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Let Me Go, Mr. Hill!

Chapter 2944
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Chapter 2944

This taste was really hard to describe. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was the worst dish Chester had ever


Chester had never treated his stomach badly in his life.

“Isn’t it delicious?” Charity looked at him and asked.

“It’s delicious. It’s the best I’ve ever eaten.” Chester bit the bullet and stuffed the food into his mouth. While eating,

he secretly watched Charity pick up the chopsticks and prepare to eat.

Chester thought that after Charity took a bite, she would know that the food she cooked was unpalatable.

but apparently not.

He was a little depressed, maybe he was sick and had a problem with his sense of taste.

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“I’m not very good at cooking.” Charity said suddenly, “I don’t like to put seasonings, and I put less salt and oil. I

think that if I eat less of these, my health will be better. I used to not be afraid of getting sick or dying. After having

a child, I don’t think I can get sick, and I want to live longer, at least until Levi grows up safely.”

Chester’s heart moved slightly, and he gently held Charity’s hand, saying, “Don’t talk nonsense, I want you to live a

long time. Not only can I see Levi grow up, but I can also see my own children and grandchildren in the house.”

“Hope.” Charity raised her red lips.

“Yes.” Chester leaned into her ear and said, “And I’m a doctor, I will definitely make you and your child safe and

sound. Charity, we missed too many of our best years, and for the rest of our lives, I will grow old with you until the

day my hair turns gray.”

Charity was startled; she didn’t dare think about it after such a long time.

It’s just that Chester’s eyes were too hot.

Charity lowered her eyes and picked some food for him. “Eat; don’t talk while eating.”

Chester’s thin lips slightly curled up, and he ate all the food. He actually had a bad appetite, but Charity cooked for

him herself, and no matter whether the food was good or not, he didn’t want to waste it.

In the afternoon, Chester’s fever subsided a little, and Charity returned to her home.

Mrs. Robbins immediately came up to Charity and asked, “Is Chester better? Have you taken good care of him?”

Charity said speechlessly, “You care about him more than me now. Don’t worry, I’ve been caring for him all the

time.” Physically cool down, and cook for him at noon.”

“You cook yourself?” Mrs. Robbins was stunned for a moment, and then she showed disgust, saying, “With your

cooking skills, you don’t think it’s because you want to make people feel bad, right?”

Charity’s beautiful face instantly turned black, “Mom, what are you talking about? He ate everything I made and

even complimented me on my cooking.”

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“That’s absolutely delicious! You’re talking nonsense with your eyes open; I can’t even choke on the dishes you

cook.” Mrs. Robbins teased, “It’s only Chester who has accepted your cooking skills, so cherish it.”

Two days later, Chester recovered from his illness.

Mrs. Robbins called people over, and personally gave Chester stewed tonics, such as codonopsis, soft-shelled turtle,

velvet antler, and sea cucumbers, but Chester’s tonics were hard to describe.

It’s fine if he had problems in that aspect, but he had always been quite strong in that aspect.

Once these supplements were swallowed, Chester, who had been idle for a few years, became angry.

Afraid that Mrs. Robbins would let him continue to make up for it, Chester quickly decided to go to the hospital to

work immediately, he could not continue to rest at home.

On the first day of work, Dean Edwards came to pick him up in person. When he saw Chester’s handsome face with

a few pimples, Dean Edwards’s expression was a little strange, “Young Master Jewell, are you endocrine


Chester’s expression turned ugly. He gave Dean Edwards a hard look and immediately put on a mask for himself,

saying, “Shut up.”