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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 122
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After Robin and Mila left the hall, the two headed towards the guest house again to pick up Zara, and then the three moved towards the place Robin had been yearning to visit for the past year... Uncle Tim's restaurant!

So after getting Zara he hurried towards the restaurant, a good way to spend the 2 hours he gave the candidates, a good celebration for what he had to go through this year, and an excellent way to wash away Mila's awful cooking!

well... he didn't say the last one for obvious reasons.

Their walking in the streets towards the restaurant was no way quieter than last time, the same cheers and crowds, maybe a little more this time!

The city of Jura became one of the centers of the Kingdom of the Black Sun, and the second gathering area of all the noble families of the Black Sun, after the capital itself!

All noble families, whether large or small, had permanent representatives here, which gave the city a formal diplomatic appearance that it was missing earlier, it turned from a random city into a second unofficial capital in less than a year.

Also, apart from participating in auctions, these rich representatives buy all their day to day supplies from Jura City, they use the City's brothels, restaurants, gamble houses which has brought great economic growth and prosperity to the working and commercial class of the Burton family members.

The streets have become cleaner, some of the new buildings are obviously taller and more majestic than those around them, the development is evident any where you look around the city... 

Even the clothes of the common citizens on the streets are clearly new and clean, their appearance was much better than the last time he took the streets

But what surprised Robin the most is when he reached the desired place, he found a giant building of several floors written in bold script: 

* Tim Burton & Sons Restaurant *

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When he asked Mila about what was happening here, she told him that after he visited the restaurant and praised it in front of everyone, the working class in the city began to flock to the restaurant to try what we ate and you praised, they were willing to stand in queues in front of the small restaurant day and night to have a chance yo get in

This strange phenomenon attracted the attention of the envoys of wealthy noble families, so they also came to see why people gather here, so they tried the food and they actually liked it, and they paid a lot of coins to Uncle Tim. 

Little by little, uncle Tim's many children and grandchildren who were expatriates to work in the mines, returned and began to use the large profits from the restaurant to rebuild it so that more people could be accommodated inside.

Good food and cheap prices attracted new guests daily, and a new floor would be added every couple of months.

so far the building is 5 floors, of which 4 floors are full of guests daily... 3 floors for the poor, and the fourth floor provides more comfort for diplomats and the wealthy... 

As for the fifth floor, it is closed, they say it is an administrative place.

  And there are still plans to expand further! the restaurant fame and rate of expansion was a marvel to anyone who knew Uncle Tim before, 

This is the birth of a new whale in the world of business!

Robin was shocked at Mila's explanation and looked at her with wide eyes, "I caused all this?!"

Immediately after a question, Robin found himself a few steps away from the restaurant, but before his arrival, he found people in uniform who came out in an orderly manner and stood in two rows forming a path to the door of the bait, and they all gave a full bow and said in a united voice, "We salute our Lord and our savior."

Robin was shocked by what he saw... After looking for a little bit, he found that one of the bowing people was Uncle himself, and the two people next to him were supporting him so that he wouldn't fall as he tilted his body.

Robin quickly moved toward and raised his head, "What are you doing Uncle? No need for all this, I'm just another guest, Please treat me one."

Actually, Uncle Tim was just a 180 year old level 11 knight, his age is very close to Robin and Mila but their appearances were worlds apart

The old man's eyes began to water as he said, "My children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.. they used to die in the mines and deserts without even a decent burial... Only to make a few silver coins monthly... You gathered them all around me...You gathered them all around me..."

Robin didn't know what to say so he just smiled and nodded, all that was going on in his head was *this guy is making me want to cry*...

Someone who appeared to be in his fifties stepped forward and bowed slightly, "Lord Robin, my name is jack, Please follow me, , your table is ready."

"Alright... take care of yourself, Uncle Tim!" Then he walked with the two girls behind jack who began to climb the stairs, 

the difference is that this time Mila did not use her aura to push everyone out of the restaurant, the restaurant was already full of customers inside, the sons and grandsons of Uncle Tim took care of the task and kept the crowds away... As for Robin, he took care of waving and smiling at those who greeted him from the guests inside.

They quickly crossed all the filled floors, even the elegant fourth floor, and reached the fifth floor... 

The floor was very beautiful, the decorations were shocking and decorated with flowers, and there was even a small artificial lake filled with beautiful ornamental fish, but all that aside, there was one strange thing...

The entire floor had only one table with one little girl wearing a uniform and standing next to it, the girl who was with Uncle Tim on their last visit...

Mila looked around in astonishment, still comprehending what she saw on the fifth floor, but her confusion did not last, as jack spoke with a smile, "This floor is prepared for the visits of Lord Robin, we thought that he would like some privacy in his visits... We hope that you like our idea, my lord. "

Robin just stood there, not knowing if he wanted to cry or laugh, he certainly didn't mean all the good things that happened to Uncle Tim's family, he only came for a freaking meal for god sake!!

But in the end, he nodded with a smile, not a smile, "Thank you for the nice gesture, I'll gladly accept it, but will you guys stop calling me lord? I'm no one's lord!"

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"Haha, you are very humble, my lord, please go ahead.." jack laughed and gestured toward the table.

Robin walked towards the table floundering and the two girls next to him trying to hold back their laughter, this was the first time they saw Robin so embarrassed.

Especially after Robin ordered food and jack and the little girl went to get the food and left only the three on the floor, the two girls burst out laughing, as Robin was trying to find a way to hide inside his own clothes...

Robin loved the feeling of being recognized for the genius he is but really hated to be thanked for something he had no hand in.

but he said nothing, it would be too rude to scold them and break their goodwill after all these preparations they made for him, breaking their heart wouldn't benefit anyone...

After eating, the three sat for more than an hour talking about various things, mostly about Zara and her experiences in practicing soul techniques and upgrading furnaces, then about Mila's struggle about learning how to cook, but still, Robin didn't full for the trap this time either and kept his mouth shut...

They even chose a new name for the drawing method, which Robin found should be different from the final result.

In the beginning, Robin didn't give any importance to such names as the word *talisman* was working just fine, 

But after extending the drawing methods to include huge immovable objects such as furnaces, and opening the door for more talisman painters to join, some rules must be set...

A talisman contains a piece of hide + the main pattern + a few other side seals... so if the  piece of hide got excluded, it is still not appropriate to be called them just patterns because the presence of the seals 

nor is it proper to call everything a talisman because it is a word that refers to a certain class of uses of that method of drawing which include the beast hide

Therefore, they agreed that the method of drawing itself that contains * the pattern + seals *  should be called a Rune...

and to name the person who makes them * Rune-master *, instead of the unclear *drawer* or *painter*

Ans a piece of beast hide that contains a Rune on it shall still be called a talisman and add a name to define its functions, like the *fire explosion talisman* now...

that will be enough to open the possibilities to easily choose names for other applications of the runes in the future.