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Keyboard Immortal

Chapter 2145: Exposed Pt. 2
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Chapter 2145: Exposed Pt. 2

Shang Hongyu stepped forward with a frown. “General, this is my personal palace. How can you barge in with so many people in the middle of the night?”

Ka Qier sneered inwardly.

Even so, there was no way he would expose her right now. His eyes scanned the surroundings as if he was looking for any suspicious things.

Shang Liuyu naturally blended among the palace maids and quickly lowered her head he wouldn’t find her expression suspicious at all.

Ka Qier then asked, “What was the queen doing just now?”

“Resting, of course. Why would I even need to explain anything to you in the first place?” Shang Hongyu’s expression turned cold. There wasn’t even a trace of her flirtiness from when she was with Zu An.

Ka Qier harrumphed.

“You didn’t leave?” he asked, then turned to the maids and guards.

“The queen seems to have been in her room the whole time,” the others replied.

Shang Hongyu had grandmaster rank cultivation, after all. Additionally, Ka Qier had deliberately lowered the number of guards around her. That was why she had been able to secretly leave and return without anyone noticing anything.

“Is that so?” Ka Qier becquiet.

In a far corner, Shang Liuyu was really nervous. If she was found, not only she, but even her big sister and brother-in-law, could be in danger.

She felt a bit of regret when she realized that. She was still a bit too rash. If she really ended up harming her big sister and brother-in-law, not even ten thousand deaths would atone for her crimes.

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Just then, Zu An arrived with a group of guards. He asked, “What happened? Why are there so many people here?”

Shang Hongyu harrumphed. “Why don’t you ask him?”

Zu An looked toward Ka Qier.

Ka Qier almost laughed.

He coordinated with the performance and said, “There was someone who brought away the third… Ahem, I chere to check on the situation.”

“I also noticed that something was strange and investigated personally, but I didn’t find any traces of that traitor. The other side was probably already prepared for our reaction, so what we should be doing now is quickly seal off all important routes to prevent them from escaping,” Zu An replied.

“We’ve already caused a huge ruckus with the queen’s arrest order. If we do something like that again, we might… Forget it, that’s all we can do for now.” Ka Qier seemed a bit hesitant, but he still decided to leave. However, when he walked by Shang Liuyu, he suddenly stopped and asked, “Why is your majesty’s taste so bad? Is a servant this ugly even worthy of serving you?”

Shang Liuyu immediately becnervous when she heard that.

Shang Hongyu seemed to be staring at her too, as if she was really nervous.

Zu An gave her a look and said nonchalantly, “Her face might be ordinary, but her figure is excellent.”

Shang Liuyu was speechless. Never had she expected to actually be grateful for someone else ‘praising’ her this way.

Ka Qier sized her up. “Her figure is not bad indeed. Perhaps your majesty could rewardwith this maid?”

When she heard that, Shang Liuyu was so scared that her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

“If you want someone like her, go look for one yourself. I like this one and she’s mine.” Zu An stepped in front of Shang Liuyu.

Shang Liuyu was speechless.

“Enough, enough, how could this humble subordinate dare to fight over someone your majesty favors?” Ka Qier only wanted to scare Shang Liuyu a bit and didn’t really want her. He then used the situation to leave.

Shang Liuyu secretly sighed in relief.

Ka Qier grinned as he left.

Zu An and Shang Hongyu watched Ka Qier leave. Their expressions were a bit strange.

In the end, it would all just depend on who was more skilled.

Once Ka Qier left, several maids quickly approached to serve the Dragon King and queen. At the stime, many of them looked at Shang Liuyu with hostility.

It could have been a bit easier for them to accept if she was extremely pretty. But when she looked like this, it made all of them feel a sense of ‘I could do it too if it were me’.

Shang Hongyu sensed their jealousy and was worried that her little sister’s identity would be exposed, so after shesitation, she ordered for her sister to serve her personally in the future.

Still, that only made the other maids even more jealous. However, Shang Liuyu’s expression was extremely calm.

Soon after, smaids brought over a beautiful case, delivering it to the Dragon King. Shang Liuyu frowned and she stopped them, asking, “What is this?”

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“It was sent by General Ka Qier. He repeatedly warned us that we have to hand it to the Dragon King,” the maids replied.

When she heard that it was brought by Ka Qier, Shang Liuyu beceven more nervous. She said, “Give it to me, and I’ll bring it to the Dragon King.”

The maids were a bit hesitant, but Shang Liuyu said with a harrumph, “What, are you worried that I’ll take it for myself?”

Since she had even said that, the maids could only hand it to her. When they turned around and left, they continued to grumble.

“What is she acting so proud for?!”

“Exactly! She was just promoted by her highness, and yet she's already forgotten her own surname!”

Even though their voices were soft, with Shang Liuyu’s cultivation, how could she not hear them? But she didn’t take it to heart. When they left, she opened the case and was about to check what was really inside to make sure that they weren’t delivering poison to her brother-in-law and big sister.

There were several bottles resting inside the beautiful case. One of the bottles was labeled ‘Desires Unleashed Dew’, and the other was labeled ‘Nine Flavor Earth Emperor Pills’.

Shang Liuyu’s expression went blank.

She had never heard of them before. They seemed to touch upon a gap in her knowledge.

But she was still worried and planned to examine them first. Even though she wasn’t proficient in medicine, at her level of cultivation, she could roughly deduce whether a certain drug was harmful or not. She opened the Desires Unleashed Dew first, and prepared to give the contents a gentle sniff.

Suddenly, a pair of hands shot out and seized the bottle away. At the stime, she was pushed aside.

As she looked at her anxious older sister, Shang Liuyu was a bit stunned. She asked, “Big sister?”

“Do you smell something strange? Like something sweet?” Shang Hongyu looked at her nervously.

“I didn’t? Why did you pushaway?” Shang Liuyu replied. Her eyes landed on the bottle and she asked, “What kind of medicine is that?”