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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 143
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Chapter 143 – 3 Issues

The following days passed relatively quietly for everyone.

In that meeting, Robin found several problems that he didn't put into his mind before… dangerous problems that made him rethink the entire system that he was following…

That is why Robin divided his day into several parts to treat those problems as much as he could.

The first problem was the productivity of the Rune Masters… if they did nothing but make the Fire Explosion talismans, they would undoubtedly be able to make much more than the 60,000 Fire Explosion Runes by the end of the five years period, but that was not all they had to do…

Robin promised to deliver thousands of Dark, Vitality, and Sound talismans as well, and the first two take more time to craft than the Fire Explosion talismans.

Even though he didn't say how many of them exactly he would supply, he has to be generous to leave a good impression on the two Dukes and ease the future deals…

This is regardless of the auction house's need for at least hundreds of single-use sound talismans per month because it is one of the main sources of income for the family and in order to meet part of the wide demand for it… 

after all, Billy's plan to promote sound talismans carrier jewelry has worked, owning at least one of them is now a must for every noble in the Kingdom!

even disregarding these two points…The Burton family itself needs their own tons Upon tons of talismans of all kinds before the next great war erupts!

Mila understood that well, and as the only Saint in this field, she took the initiative to hold the Rune Academy with a grip of fire and steel!

Seeing the great pressure on the Rune Masters, Robin decided to go by himself daily to give lectures for two hours on the best ways to draw Runes fast, save soul energy as much as possible, how to use the Soul replenishing Technique while working… etc.

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he even went against Mila's advice and told them about the wars to come and explained the situation to make them understand what was going on around them and to make them more aware of how tight their schedule is, and not to hate Mila for doing what she is doing…

He also devoted two more hours a day to drawing various advanced Runes with them to fill the current deficit, especially the those that are dedicated to being sold at the auctions…

And after the first four hours of the morning at the academy ends, he heads to the grand library in the administrative area…

This was his personal treatment for the second problem he encountered during the meeting, general information.

He discovered in that situation that he could no longer live his life engrossed in studying only the heavenly laws… he no longer lived in a cave.

The more famous and powerful he became, the more his influence increased, the more the expectations of those around him would increase as well. 

He can't remain focused on studying laws forever and leave all other decisions in the hands of the patriarch or General Edward *Bradley* while he sits smiling and nods his head in important meetings!

This is not the first time he goes to a library though, he came several times or asked Zara to borrow books for him after he returned to the family, but what he reed was too focused as well, only related to herbs or materials with elements so that he could make inks for the various Runes.

But this time his goal is more extensive.. the arts of war, battle strategies, the arts of public administration, even the various types of minerals and stones, the geographical distribution of kingdoms and noble families, and the history of each of them.

His target was almost the entire library!

But which the strength of his soul, which increased after using the technique of strengthening the soul, Reading and comprehension became much faster for him than the average person. 

He was flipping pages extremely fast, too fast that it seemed as if he is reading the first letter on each page before he flip it, not knowing that he has already memorized everything in it… and this continues for another four hours a day, reading a few thick books before leaving…

Ans after each visit to the library, he goes to Uncle Tim's restaurant alone or with one of his acquaintances, sometimes even with one of the new rune masters, and then he goes to inspect the charity of feeding the poor and the homeless from afar after it has become hugely funded and has many branches around the city… looking at those skinny faces

Becoming more rosy after eating was the best way to seal his 8 hours of hard work…

then He returns home for his favorite time of the day… Research.

He needed a quick solution to the biggest problem he had discovered during his meeting with the two Dukes, it was when Galan asked him *Even if you took his lands, how would you kill him?*

Robin responded spontaneously at the time, but the question stuck in his head…

With the rain of talismans and classified weapons, Robin can equip an army to conquer any land he wants in the eight kingdoms, but what about the heads? What if he had to face high-ranking Saints or even Sages?

The most powerful person in the family is Brian, a level 26 saint who is close to a thousand years old, there is not much hope that he will have another breakthrough in the future… The second most powerful person after him in the family is Saint David, who is only level 24!

There are only five Saints in the family and about seventy knights capable of fighting, and not many of them crossed level 14… Which is bad.

The family's financial foundations have made a leap like no other family in history, and they have gained lands and power that even the most impudent of them would not have dared to dream of… 

But the foundations of individual power are still wretched to the uttermost degree… And now it's time to find a solution to this.

Robin's retreat for a week after the meeting was specifically to find a solution to this problem and quickly, of course, he realizes that it is impossible for him to make his saints strong enough to kill the Rufus family in five years… 

but he has to lay future foundations to strengthen this family, he has to make strong knights!

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And after a whole week of thinking about this matter, his best idea was to train the new generation on the major laws he had invented.

But two problems stood before him, the first is that they had to swear that they would preserve the techniques and not leak them, but how many times did he have to make oath panels to suffice all of them?

and that surely wouldn't be the last time he needs this kind of mass oath-taking project, trusting these large numbers of people wouldn't be good… well, trusting anyone isn't any good either.

After a deep thought, he finally came to the idea of ​​the pyramid that he requested from the Patriarch

The main idea of how to solve ​​this problem formed in his head already… but he hasn't finished it completely yet, he decided to have the Patriarch make the Pyramid as he progresses more into this

The second problem is, how does he transfer the techniques to these large numbers? 

Of the 56 Talisman Masters, one of them was able to leak the soul techniques, So what would happen if the major heavenly law techniques books were handed over to hundreds of youngsters? At least some of them would lose it and have it go into the hands of his enemies

these weren't some soul techniques that are useless in battles and can be ignored in the big scheme of things… they are perfect major heavenly law techniques that might turn the world upside down if they were leaked!

…and this problem has not been resolved until now.


With this daily schedule, the first two months after the meeting passed in an intense atmosphere…

They were extremely heavy for everyone who works in any administration position and knows what is going on and what will happen after less than five years…

they were already pressured with the development of the new lands and rebuilding their family, and now there is something else for them to worry about…

And Robin knew this quite well… If it was in his hands he would have refused to jump into this and refused Galan, but if this chance to get rid of his two enemies is missed, it was unknown when will he get another one, and there is a big chance he never has another chance at all…. it was a now or never situation.