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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 109
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Robin smiled, "And who said anything about using the Royal Family's heavenly Law techniques? I'm going to prepare a new Fire minor heavenly Law technology, that would solve the problem, right?"

"Wh-what?! You can write a technique like this from scratch? If you can do it, then write one for us!!" The patriarch quickly stood up, he couldn't believe his ear

Not knowing what to say, Robin was really starting to fear that the health of those around him would be affected by too many surprises, at last, he sighed and continued, "Yes, yes I can write heavenly law techniques... The law I will write for new families will be just nearly as strong as the minor heavenly Law of Fire Shards that is widespread in our kingdom today, it isn't suitable for me to give you such a little thing... But don't worry patriarch, I haven't forgotten the family, but not now... for everything has its time..."

The minor heavenly Law of Fire Shards!!!

Everyone's minds were almost flying, this is the second or third strongest law in the kingdom after the minor law used by the royal family, even saints geniuses like Mila use it!

But Robin simply said he could make another one with similar strength? And according to him, technically he promised he'd give his family something even stronger?

Mila sitting next to Robin reached out her hand, grabbed his sleeve, and pulled it gently, "Robin..."

When Robin turned around and found her giving her such a pleading look, he burst out laughing, "Hey girl, the Bradleys are also considered my family too now, just stay obedient and don't worry, your man wouldn't treat you badly!"

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"En..!!" Mila nodded her head energetically, obviously very happy... 

Robin reassures her with every passing moment that her decision to give herself to him was not wrong.

Even Saint Edward was flying with joy when he heard Robin's confirmation, all the anxiety and pressure he was feeling before Robin entered the room, vanished!

Then Robin looked back at the patriarch, "Now I think the upper-class problem has been solved, and they can choke the middle class for us, so there's no need to think about them any longer ... Is there anything else we forgot to mention?"

The patriarch returned to his seat, and then shook his head smilingly, "...no, you have solved every thing for us... If the plan was successfully executed, we would have noble families forever grateful to us, and poor class citizens that view us as gods... Our control there would be absolute, more even than our control over Our ancestral lands !"

Robin nodded, "Good, drag our armies over there into a fortress or two now and just make them responsible for building the factories and protecting them, let those who rebel rebel, and those who don't want to pay taxes don't pay, tell the army not to care about anything that happens except for their safety.

... the only thing we have to watch for is not to let the rebels have so much freedom that they can freely build an organized army during the construction process... alright, to solve this, spread the word about our plan to put the people to work for high wages and about swearing allegiance of the new nobles, this will most likely kill their will to fight for a good while! 

Tell me, how long do you think it will take to set up 5 factories large enough to employ thousands of workers?"

"... thousands of workers? that's a lot for 5 factories ... but as for constructing the biggest possible factories for making armaments, hmm... I think ten months If we send a part of the army to participate in the construction... let's say a year, in a year I promise to make it happen." replied the Patriarch after thinking a little.

"A year… that suits me too." Robin nodded, rubbing his chin. "Alongside the factories try to open some other smaller projects, like mines for the needed metals, and some chopping wood points to collect strong shafts for the spears and halberds, establish some fields to feed the workers and build restaurants dedicated to feeding them... Do not buy anything or send anything from here, everything must be local even if it is more costly, create opportunities for work even if it is not needed!

... I think you got my idea by now.. after you finish planning everything, formally announce the news that the opening of factories and the handing over of minor heavenly law technique to the new noble families that swear allegiance to us will be in a year, 

also, announce that the number of noble families we need is limited and that those who leave the resistance and contact us first will be the priority to choose from... This news will greatly reduce the pressure of the resistance on our army."

"Haha excellent, I have a good feeling about this!" The patriarch laughed out loud

Billy, who was smiling happily at the side, seemed to suddenly remember something and asked Robin, "Right, we've come to 16 people matching your specifications for Spiritual Strength, they take a huge monthly salary without doing anything! What do you want to do with them?"

"Haha, we found 16 already so far? Excellent! good that you reminded me, I almost forgot to -.." moved Robin's hand toward his cloak, toward the two booklets he was carrying with him, but stopped halfway, then lowered his hand again and shook his head, "keep paying them for now, and tell them to be patient for another few months before they start their work... I don't think they would mind receiving salaries without doing anything."

Billy and the patriarch looked at each other, then Bailey shrugged, " I have no problem with this, it is your money after all."

"Catch." Robin reached out his hand and took out a small leather bag and threw it toward the patriarch

The Patriarch opened it in puzzlement and found inside 4 rings, each pair of them were identical, and an ordinary paper filled with instructions, after checking them for a few seconds he raised his head and asked, "What is this ...?"

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"I call them Sound Rings, I have had times when I have been bored over the past months so I would take a break every now and then to work on them... anyway, each pair serves as an open channel of communication, 

if you give a ring to Uncle David in the new land and you have its twin ring here, you can send each other voice messages instantly, it would be a much more effective way of communication, hah? you'll find in the paper how to activate it, the seal required, and everything about the sound rings... I think this will help Uncle David to track the war and.. it will help us manage the new lands easily, and -.. and... why the hell are you looking at me like that ?!"

Robin looked around and found everyone looking at him suspiciously, especially General Edward, his eyes almost popped out of their place, as he was the person who knew how devastating those rings can be in a war!

"Well... I think this meeting is over, good luck!" Robin said and quickly got up and headed for the door pulling Zara in his hand, leaving everyone with their mouths still open ...

After a few seconds, Mila regained consciousness and dashed behind Robin, leaving the three Saints looking at each other in silence.


"Robin! Can you sell a pair of those rings to the Bradleys?" Mila quickly caught up with Robin and Zara, she caught his sleeves and spoke in a voice full of tenderness, and even bent down a little to reveal her plump chest.

Robin paused and looked at Mila's pretty face for a moment, then his eyes slid down a little and ran into the pretty sight of the two slightly pink peaks, and quickly got lost inside them with wild fantasy

Robin has tasted every kind of woman in his past, tall ~ short, fat ~ small, flat ~ curvy, he had them all and in all colors and ages, and undoubtedly everything about Mila's body was his type. 

before seeing her at the gate that day, if someone gave him a paper and pen and told him to paint a perfect woman, he would paint someone like Mila without a doubt...

But he quickly shook his head and looked up again, "Girl, I can go down the streets and randomly find a girl with big boobs too, don't you think you are asking for too much in exchange for a few quick glimpses? Making the sound rings is very tiresome, if you want a pair of them you'll have to do much more than this…"

Mila furrowed an eyebrow to look angry, but in fact, her voice became even more tender, then said, "What do you mean, husband? what can this girl do for you?"

A big wild smile appeared on Robin's face, "Let's meditate together in my room today."