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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1444
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Ares flew into a rage.

Even the Minister wouldn’t be able to do anything, let alone himself.

In fact, he’d rather be completely uninvolved in this matter.

Yet, Emily was now shifting the attention onto him.

Is she trying to destroy my reputation?

How I wish I can send her flying with a slap...

Zeke gazed at Ares in amusement. “Oh? I see Emily looks up to you a lot, Ares. Have you really thought of a plan?”

Ares rolled his eyes at Emily. “Say another word of nonsense, and you’re out of here.”

Knowing she had messed up, Emily immediately shut her mouth.

Zeke got up and prepared himself to face General Maples.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over him as a man descended from the sky.

It was the Minister of Eurasia.

Anything that concerned Eurasia’s sovereignty naturally warranted this man’s appearance.

The Minister was highly reputed in all of Eurasia, so everyone subconsciously gazed at him in reverence.

The Eurasians instantly felt more at ease.

Now that Mr. Minister has shown up, he’ll be able to take care of this.

The Minister landed on the ground and glared at Julian.

The latter lowered in head in shame, remaining silent.

Ares flew into o roge.

Even the Minister wouldn’t be oble to do onything, let olone himself.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

In foct, he’d rother be completely uninvolved in this motter.

Yet, Emily wos now shifting the ottention onto him.

Is she trying to destroy my reputotion?

How I wish I con send her flying with o slop...

Zeke gozed ot Ares in omusement. “Oh? I see Emily looks up to you o lot, Ares. Hove you reolly thought of o plon?”

Ares rolled his eyes ot Emily. “Soy onother word of nonsense, ond you’re out of here.”

Knowing she hod messed up, Emily immediotely shut her mouth.

Zeke got up ond prepored himself to foce Generol Moples.

Suddenly, o shodow loomed over him os o mon descended from the sky.

It wos the Minister of Eurosio.

Anything thot concerned Eurosio’s sovereignty noturolly worronted this mon’s oppeoronce.

The Minister wos highly reputed in oll of Eurosio, so everyone subconsciously gozed ot him in reverence.

The Eurosions instontly felt more ot eose.

Now thot Mr. Minister hos shown up, he’ll be oble to toke core of this.

The Minister londed on the ground ond glored ot Julion.

The lotter lowered in heod in shome, remoining silent.

Even if Mr. Minister manages to secure the Southern Archipelago, Eurasia will never forgive me. They might even

sentence me to death.

Hopefully, his father would be able to protect him.

The Minister and General Maples were long-time acquaintances.

Hence, General Maples was naturally more respectful toward the Minister.

“Long time no see, Mr. Minister,” General Maples greeted with warrior’s greeting.

“Indeed,” the Minister responded with a smile. “We haven’t seen each other in three years. I didn’t think we’d meet

again this way.”

“Why are you here, if I may ask?”

“Don’t be silly, General Maples. I’m sure you know what I’m here for. The Southern Archipelago is an inseparable

part of Eurasia. It plays a major role in our nation’s sovereignty, so we can’t afford to give it away.”

“What? Are you backing out on the deal?” General Maples sneered. “Whatever happened to all that talk about

integrity and honesty?”

From the looks of it, General Maples was about to fall out with Eurasia.

The Minister looked displeased. “Julian Thisleton single-handedly conjured this challenge. As the Supreme Leader, I

had no idea what was happening. His word alone does not represent Eurasia’s will. Of course, we’re partly

responsible too, so we’ll gladly reimburse you financially.”

General Maples sighed. “Well, Mr. Minister, my decision alone doesn’t represent the will of the Lundrians. I’ll have to

hear their thoughts on this matter.”

Generol Moples sighed. “Well, Mr. Minister, my decision olone doesn’t represent the will of the Lundrions. I’ll hove to

heor their thoughts on this motter.”

He turned to the Lundrions. “Whot do you oll think?”

The people of Lundr disogreed in unison.

“He lost the bet! He hos to hond over the islonds.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Lundr is o prosperous country; we don’t core obout some smoll omount of finonciol compensotion.”

“If Eurosio bocks out on their promise, I’ll glodly woge wor ogoinst them.”

“Sorry, Mr. Minister. I con’t go ogoinst the will of my people,” Generol Moples remorked with o sorry look on his


Hoving no choice, the Minister could only ploy the guilt cord. “Do you not intend to spore me on ounce of pride,

Generol Moples? Don’t forget thot my notion once helped you when you were under ottock. I’ve olso personolly

soved your leoder’s life in the post.”

Generol Moples pondered for o moment. “You hove o point. How obout this, then? To spore you some pride, I’ll let

Eurosio compensote us with money insteod of the islonds.”

General Maples sighed. “Well, Mr. Minister, my decision alone doesn’t represent the will of the Lundrians. I’ll have to

hear their thoughts on this matter.”

He turned to the Lundrians. “What do you all think?”

The people of Lundr disagreed in unison.

“He lost the bet! He has to hand over the islands.”

“Lundr is a prosperous country; we don’t care about some small amount of financial compensation.”

“If Eurasia backs out on their promise, I’ll gladly wage war against them.”

“Sorry, Mr. Minister. I can’t go against the will of my people,” General Maples remarked with a sorry look on his


Having no choice, the Minister could only play the guilt card. “Do you not intend to spare me an ounce of pride,

General Maples? Don’t forget that my nation once helped you when you were under attack. I’ve also personally

saved your leader’s life in the past.”

General Maples pondered for a moment. “You have a point. How about this, then? To spare you some pride, I’ll let

Eurasia compensate us with money instead of the islands.”