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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 5
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Chatper 5

Chapter 5

Vicious and evil?

Jlet out a snort and stared coldly at Daran and Harper.

Casper was attracted over by their earlier arguments and was now just in tto hear Daran’s latest


With a furious look on his face, Casper stepped forward and was about to snap.

Yet a hand grabbed onto his sleeves.

Jshook her head towards Casper and mouthed to him:

I got this.

Casper paused and then smiled resignedly.

He stepped down and returned the battlefield to Janet.

“So you are saying the necklace was gone after the night we were kidnapped. And you are accusing

Harper nodded weakly, her face still covered in tears.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Janet’s face as she said, “But besides the two of us, there were rogues

that night as well. So why didn’t you suspect those outlaws at all? Why did you specifically target me?”

Harper widened her eyes as panic fleeted across her eyes.

“I–I didn’t target it at you!” Harper cried urgently. “I just thought…since it was you who took the

necklace out of the safe, you must have it with you when we were kidnapped. Those rogues must not

have noticed the necklace-”

“OK. Let’s go with your theory. Let’s assthose rogues didn’t notice it.”

Jasked coldly:

“But if I really have the necklace with me, why didn’t I present the necklace to those rogues in

exchange. for

my own


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Daran’s face turned dark instantly.

Faced by Janet’s question, Harper stuttered nervously:

“W–What do you mean? I don’t understand…”

Jsnorted, “Those rogues were only after money. They let you go after they received your ransom.

If I

really had such a precious necklace with me, why didn’t I exchange it with my life?”

“How would I know-

“Because I don’t have it!”

Jraised her volglaring at the panicked Harper and snapped:

“Because it was you who took the necklace out of the safe! It was you who insisted on us going on that

dangerous trip! I told you not to go over the border but you didn’t listen. It almost cost my

A round of low mutterings broke out in the crowd.

People were all staring at Harper now with suspicious looks on their faces.

Harper breathed heavily.

She suddenly stretched out an arm and pointed at Jscreaming:


“-Lies! Those were all lies! Maybe you did give the necklace to rogues and that was how you



“No that’s not how she survived.”

Everybody turned to Casper.

Casper crossed his arms across his chest and looked down at Harper with disgust.

“When my patrol team arrived at the scene, Jwas already severely wounded. She got several

stabs on her body. The blood was pooling,” Casper said icily. “My men saved her. If we were one

minute late, Jwould be long dead by now.”

Daran’s jaw tensed.

It was the first the heard about the details of that night.

And it had a much stronger effect on him than he had expected.

Daran clenched his fists and thought darkly:

One day when he caught those rogues, he would surely shred them into pieces…

Casper’s words carried much weight.

Having heard what he said, more people were now glaring at Harper.

“Do you have anything else to say now, Harper?” Jasked freezingly.

Harper’s cheek burnt under people’s hostile glares.

She couldn’t believe Jwas actually arguing about this with her!

When they were both children, Harper always blamed her faults on Janet. Jnever dared to fight

back when their parents scolded her.

Where was that docile and pathetic Jnow?


Harper fumbled a few words, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

She suddenly let out a weak cry and leaned on Daran’s shoulder.

“I couldn’t keep up with all your reasonings Janet…you’ve always had very sharp teeth…” she cried in

sorrow. “You always have the ability to twist the fact…Fine! Lettake all the blame…letbe the

sinner here…”

Tears streamed down Harper’s cheek.

She suddenly sucked in a sharp breath and her eyes rolled to the back.

Harper fainted.

Right into Daran’s arms.

People around them gasped together. Somebody even cried:

“Oh my god! Is she alright?”

Daran held Harper and said urgently, “She has asthma! Somebody getsa doctor now!”

“No she won’t be needing that,” Jsaid with a half–smile.

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She looked down at Harper’s closed eyes and pale face and let out a sneer.

Harper did this every time.

It was such an old trick

Daran snapped his head up and glared at Janet. His handsface twisted in anger.

“Janet, you are crossing the line here!” Daran snapped.

Jraised an eyebrow.

She gazed at the crowd and exchanged a look with a man in the crowd,

He was Casper’s Beta, Eden./

Eden received her hint and suddenly cried out loudly:


Fire! The hotel is on fire! Everybody gets out now! Hurry!!”

The crowd swayed in panic.

People all jerked around to look:


“Oh my god where?”

“Oh look. Harper’s asthma just cured itself.” Jsuddenly said coolly.

A chill was sent down Harper’s spine.

Harper looked up in horror and found Jsneering at her:

“Do you really have asthma? Or are you just faking it?”

A ringing silence fell on the crowd.

Harper’s face twisted uglily in rage.

Daran stood up.

He looked down at Harper, a strained look on his face.

“You’ve been faking it?” he asked darkly.