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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 33
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33 For Forever

ALEJANDRO Kiara wiped herself clean with some wipes and I splashed my face with water before we

both headed downstairs. She cast me a warm smile before she hurried to the door and pulled it open.

Julio gave us a nod, and I didn’t miss his gaze flickering to Kiara’s neck, one that still contained a few

marks. I’m sure we both still smelt of her arousal and a flare of possessiveness shot through me.

I gave him a cold glare and he looked away, looking slightly embarrassed as he realised I was f*****g

shirtless too.


If he didn’t have a mate, I’d have f*****g ripped him apart, but I know he was just a nosy d******d.

“Hey Enrique, I’m sorry if we disturbed you from sleep.” Kiara’s voice brought me back to reality and I

dismissed Julio with a jerk of my head. He gave a nod and placed the bag he was carrying down before

taking his leave. “I wasn’t sleeping, Queen Luna.” He replied.

I cocked a brow, so he called her Queen and called me Lycan. I hid a smirk. The f****r had gall, I’ll give

him that.

“Then let’s get you set up in a bedroom where you can get a good night’s sleep.”

He frowned and looked at me suspiciously.

“Giving me a place in your home won’t get me to talk.” He remarked.

“I know.” Kiara said, ruffling his hair.

He jerked away from her, and she turned, about to pick up the bag when both me and the boy reached

for it simultaneously. I raised an eyebrow, allowing him to pick it up. “I’ll carry it.” He muttered, frowning

as he stared ahead.

Either he was smart and knew I was watching him, or maybe I was being too paranoid… Not once did he

look around, scanning the place.

I was allowing him to stay, yet there were going to be guards outside his windows as well as outside his

bedroom door… I wasn’t going to allow him a free pass to do whatever the f**k he wanted…

He followed Kiara up the stairs, and I followed, trying not to look at her s**y a*s. She walked down the

hall as the few men who were standing around nodded at us as we passed. I didn’t like my men in our

home, but with everything going on, we needed to be careful, and someone needed to be observing the

kids constantly. Kiara stopped outside one of the unoccupied guest rooms and opened the door, flipping

the switch on. “I hope it’s ok?” Kiara asked him.

He didn’t reply. Placing the bag down, he gave her a nod as an answer.

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“I will sleep now.” Kiara nodded, going over to the bed. She pulled the bedding back, I leaned against the

doorframe. She was too f*****g good to everyone…

“I don’t sleep on beds… As werewolves, we don’t need blankets, nor do we need a comfortable resting

area that only makes us lazy.” He replied, curtly walking over towards the window. Well, he had a f*****g

point… I hated getting out of bed when I was in it with my doll. “Have you tried it?” Kiara asked.

“I don’t want to.”

And with that, he lay down and closed his eyes.

Stubborn f****r. I frowned slightly, remembering the wooden plank he was sleeping on when I had

brought him here. How much had he f*****g been through? Whether I trusted him or not, this s**t was

f*****g messed up. “You’re sleeping on the f*****g bed. Now.” I growled, my command rolling off me. 2

Kiara turned frowning slightly. ‘Want him to get a f*****g good night’s sleep?” I asked her. ‘Not by forcing

him.’ She replied pointedly, as the boy struggled for a fraction of a second against my command, yet

frowned as he was forced to obey. ‘Yeah well, I’m not in his good books. Today he’s f*****g forced,

tomorrow he’ll sleep there of his own f*****g choice. I don’t give a f**k about being the bad guy.’ I turned

away as the boy got into bed, glaring at me. 1 “Thank me tomorrow.” I replied with a cold smirk, glancing

at him over my shoulder. “Goodnight Enrique, the bathroom is through there.” Kiara murmured before

she dimmed the lights and followed me out. “You have a good heart; you just do things a bit crazily.” She

added once the door clicked shut. “Yeah? Well, we aren’t all f*****g angels.” I pulled her close, kissing

her lips hard. ‘I apologise for being f*****g stubborn over this s**t.’

‘Apology accepted.’ Her soft, seductive reply came as she locked her arms around my neck and kissed


Have you sent a message out to him?’

‘Yeah on the dark web, let’s see if he responds or not.’

She nodded, pondering over what I said as we returned to our bedroom. Kiara turned to me, her smile

vanishing as I unbuckled my pants.

“That’s not usually the face I see when I’m stripping.” I remarked. She gave a small smile and shook her


“There was something I wanted to tell you earlier, then I got side-tracked.” She sighed,

brushing her fingers through her hair.

