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Kids from One Alpha

Chapter 129
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Chapter 129: Concerns for the Future
Logan took Serena to a small bakery for coffee and breakfast pastries. It was early enough that they were some of the only
people there and they could continue their conversation without drawing too much attention.
Serena had her hands wrapped around her warm coffee mug, a cheese Danish sitting on a plate beside her.
“You should have told me of your concerns earlier,” Logan said to open up the conversation. Serena sighed. “I know,” she said. “I
was having trouble really getting to the bottom of it, though. I talked to Flo, I talked to my mother, I also talked to Santino. I
couldn’t really figure out what was bothering me so much.”
“I get it,” Logan said with a nod.
“I know you do,” Serena said, smiling warmly at him. “At least I have people to talk to about it. People that can offer the right
support.” Logan smirked. “I made due,” he said with a shrug. He bit into his croissant. Logan hadn’t thought much about whether
or not Serena would have doubts about becoming Luna. He’d always thought that she would welcome the opportunity, based on
what she’d told him about her parents. “You know, I’m honestly a little surprised about this,” Logan said. Serena raised an
eyebrow at him from across the table.
“Why?” she asked. Logan chuckled.
“When you told me about why you became a doctor, it had been a way to prove yourself to your parents,” he reminded her. “A
way to step out from under your brother’s shadow. You admitted to being jealous of Santino for getting to be Alpha, wanting to
show you had the same abilities as him.” “Yes, I know the story,” Serena said with an eyeroll. Logan chuckled again. “And
becoming Luna doesn’t help fulfill that desire?” he asked. He tilted his head at Serena, studying her as she drank her coffee.

There was so much about her that was worth admiring. Logan didn’t think he’d ever understand the strength she possessed, but
he wanted to bask in it.
“It isn’t the same as working for something and succeeding,” she said. “To become a doctor, I had to study, work hard, make the
right connections, compete with other humans and wolves. It was all me. Becoming Luna...that’s just destiny, fate, because the
Moon Goddess fated us to be mates.” Logan shrugged.
“Is that any different than Santino becoming Alpha?” he asked. “He was fated to be Alpha because he was the oldest and only
son born to your parents.”

14:08 D
Chapter 129 Concerns for the Future
Serena looked down at her pastry, her mind working through what Logan said. Logan munched on his croissant, pausing to drink
coffee in between. “You do have a point,” Serena said. “Of course, I do,” Logan said playfully. He smirked at her. Serena sighed,
shaking her head.
“I’ve got to get to the hospital. Thank you for breakfast,” she said. Logan nodded.
“Dana is expecting me to drop by?” he asked. Serena nodded. She gathered her things and left.
Logan finished his coffee slowly. He had a feeling that Serena’s concerns were rooted more deeply than just being concerned
about giving up her independence to become Luna. He had a feeling it had more to do with their relationship than being Luna.
He’d have to talk to her about it more when she got out of work. As it was, he had planned to spend the day with the kids instead
of taking them to daycare. “Come on in, Logan,” Dana said, opening the door when Logan arrived at the house. “The kids are
just finishing breakfast.” “Dana, how would you feel about letting me keep them home from daycare today?” he asked. Dana
raised an eyebrow at him. “I should clear that with Serena,” Dana muttered. Logan sighed. “Sure,” he said with a nod. “I’d just
like to have a day with them. Dana pulled out her phone to make the call, Logan went into the kitchen where the kids were eating
cereal. “Daddy Logan!” Olivia greeted him excitedly. Logan grinned at her. “You can just call me ‘dad’ you know,” he told her. “Are
you here to play with us?” Oliver asked, “I am,” Logan said. “All day, just the three of us. How does that sound?” “Perfect!” Olivia
sang. She jumped down from her chair and hugged Logan tightly around the thighs. Logan smiled, putting his hand on the back
of her head. Dana came into the kitchen, tucking her phone into her pocket. “Serena says that is fine,” Dana said. “I’ll just clean
up from breakfast, and then I’ve got a shift at the daycare. Were you planning on staying at the house all day?” “We’ll see where
the day takes us,” Logan said. “I will have them both back here before Serena comes home from work, though. If we do go out,

that is.” “Alright,” Dana said with a nod. “Come out to the back yard,” Olivia said, taking Logan’s hand and dragging him towards
the back door. Logan grinned at the kids. Oliver was out in front of Olivia, leading the way
Chapter 129: Concerns for the Future
The backyard had a sandbox, a swing set, and several other toys that kids enjoyed. Oliver wanted to play soccer, so Logan
kicked the ball around with him while Olivia played on the monkey bars on the swing set. Olivia called out to them, telling Oliver
what direction to go with the ball to avoid Logan. It didn’t take long for Oliver’s stamina to wear out though, and he flopped down
in the grass, breathing heavily. “...can’t...go...on,” he gasped dramatically. “Just leave me.” Logan scooped Oliver up in his arms
and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “No man ever gets left behind,” he said. “What about women?” Olivia

asked. She jumped down from the monkey bars and ran over to Logan’s side. “Carry me too!” Logan grinned. He grabbed Olivia
in his other arm and threw her over his shoulder too. Olivia giggled and kicked her legs back and forth. Logan ran around the
yard with them once before he too started feeling tired. He set them both down on the ground. “Again, again!” Olivia said. She
held her arms up and jumped up and down. Logan put a hand on his chest, breathing heavily. “I need a minute,” Logan said. He
sat down in the grass and Olivia and Oliver sat with him.
“When are you going to come live with us?” Olivia asked. Logan took a deep breath.
“I don’t know,” he said. “That’s a conversation that your mother and I are going to have.” “Why can’t we talk about it?” Olivia
asked. “Yea, we want you to live with us, daddy,” Oliver said. “Why does mommy have to say it?” Logan chuckled, ruffling
Oliver’s hair. He still wasn’t used to explaining those complicated adult things to kids. He didn’t want to lie to them, but he didn’t
want to say anything that could strain the relationship between the twins and their mother. He didn’t want them to think that she
was keeping him from the twins or anything. It wasn’t that Serena was doing anything like that, but he didn’t know how kids

processed certain bits of information. “Your mother and I are working things out,” Logan said. “Sometimes, what kids want and
what parents want are two different things. We want to make sure that everything we decide is best for all four of us. That’s what
families do.” “Okay, okay,” Olivia grumbled. She got up and went to the swing set again. “I’ll push you,” Oliver said. “I bet you
can’t push me all the way around the top,” Olivia teased.
Chapter 129: Concerns for the Future
“Yes, I can!” Oliver said, rising to the challenge. Logan smiled at the kids. They never did run out of energy. He was happy to
have a day with them but it gave him a good look on how Serena’s life had been for years. Logan still had the luxury of saying
“enough is enough.” Serena didn’t have the chance to step away like he did. Logan didn’t want to step away. He wanted to be
there for the kids and for Serena,
giving her the chance to step away when she needed it. “Come on, dad!” Olivia shouted. “Push me higher.”
“Me too,” Oliver said getting on the other swing. “Push me too!” Logan groaned, heaving himself up onto his feet. He went behind
the swing set and started push them, alternating back and forth. The both laughed and kicked their legs out. The sound of
children’s laughter warmed Logan’s heart. He pushed them as high as he could, then slowly let them lose their momentum until
they were begging him to push them again. He repeated the process until his arms were too tired to keep going. The twins were
exhausted after, so Logan brought them inside. He made them a snack and let them take nap on the couch. He had his own
lunch time snack while he watched them sleep. They clung to each other happily. Logan still wasn’t sure about the future, but he
knew he wanted the twins and Serena in his.
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