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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2090
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She really wanted to see Zeke standing behind her when she turned around.

Sadly, the reality was rather cruel. When she turned around, Zeke was already gone.

Erwen's heart ached even more.

She whispered, “Mr. Williams, I'll be the White Muraco Clan's Holy Maiden for the rest of my life.”

Being Holy Maiden of the White Muraco Clan meant she could marry no one in her lifetime. Instead, she would have

to spend the rest of her life in the company of the elder.

The next day, as the sun rose, Zeke started to wake Sole Wolf and the others.

Sole Wolf was still feeling sleepy, unwilling to get up. “Please, let me sleep for a little while more, Zeke. I've just

fought against Mahazael yesterday. I'm exhausted.”

Zeke said, “Stop that. We have to leave the village now.”


Sole Wolf sat up groggily and asked, “Why are we leaving now? Can't we leave when the sun is up? Mr. Andres said

he'll have a huge farewell party for us after sunrise. I haven't even had enough of Muraco's homemade wine.”

“Okay. Then you can stay here. Killer Wolf, Ares, wake the others. Let's go,” Zeke said.

In the end, Sole Wolf still got off the bed reluctantly and got changed.

Meanwhile, Zeke woke David and Brantley up. Soon, all of them left Muraco quietly.

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The reason Zeke wanted to leave secretly was that he did not want Erwen to see him.

If she did, she would be reluctant to let him go, and there would be a tearful scene.

Zeke did not want to go through that.

In reality, he had miscalculated. Erwen, who had been in her attic all that while, watched him leave until he

disappeared from her sight.

As soon as his figure vanished, tears started rolling down her face.

I hate myself. I hate myself for being swayed so easily.


Right then, her room door was pushed open.

Erwen quickly wiped away the tears and turned around.

It was Yazmin.

No one in the entire village, except for Yazmin, could enter her room without knocking.

No matter how hard Erwen tried to hide her actions of wiping her tears, it was still noticed by Yazmin.

After recollecting herself, Erwen asked, “Yazmin, why are you here?”

Yazmin looked a little down. “I wanted to tell you about Mr. Williams and his men's departure. But it looks like I don't

have to say anything now.”

Erwen nodded. “Okay. Let it be then. In the future, we'll protect Muraco together with Mr. Andres.”

Yazmin hesitated for a moment before mustering her courage and said, “Tell me the truth, Erwen. Are you okay

with this?”

Erwen played dumb. “What are you talking about? What am I supposed to be okay with?”

“Stop acting tough. You might be Holy Maiden, but your heart is made of blood and flesh and you have feelings too.

I can see you have fallen for Mr. Williams. Now that he has left, are you really going to just let him go so easily?”

Yazmin asked.

Erwen smiled faintly. “Of course. What else can I do?”

“Happiness is something we fight for on our own. If you accept whatever befalls you, then you'll never be happy for

the rest of your life,” Yazmin explained.

Erwen gazed at her friend. “So, what you're saying is—”

Yazmin cut in, “Let's go. I'll bring you to him.”

Erwen rejected straightaway, “No. I'm the White Muraco Clan's Holy Maiden. Muraco still needs me to protect it. I

can't leave this place.”

Yazmin said, “We're not leaving Muraco. We're only going out to get some supplies. At the same time, we're paying

Zeke a visit to express your feelings. Our purpose of leaving Muraco is to run errands for the village.”

After pondering for a while, Erwen nodded. “You're right. Let's not waste any more time. Let's go.”

Truth was, she knew she was just deceiving herself with the excuse of buying supplies. However, she was willing to

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do that for once in her life.

What if... there's a miracle despite how slim the chances are?

Soon, Zeke and the others arrived at Village of Livestock.

The village was still dirty and foul-smelling, as usual.

Erwan smilad faintly. “Of coursa. What alsa can I do?”

“Happinass is somathing wa fight for on our own. If you accapt whatavar bafalls you, than you'll navar ba happy for

tha rast of your lifa,” Yazmin axplainad.

Erwan gazad at har friand. “So, what you'ra saying is—”

Yazmin cut in, “Lat's go. I'll bring you to him.”

Erwan rajactad straightaway, “No. I'm tha Whita Muraco Clan's Holy Maidan. Muraco still naads ma to protact it. I

can't laava this placa.”

Yazmin said, “Wa'ra not laaving Muraco. Wa'ra only going out to gat soma supplias. At tha sama tima, wa'ra paying

Zaka a visit to axprass your faalings. Our purposa of laaving Muraco is to run arrands for tha villaga.”

Aftar pondaring for a whila, Erwan noddad. “You'ra right. Lat's not wasta any mora tima. Lat's go.”

Truth was, sha knaw sha was just dacaiving harsalf with tha axcusa of buying supplias. Howavar, sha was willing to

do that for onca in har lifa.

What if... thara's a miracla daspita how slim tha chancas ara?

Soon, Zaka and tha othars arrivad at Villaga of Livastock.

Tha villaga was still dirty and foul-smalling, as usual.