“Oh yeah?” I took hold of her elbows, making her eyes flutter shut for a moment as I drew her close.

Sparks rippled through us as I looked down at her concerned, my breath fanning her face and her heart

skipped a beat. She opened her eyes after a moment and gazed up into mine. “Earlier, when we were

leaving the packhouse to go for a walk, … I couldn’t remember the passcode for the back door.” She

whispered, her heart thundering. My stomach plunged, twisting inside of me with the s**t going on. I had

almost hoped it had just been a few small things she had forgotten…

“I can’t remember how we first met either… or how Raven and I became friends…”

With each word she said, she stared at my chest, tracing my tattoo with a single finger, unable to hold my

gaze but sending pleasure coursing through me. She was also making my heart f*****g squeeze in fear.

Didn’t remember how we first f*****g met.

Didn’t remember Raven.

The key code hasn’t been changed in the last eight months. “I’m forgetting more and more, and I’m

scared.” She whispered, forcing a smile before she began chewing her bottom lip as she tried to control

the emotions that were seeping through the bond.

“We are going to figure this s**t out. I f*****g assure you.” I replied huskily, tilting her chin up and running

my thumb over her lips, tugging her bottom one free from between her teeth as I looked into those

gorgeous eyes of hers, before I claimed her lips in a silent promise.

There was no f*****g way that she was going to forget me.

She couldn’t.

I had just finished my morning training and had showered, when I stepped into the bedroom wearing a

pair of blue jeans to see Kiara applying some make up, dressed in a sky-blue chiffon floral halter dress

that showed off her gorgeous b*****s from what I could see in the mirror.

Her back was on show, with a criss-cross string detailing holding the fabric in place. I walked over to the

drawer, picking up her wedding rings, which she hadn’t put back on since our return. We’d had enough

s**t going on but it was the longest she had been without them and as much as I wasn’t f*****g

sentimental, after last night I was f*****g worried.

I walked over to her, and she smiled up at me. Looking f*****g gorgeous. D**n the goddess had

exceeded herself when she made her….

“Do I look ok?”

Raihana had wanted a garden party before her, Chris and her pup left, so we were f*****g spending the

day out back.

“More than f*****g ok.” I replied, going down on one knee next to her as she turned towards me. I kissed

her b*****s before trailing kisses up her neck.

She let out a breathless laugh, wrapping her arms around my neck, and when I teasingly ran

my fingers over the strings of her dress, she wriggled in my hold, especially when my fingers brushed her

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waist, tickling her.


I smirked, moving back and held the rings out to her.

“Want to wear these?” I asked.

She smiled, as she looked at them.

“Those are so pretty. Sure, why not, if you want me to wear them.” She replied with a stunning smile,

taking them from me. 2

My smile faded as I watched her try one of the rings on her middle finger, my heart clenching as I

reached out, taking the rings from her, sliding both onto her ring finger and trying not to let my emotions

show on my face.

She was forgetting F**k she had forgotten these were her wedding rings… F**k “Thanks… it looks like

we’re married now.” She remarked teasingly, moving her hand and allowing the light to reflect on the

diamonds, making them sparkle brightly. 1 “We are.” I responded ever so quietly, not wanting to ruin her

f*****g day.


She turned back to me and I cupped her neck, kissing her hard before she could reply. It felt like another

one of my f*****g nightmares was coming true. I couldn’t bear to hear her say she couldn’t remember our

marriage… F**k…

I kissed her with a desperation I couldn’t control, and I could hear her heart thundering as she tried to

keep up. She parted her legs and I pulled her against me as I knelt between them. Would she forget the

way this felt? The way my lips felt against hers? The taste of my mouth?

The way we were meant to be.

‘Alejandro, are you ok?’ She whispered through the link, a soft sigh escaping her lips. I didn’t know what

to say, how do I explain my fear to her? But I couldn’t lie to her, without her realising either. We broke

apart and I brushed my finger over her lips, pressing my forehead to hers. “I f*****g love you more than

life itself, Amore Mio.” I murmured, inhaling her scent. “I love you too.” She replied, cupping my face and

claiming my lips in a softer, slower yet equally sensual kiss. “And everything about you.”

She smiled softly and those gorgeous blue-rimmed green eyes looked directly into mine. Her thick lashes

caressed her cheek when she blinked.

“Likewise, my s**y nympho queen.” I smirked as she blushed lightly.



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