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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 26
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26. Her Strong Belief KIARA Dinner had been pleasant , it felt nice to have a full house , and for fleeting

moments we were able to forget the weight of everything going on around us . I healed Delsanra , and

although it did nothing to the curse it did give her a little energy , another reason I was glad they were

here .

I had just tucked the girls into the bed , Raihana was making Tatum and Ahren sleep and the rest of the

adults were downstairs . Mom was making hot drinks for us all whilst I made sure Dante was settled . He

never used to want me to put him to bed , but he didn’t argue over it since the turn of events . I ran my

hand through Dante’s hair ,

kissing his forehead gently as I poured my healing into him , but it did nothing for him . I sighed heavily ,

looking at my sleeping baby boy and fought back my tears You are going to get better . I wish there was

more that I could do for him , for Delsanra … My phone beeped , I picked it up from the bedside drawer

and smiled ,

seeing it was a message from Raven . I unlocked : my phone and clicked on it . ‘ Call me if you have a

moment . ‘ It read , followed by a purple and black heart emoji . I hit the call button and she answered

almost instantly . ” Hey Kia , how are you ? ” ” Hey hun , I’m ok . Just getting by I guess , how are the

kiddies ? ”

” They are all fine , I just got them to bed and thought I’d call . How are you and the family today ? ” I

smiled , having five toddlers to handle was no small feat . ” We are all doing ok . We have some answers

, I’m not sure if Liam’s told you , but Kat had a name and a pack name , so we are getting somewhere . ”

11 ” I’m glad , no Liam didn’t mention that . He should be coming back tomorrow . I’m thinking of you .

You know , if there’s anything you need me to do , I’m here , or

if you just need to vent . ” 11 I knew she was ; Liam was currently at the burnt down country home trying

to scavenge for any hint or anything that could help . ” You two are already doing so much , I mean you

have the kids and the pack . Mom and Dad have been here , Liam’s not . home . ” 11 ” I can handle the

kids with ease ! Besides ,

I do have help , but they do miss Zuzu . She’s the ringleader and without her , I think they do feel it . I’m

just hoping things are sorted soon . ” Her tone was softer towards the end , her worry and concern for us

clear in her voice . ” I’m sure it will be . ” I replied . ” Thank you , Raven , for everything . ” ” Nothing to

thank me for , that’s what I’m here for . ” We ended the call shortly after , and I smiled down at the phone

. She was such a good friend , goddess .

I’m grateful that she came into my life … I tilted my head ; I couldn’t remember how we became friends

… Did we become friends after she was mated to my brother ? or did Pknow her from before ? I brushed

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my hair back , frowning , Pondering over this for a moment . I shook my head and stood up , being

extremely careful not to disturb Dante , and silently left the room , heading back downstairs . The sound

of my heels echoed in the silence .

My mind wandered to what Alejandro was planning on doing , I didn’t agree with it , but I also knew he

was not going to listen . I turned the corner when suddenly someone grabbed my elbow , spinning me

around and straight into their strong arms . I smiled as the intense sparks coursed through me , his

intoxicating scent hitting me hard . I closed my eyes for a moment , enjoying it as I wrapped my arms

around his neck . I looked up at him slowly , my heart thumping .

His body moulded against mine oh so perfectly . ” Can I help you , my love ? ” I asked kissing his neck .

We had been fine during dinner and everything , but that disagreement between us still remained , and I

just felt recently we were having far too many of them . He didn’t reply for a moment , his cold eyes

staring down at me . ” Do I need a reason to hold you ? ” I bit my lip as his hand travelled down my back

. ” Not at all . ” I replied , feeling giddy . ” Good .

” And then his lips were on mine , one hand tangling in my hair as he yanked my head back and kissed

me roughly . We broke apart after a few moments , the intensity of the kiss leaving me lightheaded . ”

You know , if you two are done , the drinks are getting cold ! ” Raihana’s voice came from the living room

. I heard a light chuckle , and I blushed , realising the door was open . ” Babe , you can just keep the

drinks hot . ” Chris’s drawl came . ” That’s not hard for a smoking hot bombshell . “

I pulled away and Alejandro wrapped his arm around my waist as we both entered the living room .

Rayhan was seated in the corner with Delsanra in his lap , a blanket over her shoulders as he cradled

her body , running his fingers through her hair . Maria was next to them carrying little Sienna , who was

the only one awake from the kids ,

with Mom on the other end of the sofa , her leg draped over Dad’s . Chris and Raihana were on the other

sofa , their arms around one another . Alejandro took a seat in the armchair , and I picked up the

remaining two mugs , which were steaming hot – something I knew was courtesy of Raihana and her

magic . I walked over to Alejandro ,

and he pulled me slowly into his lap before taking his mug . With the kids all in bed it was a lot quieter ,

even Sienna was falling asleep in her grandmother’s arms . I took a sip of my hot chocolate while resting

my head on Alejandro’s shoulder , as Mom and Maria made small talk . When silence fell , Chris spoke

up . ” So , when are you planning on doing that spell ? ” He asked , his eyes fixed on Raibana .

