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Let's Divorce As Agreed

Chapter 533 - 533: Moving to a New House
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Chapter 533: Moving to a New House

Translator: Nyoi-Bo StuEditor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As Shu Pan stepped out of the gates of Gu Group, Gu Shaoting called her.

“Are you home?” Gu Shaoting, having just finished his work, looked at the tand regretted not keeping Shu Pan back.

“Not yet. I’m waiting for a ride.” Shu Pan felt a bit downcast. Her good mood had been ruined.

“Still at the company entrance?” Gu Shaoting asked, puzzled. It had been a while since she left, and he thought she would have reached hby now.

“Yeah.” Shu Pan’s tone was somewhat subdued. It felt like she had stepped on something unpleasant, making her feel nauseous.

“In that case, don’t leave. I’ll cdown now. I’ve finished my work. Let’s move to Qiyuan today.” This matter had been decided long ago but kept getting postponed. Finally, everyone had sfree ttoday.

“Okay.” Soon, Gu Shaoting cdown and took Shu Pan’s hand to the parking lot.

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Speople in the company were stunned to see this scene. The news spread quickly, and everyone was discussing Mr. Gu’s girlfriend.

“Mr. Gu’s girlfriend is so youthful and energetic. She doesn’t seem too old.” Sspeculated based on Shu Pan’s appearance.

“Didn’t they say Mr. Gu’s girlfriend is a mature woman?” Others countered.

“They already have a grown-up daughter.” Everyone maintained a strong interest in gossip about their boss.

Charlene scoffed at the conversation. A bunch of boring people.

Gu Shaoting accompanied Shu Pan back to Qiyuan. Auntie Li cout warmly to welcthem when she saw them arriving at their new place. She was delighted to know they were moving into Qiyuan.

Now things were getting lively.

Auntie Li started preparing lunch.

“Panpan, you and Auntie Li stay at home. I’ll arrange for simportant things to be brought over.” After dropping off Shu Pan, Gu Shaoting hurried back to Shuimu Qinghua to arrange for transportation to move their belongings.

“Okay, be careful.” Shu Pan and Auntie Li entered the house.

“Okay, be careful.” Shu Pan and Auntie Li entered the house.

“Madam, please sit down and don’t worry. Lethandle it.” Auntie Li stopped Shu Pan from getting involved.

“Auntie Li, just callShu Pan. It’s okay, I’m not busy anyway.” Shu Pan smiled.

By the afternoon, most of the things that needed to be moved had been brought over. Setting up a new hrequired a lot of work, and one person couldn’t handle it all, especially since they were moving into a two-story villa.

Luckily, Auntie Li’s help was invaluable. The two of them were busy until late into the night, finally getting everything sorted out.

The feeling of moving into a new hwas wonderful.

Shu Pan thought Joy would surely love it. Last tshe visited her, Joy had said she wanted to invite her friends over to their new home.

Shu Pan had taken a long vacation and was finally returning to work.

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To be honest, her mindset had changed somewhat recently. She used to prioritize her career, but now, taking care of her husband and daughter at home, she found it quite fulfilling.

However, recently Mr. Gu had been encouraging her to quit her job, saying she could go wherever she wanted, do whatever she pleased, wake up whenever she liked, listing all sorts of benefits. She was tempted, but she still declined. It didn’t seem like the right tyet.

A woman should have her own career to stay connected with society. Besides, working hadn’t hindered her from taking care of her family. She could consider it later, especially after adding a new member to the family.

“Shu Pan, you’re finally back from vacation. I missed you,” Tang Wei said, feeling sentimental when she saw Shu Pan.

“Is it because there’s no one to gossip with, that’s why you say you missed me?” Shu Pan chuckled, teasing her.

“Hey, don’t laugh atagain,” Tang Wei pouted.

“Isn’t it true though?” Shu Pan asked in all seriousness.

“It’s not gossip; it’s about your happiness,” Tang Wei said solemnly.

“My happiness?” Shu Pan was taken aback, struggling to understand. What did Tang Wei mean by that?