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Let's Divorce As Agreed

Chapter 380 - 380: Warning
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Chapter 380: Warning

Translator: Nyoi-Bo StuEditor: Nyoi- Bo Studio

How could a busy man like him have the tto care about such trivial matters?

Shu Pan felt that he was just here to take a look at the company.

Shu Pan started to work. Because of the CEO’s arrival, everyone seemed to be very busy and worked very seriously.

When it was almost tto get off work in the afternoon, Shu Pan was packing her things when she suddenly received a message on her phone. She opened it and saw that it was from Gu Shaoting. It was a short message: “Cup.”

Shu Pan was stunned. Ever since he added her on the messaging app, he would send her messages from tto time.

Shu Pan looked at the two words on the phone screen thinking Gu Shaoting meant to ask her to go to his office.

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But why did he ask her to go up?

They are not at the company and everyone. Why couldn’t they talk about it when they went back?

Although she thought so, Shu Pan still slowed down her packing. She wanted to wait until everyone went out to eat before she quietly went up.

“Shu Pan, do you want to lunch together?” Tang Wei asked as she walked past Shu Pan.

“I’m not going. I’m not going to be a third wheel.” Shu Pan smiled.

It turned out that Tang Wei and a male colleague in the company had been chatting fervently recently. They had lunch together and Shu Pan was afraid that the guy would be awkward, so she gave them space.

“Annoying, we haven’t even started anything.” Tang Wei was shy and walked away.

“Aiyo, speople really think that they’ve hooked up with the CEO. They’re putting on airs.” MO Lan happened to pass by. She had always been sharp and mean.

“MO Lan, you were the one who spread the rumours in the company yesterday, right?” Shu Pan asked with certainty.

“Shu Pan, you don’t have any evidence, so don’t slander me. However, you know what you’ve done. Don’t blothers for criticizing you. Look, why others were not talked about? Something doesn’t start with nothing.” MO Lan said clearly.

Shu Pan knew she couldn’t win against MO Lan, but if something like this happened again, she definitely wouldn’t let it go.

“Have sconscience. God sees what you are doing. MO Lan, I’ll let it go this time, but I hope there won’t be a next time.” Shu Pan said fiercely and left.

MO Lan looked at Shu Pan’s back and gritted her teeth.

She is now threatening people, the previous Shu Pan wasn’t so tough.

She would not believe that there was no one backing her up.

When Shu Pan cout ot the bathroom and saw that all her colleagues had left, she picked up her bag and walked out of the office.

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When she reached the elevator, she looked left and right again. After making sure that there was really no one else, she walked into the elevator with relief and pressed the floor button for the CEO’s Office.

However, no matter how careful Shu Pan was, she couldn’t escape a pair of eyes hidden in the dark.

Those two cold eyes stared at her as she walked into the elevator and saw the elevator stop at the floor of the CEO’s Office.

Let’s see what you say this time, pretentious one.

Shu Pan reached the 28th floor. When the elevator opened, she bent and leaned out to see if there was really no one else.

“Miss Shu Pan, cin. Mr. Gu is waiting for you.” Secretary Zhang felt a little amused when he saw Shu Pan sneaking around.

Shu Pan smiled awkwardly. “Aren’t you guys going downstairs to eat?”

“I’ve already ordered takeout. I’ve also ordered it for you and Mr. Gu. Hurry up and go in to eat.” Secretary Zhang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Shu Pan. He was worried that Shupan wouldn’t cup, or else Mr. Gu would explode again.

“Ok, thank you. Do you know why he’s looking for me?” Shu Pan wanted to know what Gu Shaoting wanted. It was impossible for them to just have a meal together.

“Well, I’m really not sure. The CEO doesn’t need to explain his actions to us.”

Secretary Zhang led Shu Pan to Gu Shaoting’s office..