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Kids from One Alpha

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44: Holly’s Confession
When Logan came down for breakfast the next morning, Serena and the twins were already in the living room. Oliver was
painting with fingerpaints. Serena had covered the rug with newspapers so he wouldn’t get paint on anything. Olivia was on the
couch with her mother and Serena was reading to her. She looked up and smiled at Logan when he came down. He narrowed
his eyes at her, still unsure what he felt about her date the night before.
Holly was in the kitchen making him breakfast. It was an unusual treat, so he smiled when she handed him his coffee. “What’s
the occasion?” he asked sitting down at the table. Holly bit her lip coyly. “I can’t just dote on my mate?” she asked. Logan
chuckled. “Why were you out so late last night?” he asked. Holly shrugged, putting pancakes on a plate for him. She set them in
front of Logan and then got himself some too. She sat across from him. “I was with a friend,” she said. “We had a lot to talk
about.” “A friend?” Logan asked, raising an eyebrow at her. There was the suspicious jealousy he’d been missing last night! Holly
shook her head and laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Natalia,” she said. Logan nodded, biting into a pancake. “It was just a girl’s night.” “Is everything alright?” Logan asked, realizing
that he’d have to show some interest in ‘girl’s night’ now that Holly had confirmed it wasn’t anything for him to worry about. Holly
sighed, looking down at her pancakes. * think so,” she said. “You think?” Logan asked. “Is there anything Natalia needs?” Holly
shook her head. “It isn’t Natalia,” she said. “I mean, she was there for me last night. I was the one who needed someone to talk
to.” Holly was being so kind and pleasant. Logan set his fork down, a new suspicion flooding through him. She was usually only
so nice and pleasant when she thought he was going to be mad at her. “The pancakes?” he asked. “Are they to put me in a good
mood?” Holly sighed, wrapping her arms around her waist. “Logan, please, this is serious,” she said. That made Logan even
more suspicious. Holly was rarely ever serious about anything. “So, are you going to tell me what is going on?” Logan asked, his
voice rising in volume. “I don’t think I’m ready yet,” Holly said. “Not ready?” he asked through gritted teeth. “Holly, what affects
you affects me too!”
“I know, I know,” Holly said looking up with wide eyes. “I just need more time.” Logan shook his head. He pushed his chair back,

leaving a half-eaten breakfast at the table. He headed to the living room, sitting down with Oliver on the floor. “What are you
painting, Buddy?” he asked. “A flower,” Oliver said. “Want to paint with me?” Logan nodded, grabbing a blank page and sticking
his pointer finger into the blue paint. “You really want to know what is going on!?” Holly snapped, her tone full of anger as she
appeared in the living room. Logan looked up at her. She had her hands on her hips, her eyes glowing cruelly as she took in
Serena and the twins in the living room. “I don’t think now is the right time,” Logan said. “As you pointed out earlier.” “You’re such
a jerk, Logan!” she hissed, throwing her hands in the air. “You always have to have your way. Well, you wanted to know what
was wrong, so I’ll tell you. I’m pregnant!”

The room became completely silent. Oliver stopped painting, Serena stopped reading. Everyone stared at Holly and Logan just
blinked at her. He laughed and shook his head.
“No you’re not,” he said. “You’re on birth control.” “Okay,” Serena said standing up. “Oliver, can you go upstairs and wash your
hands, please? Olivia, go with him and make sure he doesn’t touch anything until his hands are clean.” With reluctant sighs, the
twins got up. “Please play in your room until I come get you,” she said. They nodded. Logan hated to see them go, because he
knew Holly would just get more worked up. “Tactful,” Logan said. “You really don’t know how to behave around kids. There is no
way you are pregnant.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” Holly said. “I must just be imagining all the things that are happening in my body.” She
crossed her arms. “I don’t think I should be here for this conversation,” Serena said. “Do you think the two of you could at least
keep it down? There are curious five year old twins in the house.”
“She’s right, we don’t need to have this conversation now,” Logan said. Serena rolled her eyes at him. He didn’t know what he’d
said to make her angry.
“That’s not what I said,” Serena snapped. “But if neither of you can censor yourselves with impressionable ears around, how can
either of you ever hope to be parents?” Holly scoffed.
“You‘re already going to give me parenting advice. The dysfunction queen thinks ! need her wisdom?” she asked rudely. Logan
growled at Holly. He would have grabbed 2/6
her and dragged her away, but if she really was pregnant, he couldn’t do that. “You know what, the two of you deserve each

other and whatever and all the misery you bring each other. Don’t be selfish and force your own child into that!” she shook her
head and fled from the room. Logan glared at Holly. “We’ll talk about this later,” he said. “I want to see the proof, because you
told me you were on birth control.” “Accidents happen,” Holly said with a dismissive shrug. Logan swallowed another growl. He
had to get away from Holly. Whatever he was feeling wouldn’t be good to unleash around her, especially if she was telling the
truth. Even if she wasn’t, his anger would only fuel hers and they’d go back and forth forever. Logan followed Serena. She was
right. If that was how Holly was going to act, then she wasn’t ready to be a mother. She didn’t know how to behave around kids
at all, which was obvious based on her outburst. She’d been completely inappropriate. What bothered Logan more was that
Serena was right about him too! He’d spent a lot of time with her kids, deluding himself into thinking he could be a positive
influence on them. Yet, he was still with a woman who had no ability to relate to them, who was selfish and unnecessarily
competitive and cruel. He wasn’t ready to be a father. The only difference was, if Holly was telling the truth, he would do
everything he needed in order to get ready to be a father. He wasn’t sure Holly would do the same. He had trouble imagining her

being a good, selfless, attentive mother. Serena had gone out into the yard through the kitchen. Logan followed her steps,
staying out of her sight though. She was on the phone and her voice was urgent. He wanted to know what urgency had been
sparked by the announcement that his girlfriend was pregnant. “Yes, can I speak to Dr. Maverick, RedEx Labs, please,” Logan
heard her say. It wasn’t a lab or last name he was familiar with. It had to be a connection of hers in the human world. It was odd,
her using a human lab for some kind of test. All he could think was that it meant it was a lab result or test that she didn’t want
anyone in the pack to know she had run. A result she didn’t want anyone else in the pack to find out. He could think of a few
obvious tests, including paternity for her children, which would make sense with a new pregnancy announcement. Logan had no
idea what he was even thinking! His knowledge of medical technology wasn’t enough to form any opinions. *I sent the blood and
swabs in a while ago,” Serena said on the phone. Logan quieted his mind to hear more of her conversation. There was a long
pause. He saw Serena nod her head several times. “Okay, please let me know as soon as you get the results,” she said. “The
situation has become urgent” She hung up the phone and pocketed it. Logan watched her sigh and look up at the sky.
She seemed more aggravated by Holly’s confession than he was. There was a part of him that still wasn’t convinced. Whether
he was in shock, denial, or actually thought Holly was capable of making something like that up...
Sighing, Logan went back inside. He wanted to know what Serena was up to. Why did she feel like she had to go outside the
pack to run lab tests? What was she hiding? He didn’t know nearly enough about her past to actually put the pieces together. He
was determined to find out though, and it would be a welcome distraction!
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