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Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1125 Kneel Before Me
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Chapter 1125 Kneel Before Me

As sparks flew around the battlefield, Whisker wrestled a masked giant to the ground while Sarohan engaged in a heated battle with another. Ilia and Yuvan reached a momentary pause after hearing what Arthur said. After a few moments of thinking, Ilia lowered his spear.

"What are you doing?" asked Yuvan with confusion before he was filled with rage. "You have to be the one to kill me, not some damn parasite! KILL ME NOW! END MY SUFFERING!"

"Is this the future that you have always envisioned?" asked Ilia with sadness as his lightning vanished along with his spear. "You wanted me, the man you hated, to kill you and prove your understanding of this world."

"This is how my story should end," said Yuvan with rage as he took a step forward, his red robes fluttering as his mask swayed on his hips. "I lured you here after killing Julius Vinera, and you would let me perish on my own? How would Julia feel about this, Arthur Silvera?!"

"My name is Arthur Netherborne," replied the man who rose from the ground, his aura threatening as it rose like golden flames. As his golden eyes pierced through Yuvan, splitting him in half, his face betrayed no emotions. "And you are not allowed to talk to me."

"What if I do, Arthur S… S…. S…." as he struggled to let the words out, Yuvan's voice suddenly hoarse as his throat could no longer produce words. Arthur stared at him with disdain as he turned toward Ilia.

"Julia has a claim for his death, but that would not bring back her father. Let me kill him instead of you. I don't want you to carry the burden of his blood."

"If you do kill him, he can no longer reincarnate, right?" asked Ilia with a conflicted expression. Arthur stared at the middle-aged man for a while before sighing.

"I can decide that once I do," said Arthur before taking out his dagger. Yuvan was still coughing as he tried to talk, but could no longer do so. "Instead of death, I have a harsher sentence for him."

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"Do as you see fit, sir," said Ilia as he turned away. "Please excuse me for a moment."

"You are excused, Ilia," said Arthur as he raised his black dagger while golden mana rose from his left arm. "You have killed and controlled countless innocents during your lifetime, Yuvan Perli. For that reason, I sentence you not to death, but to a single day of regret for what you have done."

Yuvan stared at him with confusion as saliva leaked from his throat in his attempts to speak. Arthur raised his black dagger and slashed across the runemaster, not injuring him. A black beam shot through the man before golden mana exploded from Arthur's arm, slamming Yuvan.

"You showed me the timeline where I could have been happy, so let me show you what could have been… if everything you did was different."

Yuvan screamed as he held his head, with countless memories flashing through his mind. A lifetime of happiness, love, and glory flashed before his eyes. After a few seconds, the man fell to the ground as the golden mana disappeared.

No more sounds left his throat as tears fell from his eyes. Arthur stared down at him before sheathing his dagger into his belt. Then, he crouched in front of Yuvan, staring him in the eye.

"Spend the last day on this earth knowing that you have lived in a hell of your own creation," said Arthur before he rose and walked toward the tower. The rest of the String of Fate rushed forward to stop him, but his soldiers did not allow them to get close.

Arthur walked through the battlefield, his dagger in hand but sheathed in his belt, as his soldiers formed a barrier around him. His gait was slow and expressed unwavering confidence in his soldiers. As he reached the tower's doors, he used the dagger in his hand.


A single clean slash cut the giant door in half, letting it fall to the ground and shake the world. As the Strings of Fate rushed to stop Arthur, he walked in unhindered because of his comrades.

"I will end this soon," said Arthur before he disappeared into the darkness of the tower, where countless red eyes awaited him. As he walked into the tower, the door's fragments rose and rebuilt it. Just like that, he was gone.

The battle outside escalated from there, as if the Strings of Fate were hellbent on defeating the soldiers. Not to mention, each of them was as powerful as the eight comrades Arthur had.

Ilia saw the ongoing fight and turned toward his brother on the ground, who was still crying as he stared at his palms. His listless face told Ilia that Arthur had given him a harsher sentence than death.

"That was… my life?" muttered Yuvan, tears rolling down his eyes as he closed them. Ilia could hear the disbelief in his voice, but there was no medicine for regret. Instead of focusing on his issues, Ilia decided to help his new comrades.

Inside the tower, footsteps echoed in the darkness as Arthur walked in. Countless figures eyed him from both sides, but none of them moved to stop him. Instead, they looked at him with curiosity.

The tower had no light except for the golden glow from Arthur's mana. He showed no fear as he passed countless figures of warriors, beasts, and demigods.

"How can you not fear a legion of astral beings?" asked a voice ahead of him, where a giant armor stood protecting a set of double doors. "Each of those present within this floor can destroy worlds and end civilizations. How can you not fear us?"

Arthur didn't answer as he walked with the same slow, confident pace. He didn't stop until he stood before the giant armor that almost touched the ceiling. Two blue flames looked at him from within the helmet, intrigued and arrogant.

"How can you not fear me?"

Arthur repeated the question, staring the armor in the eyes, but he had to raise his head. Before any of them could do a thing, Arthur slashed with his dagger, sending an arc of black energy toward the armor.

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The giant fell to his knees before Arthur as the arc passed through his knees, stripping them of strength. As its knees slammed the ground, splitting the marble floor, Arthur grinned.

"Don't look down on me," said Arthur as he sheathed his dagger and rested his hand atop it. "If a king enters, you kneel."

"Who do you think you are?" asked the armored giant as the two blue flames stared at him with rage. "Who are you to make me kneel?"

"Arthur Netherborne, the Returning King."

His voice echoed like thunderclaps as he turned to face the countless astral beings. His golden eyes stared at the legions of warriors glaring at him with threatening auras, ready to tear him apart. Then, his left hand entered his pocket while holding his dagger in his right.

"Kneel before me."

His command received an instant response as every astral being inside this hall fell to their knees; figures wearing impressive armors or carrying legendary swords knelt all the same. Some of these figures used to be kings before ascending to become astral beings, but in the end, his command met no resistance.

"The Art of Kings, Submission," said the giant armor kneeling behind Arthur with amazement as the two flames shook with fear. After a few long seconds of uncertainty, the giant armor bowed his head. "We have been waiting for your arrival, our king."

"These vessels greet the Returning King," echoed the rest of the astral beings in unison as Arthur scanned their countless numbers. "We have awaited this day ever since our defeat. Please let us follow you to battle against the gods."

Arthur stood there for a long time, looking at their faces filled with longing and yearning for another war. However, he didn't rally them or promise a victory. Instead, he ignored them and turned to walk from between the giant's feet toward the door.

"What is your command, my king?" asked the giant as he looked at Arthur with confusion. Arthur halted his steps toward the door and allowed uncertainty to fill the floor. Then, his voice echoed to reach the legions of astral beings.

"You will have to wait a little more," said Arthur without looking at them, his eyes focused on the door. "I know that countless worlds suffered because of Nameless and the gods, but the time for freedom has yet to arrive. Spread the word that I have returned and that the final war is about to begin."

"As you command!" the astral beings answered at the same time as Arthur walked toward the double doors. They parted ways to welcome him, and Arthur left the floor with that. Then, the doors closed.