of them whistling as they looked towards the horizon…

But the most shocked was none other than Victoria Frost, the Water Empress herself, mainly because she is the most aware that Alexander's self-esteem and pride are no less than hers.

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Nevertheless, she stood silent with her mouth open, looking at the person who is known to be more arrogant than her, as he swore allegiance to a person who did not reach half his age or strength...

"---And that I deserve to die if I break any of these clauses." Alexander finished reciting the oath while he was sweating.

Every word spoken now felt heavier than all the mountains in the world.

Every letter he uttered came out with difficulty that exceeded every moment he spent cultivating in his entire life... Nevertheless, he completed it to the end.

Then he raised his head again and spoke to Robin with his usual proud countenance, "Is that good enough?"

"Good!" Robin banged on the table excitedly, grinning from ear to ear with the Wind Empire joining the equation.

"Welcome to this side hehe~" Elizabeth laughed lightly as she rested her chin on her hand

"...Yes." Alexander nodded, but he didn't know why, his head was still preoccupied with thinking about the heavy, humiliating words he had said..

He is the absolute genius of the Wind Continent, someone who had reached the pinnacle of his strength before he completed his fourth century and was chosen among the hundreds of sons of the previous emperor to learn The Divine Decree Incarnation Technique

Although he had never experienced it before, he had complete confidence that he could win a fight to the death against all the other Emperors… Even among all the Wind Emperors in history, his star would still shine!

But today...

"Hold on, here is a small welcome gift." Robin waved his arm, and several objects appeared in front of Alexander

"This…" Alexander's eyes finally regained some light, but he ignored all the metal plates that appeared in front of him and the two strangely shaped rings and focused his eyes on a gray bow.

Robin smiled when he saw this, and said, "This is a divine bow that has been made with materials closely related to the space heavenly law, although the amount of those materials in the bow is almost negligible, it still gives properties of the space path to any arrow launched."

"Properties… space path?" Alexander extended his hand and felt the bow slowly as if stroking his beloved

"The metal tablet directly in front of you contains one of the Minor Laws of Space Path up to the third stage, by learning it sideways you can increase the speed of the arrows and you can even make them disappear… That one contains the Perfect Technique for the Wind's Major Heavenly Law up to the third stage, and that there contains The Minor Heavenly Law of Condensation, which will make wind blades more lethal and easier to forge, and this one is---," After about two more minutes Robin finished introducing everything in front of Alexander, and added, "  I will assign my adopted son Peon to teach you how to use these techniques, he is well versed in wind law too, I guess you can help each other haha."

Alexander was left shocked.

From the very first tablet Robin introduced him to, he had almost forgotten his newfound passion for the Gray Bow... A technique for a Minor Heavenly Law from the Space Path!!!

Even if it was just a minor law, this was still The space heavenly path… an entity far superior to the Wind Heavenly path!

Even the Sages of the Wind Empire below started to glance at each other with each new technique that Robin introduced.. This amount of treasures and techniques had not been produced by their whole empire for thousands of years, and they had received them all after saying a few words!!

"Victoria, what are you waiting for? Control your emotions, being stubborn will not do you any good or your empire." Elizabeth spoke suddenly and slowly shook her head while looking at Victoria...

But Victoria remained silent.

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She barely closed her mouth a little after realizing that Alexander had also sworn allegiance to the enemies and left her alone, even til now her shock had not faded yet.

...Her mind was working at full capacity that it started to heat up, Her only two allies already left her but she still doesn't know whether to surrender like them or fight, bow her head or leave!!

So she just remained standing in her place without saying a word...

Only with Elizabeth's words did she regain some of her consciousness, so she looked towards Elizabeth with anger, then looked away to express her discontent with the traitor Elizabeth, but in that direction in which she looked, she found an old sage from the Water Empire looking at her with a look that was all begging...

Not only him, but wherever she looked, she found the sages of the Water Empire with looks that suggested that they were about to cry as if they were begging her to do something to get them out of this mess!!

She could even see some... rebellion, in their eyes?!

She was not born yesterday, the features of those sages were clear, they were telling her to follow the example of Alexander and Elizabeth and declare her loyalty to Robin, and some of them even began to think of attacking her where she stands and declaring that she did not represent them!


Victoria was not stupid, she knew very well what it meant to be abandoned by Elizabeth and Alexander, she knew that death would inevitably await her if she left this place without saying the oath

She tried everything she could to start a battle on the hill so that Robin would be killed and everything would end right there then, she was willing to risk her life to fight for her cause, but no one else wanted to risk his life with her.

She bet big and she lost, and now she has to pay the price for being the last to take the oath on that useless metal tablet.

Surely Robin would take her under his wing as he did with Elizabeth and Alexander, he spat those punch of lies to get her to join him in the first place, he just won't give her as many benefits as he gave Elizabeth and Alexander!

Nevertheless. he won, She wasn't doing this from the start to gain some benefits anyway, now she can just step back and do as her peers did, at least she can brag about being the last one standing.

"...Pass me... That tablet." Victoria gritted her teeth and held back her tears while saying these words. She felt that part of her dignity was broken with every word!

"No thanks, you may leave." Robin waved calmly