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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 172
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Chapter 172 – Change Of Plans

Galan was thrilled when he heard the reply, "Phew~ It's good that you finally woke up, listen… I just got word that the Duchy of Harris, the Middle one Duchy of the three, stopped their current role and decided to go on the offense, 

they have sent an army of 300,000 soldiers into the lands of the Duchy of Alton to destroy the entire duchy, and the other two Duchies with which we are currently engaged have sent Two small armies as well, numbering 60,000 and the other 120,000, 

the first of them toward Alton too, and the other army is heading towards my own… 120 thousand soldiers are headed directly toward the Bradley Pearl as we speaking!!"

"What did you say?!" Robin forget that it was a soul type sound talisman and shouted loudly, and his war horse suddenly stopped

When the patriarch saw this, he raised his hand, and the whole army stopped as well, wating to see what could make him react like this

Then Robin continued, "How the hell did you let something like this happen? Did you and Raymond become transparent now? instead of mastering troops to stop you, they ignored you both to the point of attacking here?!"

"What can we do?! the Duchy of Harris is much stronger than we expected, we wanted to eliminate the two duchies around it, then enter it from both sides to paralyze it completely and bring it down without resistance, 

but the opposite has happened, and it is the one who constantly sends reinforcements to both sides, so even as we were winning we found ourselves surrounded with every step we take, it is clear that the kingdom of Lying Water has been strengthening the duchy of Harris for years in anticipation of this day…"

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"Damn it…." Robin clenched his fist upon hearing this, he definitely knew what would happen if those three armies succeeded in what they wanted to do, "Can't you two send a part of your armies to catch up with them in time?"

Galan replied quickly, "We can divide our forces to deal with the 60,000 and 120,000-strong armies, but this plot is mainly to make us divert our attention and separate our troops, we can't fall for that! 

what if that part we separate fell into a trap, our we the main body get a massive attack as soon as our numbers decrease? this is too risky… 

And leaving those aside, What *part* can we send to stop that 300,000-strong army!? This will require a complete withdrawal and leaving behind us all that we have achieved, everything we gained so far would be for nothing! 

Raymond is already thinking about retreating to defend his lands, but if he retreated I will be surrounded even more and be pushed back in less than two weeks! our only hope is that we both continue advancing now that the enemy troops have gotten smaller, as for those three armies…"

"Ahaa, of course, of course, you two keep advancing and I am the one to confront the three armies and save your asses here, right?! THAT WAS NOT OUR AGREEMENT!!" Robin's unstable emotions made those around him confused, trying to guess what was going on

"Do you have another solution?!" Galan replied and then added, "No noble in the two duchies but you have a standing army that can stop a conquest of this size… I can call another duchy and ask them for help, but they will suck my blood dry and their demands would be crazy… and they might not even arrive in time and let my Duchy burn first!"

"And you think I won't ask for too much?!" sneered Robin, "… never mind, I will help you this time for Mila's sake, I will stop this invasion first and then will reevaluate our whole agreement… goodbye, for now, I have a big mess to jump into."

Seeing that the call was over, Patriarch Brian advanced, "What is going on, Robin? Who was this?"

"…It's Duke Galan," Robin replied to the patriarch in a heavy voice, "The Stagnant Water Kingdom has decided to carry out a counterattack and there are three armies on the threshold of our kingdom, two of them being 60,000 and 300,000 coming to the Duchy of Alton, and one with a strength of 120,000 soldiers is going straight towards Bradley Pearl City."

"AHH!!" Hearing that her unprotected city would be attacked by an army like this terrified Mila, then she quickly looked with eyes all pleading toward Robin, "Robin, what are you going to do!?"

"This…" Billy was shocked as well, that's nearly half a million soldiers!! and quickly looked at the patriarch, but found that his face was also turned upside down!

"…" Robin remained silent for a while, although he had promised the Duke to act, he was still in an awkward position

A few minutes ago he was already moving towards his own war, now he found himself facing a completely different opponent…

About a full minute later, Robin opened his mouth, "We have to shelve our plans to attack Tawi and Rufus families for now…"

The Patriarch sighed and nodded, "This is normal… if foreign armies entered to destroy the two duchies and we went to start internal wars in the same duchies, it would be too much of a coincidence… everyone would say that we are traitors who helped an enemy of the Kingdom, the Royal Family itself might hunt us down if they believed that…"

"Then what do we do with this army we gathered? We just go back to the city? We'll look bad in front of everyone…" Caesar heard the words and came on his horse.

"Go back?!" Mila panicked, "Robin, you have to help Bradley's Pearl City!!"

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"Hmm, we should at least defend the Bradley Pearl. They are our allies and they are considered family after your engagement with Mila, even if the Duke didn't ask you to, we should go there and defend it." The Patriarch nodded.

"And let the Duchy of Alton burn? Don't forget that we are still a part of it and Jura City might be in danger if we leave…" Robin shook his head, "We must part ways here… that is the only solution.

Uncle Brian, you take 90,000 foot soldiers, 10,000 horsemen, 500 fire knights, 200 wind knights, 3 saints, and a quarter of our talismans and, take any road other than the lands of the Marcus Tawi's to head at once to the Duchy of Bradley and block that army heading there.

The rest will remain here in the Duchy of Alton under the command of Uncle David to defend against the two coming armies, and I will remain here with him… In this way, people will think that we have come out for the defense of the kingdom, and not for an internal war… I think we would look like heroes instead of greedy bastards, there is a bright side after all haha."

"This…" No one knew what to say, according to Robin's arrangement, he would use an army of about 200,000 against the two armies of the Lying Water Kingdom, which together totaled 360,000 soldiers… almost double his own!

But a few seconds later, everyone nodded, this really was the safest solution they could think of

Then Robin continued, "Oh right.. Uncle Brian, Uncle David, I want you to send voice messages to all the nobles in the two duchies, asking for help in equipment or men from them, except for Marcus Tawi and Marcus Rufus."

"Hmm? Why? As for myself I don't need help, in fact, I don't intend to take all the army you allot me," the patriarch shook his head, 

100,000 reinforced with all these capabilities against 120 enemy soldiers considered to have an overwhelming advantage, the army that would remain in the Duchy of Alton will need more support.

"No, you will need the army I gave you, they say the enemy has new strategies to reduce the effect of the talismans, you will need every possible support before you can see those strategies ourselves and find ways no nullify it… 

As for the help messages, you didn't understand me, Uncle," then continued Robin, "just send the messages but go straight into the battle and don't wait for reinforcements from anyone… that will only be an extra reason to attack the two families after this commotion is over, we will say we asked for support from the two but they refused."

The patriarch was silent for a moment and then looked at his cousin David, before they both burst out laughing, "Hahaha, you brat.. you haven't really shelved their matter, hah? Alright, then we will do as you said ."

"Good, let's start splitting the army up for two, we should start moving in an hour with at most, those three armies won't wait for us until we get ready…. we have a race to catch," Robin shouted loudly, and the commanders and officers immediately began the operation in the agreed order