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Living With My Lady Boss by Blue Silver

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135

When Faron heard the sound of the door being slammed, he too sneered and said, “These people get

their news fast. They came looking for Ethan right after he came back. It seems that they know

everything that happens in Harvest County.”

Nicholas said, “Should I call someone over? I told my superior that you’ve arranged the task, and they

have prepared a squadron of special agents for me. They’re ready to move out at any time.”

“Let’s listen to what Wilbur has to say.” Faron looked at Wilbur.

Wilbur said indifferently, “Don’t worry. We will get them all in one fell swoop after all of them have

shown up. We must ensure that none of them will get away. ”

Faron and Nicholas nodded at the same time, but Wendy was a little confused. What were these

people talking about? Were they powerful enough to go against the other party?

They looked so young. How powerful were these people and how did Ethan get to know them?

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Those questions plagued her mind and made her even more confused about the situation.

Ethan looked at Wendy and said, “Don’t worry, Wendy. There’s nothing they can’t do.”

“Ethan, don’t forget about Warren Plummer, Wendy whispered.

Wilbur looked at Wendy and said, “Is he the one who cheated Ethan of his money!”

Wendy did not say a word but stond silently beside Ethan instead. It was apparent that she was still

keeping her guard up

Seeing that, Wilber said to Faron, “I almost forgot about this matter. Faron, try to find a way to arrest

him. You have to get both him and the money.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll see to it right away,” Faron agreed.

Wilbur nodded and then signaled Nicholas to open the door.

Just as Nicholas took two steps forward, the room’s door was smashed open. Several men rushed in,

blocking Wilbur and the others in the room.

Wilbur’s expression turned dark and asked, “How did you get in here, and who let you in?”

The leader was a man in his fifties. He sported a crew cut and had a stocky build.

He did not answer Wilbur’s question, but looked at Ethan and said, “Ethan, why didn’t you say hello

when you came back? The village has been arranging a place for you to stay to solve your problems.”

Ethan explained, “This is our village chief, Kurtis Crawford.”

Kurtis glanced at Wilbur and the others, and said with a smile, “Who are these people?”

“My friends,” Ethan said with a blank face.

Kurtis pondered for a while, then said, “Ethian, your house has been demolished, and the village has

given you a new house. There are also some other compensations. Please stop causing us trouble.

This is also for your own good.”

“Then what about the death of my parents? Who will be responsible for it?” Ethan asked angrily.

Kurtis sighed. “That was an accident. Besides, the driver was sentenced to prison. The compensation

for your parents‘ death has already been paid to the village hall. As long as you agree to sign an

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agreement to ensure that you will not cause further trouble, the money and the new house will be given

to you immediately.”

Hearing that, Wilbur sneered and said, “The money that belongs to Ethan was actually sent to the

village hall? You lot are simply brilliant.”

Kurtis’s expression darkened immediately. “Young man, I don’t care who you are or what you are to

Ethan. This is between him and us. You better mind your own business.”

Kurtis’s threat was clear to Wilber. He lew what was going on instantly.

Kurtis and that bully were in cahoots.

Wilbur said casually, “I’m here to deal with Ethan’s affairs, so you don’t have to threaten me. Ask your

backers to come at me. All of you are nathing in my eyes.”

“Kiddo, do you know what this place is? Believe it or not, I will make sure that you won’t leave Harvest

County alive,” Kurtis huffed angrily.

Faron mocked, “Hah! You sure are gutsy! Does Harvest County belong to your family? Why do you

have the final say?”

Kurtis looked at Wilbur and Faron angrily gritted his teeth, and said, “I’m done bring nice. If you don’t

listen to me, don’t regret it when something bad happens to you!”