She looked at Alejandro , and I looked up at him , hoping he’d reconsider . ” Soon , let me just finish this

drink . ” Alejandro replied , glancing at me for a split moment . I sat up straight , looking at Mom and Dad

. Everyone in this room knew the plan . ” Do you guys actually agree with this ? ” 1 asked , keeping my

gaze on Dad . “

He isn’t planning to torture the child . ” Dad said quietly . I pursed my lips . ” But it’s a child . ” ” 1 ” Who is

in a bad position . This may be better for him , Kiara . ” Mom reasoned quietly . Ok , even she was ok

with this …. I looked at my acrylic nude nails and then up at Raihana and Maria . ” Am I the only one who

isn’t ok with this ? ” ” Is it a feeling you have , or you just generally don’t think it’s right ? ” Rayhan asked ,

raising an eyebrow . ” generally don’t think this is right . “

I murmured , gripping my mug tightly . Delsanra looked at me too , and I realised that we did need

answers . She and Dante couldn’t carry on like this , but I did wish this wasn’t the way to go about it . ”

Sometimes a decision isn’t easy , but we have to get it done . ” Maria sighed softly , Where do you plan

to keep the child ? ” ” In a room , safe . ” Alejandro’s reply was curt and cold . 11 ” You mean as a

prisoner . If he’s a little older than Dante , say nine or ten even then ,

that means he’ll remember this . ” I debated . ” Look , I don’t want to bring this up , but sometimes we

think we do the right thing , but it can have lasting consequences … We’ve seen it happen before . ” I

glanced at Rayhan , who frowned looking down . ” But I wouldn’t have done anything any differently ,

even if I could go back . “

He replied , his eyes flashing green . Delsanra placed a hand on his cheek , soothing him . I didn’t say

anything else ; I was outnumbered on this one … The urge to tell them to carry on and that I would not

be a part of this was on the tip of my lips , but if they were going to bring a child here , then I wanted to

reassure him that he was going to be ok . That we were not going to hurt him . I remained silent after that

, getting up from Alejandro’s lap I placed my mug down , but I didn’t return to his side . I was trying to

control the emotions that were whirling around inside of me . ‘

Amore Mio. ‘ I glanced at him , trying to mask my emotions as I picked up the tray of empty mugs . ‘ I’m

just going to put these in the kitchen . ‘ I turned away feeling upset . I heard Raihana follow me out , but

she didn’t speak until we entered the kitchen . ” Kiara , I’m sorry . ” She said coming over as I placed the

mugs in the sink and began washing them . ” You don’t think there’s anything wrong with it , so why are

you apologising ? ” I questioned quietly . ” Because I know I’m upsetting you by doing this , but we aren’t

going to hurt the boy . He may be better in our care . “

” There’s a difference between being in our care and using him as bait , but I know we won’t agree , so

let’s forget it . When are you doing the spell ? ” I asked , my irritation seeping into my voice . She crossed

her arms and shook her head . ” I don’t get why you are making this sentimental , Kiara . ” ” As a mother

, I don’t think it’s right . ” ” This involves our loved ones , it’s not so easy to make these decisions . ” ” ”

Can we just end the conversation ?

” I replied , my eyes flashing . Raihana frowned . ” Fine , we won’t discuss it then . I really don’t think you

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should be there when the spell happens if you are just going to get hurt over it . This is war , that monster

has resigned Delsanra to the state she is currently in and she’s in pain , as well as Dante . I think getting

back at him is perfectly fine . “

She replied , her own eyes blazing . ” Exactly . That monster is responsible , not his son . Not a child who

helped Kataleya ! Even if he didn’t help her , we shouldn’t be targeting him . ” I shot back ” Girls . Calm

down . ” Maria’s voice came , we both turned to see our mothers standing there . Raihana was only two

years younger than I am , and I don’t think we’ve ever argued before . ” Kiara , I think it’s better if you

head to bed . ” Mom said quietly .

I clenched my jaw , feeling my aura surge around me as I tried to control my emotions . ” No , I’m coming

along because this is a child who clearly has no one on his side . ” I growled and I didn’t wait for an

answer , brushing past both elder women , knocking straight into Chris in the hall . He didn’t say anything

as he steadied me by the elbows , a frown of concern on his face . I walked back to the lounge and

crossed my arms , looking at Alejandro .

My eyes icy . ” Let’s get to this spell . Where do you plan to do it ? ” Alejandro stood up , frowning . ” At

headquarters , secondly I’d appreciate it if you stay here . ” ” I’m going to be there . ” I replied firmly , my

eyes flashing . ” You fucking ain’t . Elijah , make sure she stays here . ” His aura rolled off him in waves

and I could feel the command in it .

Alejandro strode over to me , his power and dominance rolling off him in waves . He reached for my face

, but I stepped out of his hold . I shook my head , not masking my utter disappointment . I could never get

my head around using a child for any purpose . I … It was wrong . ” I hope you’re happy ” I whispered

before I turned and was about to leave the room , only for Alejandro to grab my arm and yank me into his

arms .

Sparks rushed through me and my chest squeezed painfully . ” Let go of me , ‘ I commanded through the

link , not wanting to cause a scene with Dad right there . He frowned , but did as I said , I knew he could

see the fire in my eyes . ‘ I hope that in time you fucking see that I did the right thing . ‘ He replied . I

didn’t answer ,

running upstairs and walking down the hall , I entered the girl’s bedroom , messaging Mom that I’ll sleep

here tonight . I did not want to see him . My phone beeped , and I looked down at Dad’s message . ‘

Kiara , can we talk ? ‘ ‘ No , I’m going to bed . ‘ I text back , tossing my phone onto the small sofa in the

girl’s room and running my fingers through my hair .

I walked to the window and stared out into the night sky . I saw Alejandro , Raihana , Chris , and Mom

head out , and clenched my jaw feeling helpless . This was wrong . This child was going to feel as if he

was a prisoner … He was a child , not a monster . I closed my eyes , leaning against the wall , turning

away from the window . Goddess protect all our children …

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