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Julian's Stand in Wife

Chapter 1528
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Chapter 1528

After destroying Nina, Vans couldn't possibly have any relations with her.

Lina was earnestly looking at her phone, and she didn't even attempt to hide her smile.


Suddenly, she heard a stern shout-it was Vans. He had caught sight of her phone screen, and wasn't blind to the

smirk on her face.

"What did you do to Nina? Was it you who released that video?" he demanded.

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"I'm sorry."

Lina's demeanor shifted instantly, tears streaming down her face.

"Vans, I just wanted to help Ms. Ashlee. I thought she'd want to go public with Marcus, given what a catch he is... If

she's with him, she'd surely be happy! Did I do something wrong?"

She clutched his hand, pressing it to her face.

"If you think I'm wrong, you can hit me! Really, you can!"

She closed her eyes, seemingly prepared for a rebuke.

Vans knew she was putting on an act. But if she wasn't causing a scene, he struggled to pinpoint an argumentative

angle against her.

After all, the story about Nina dating Marcus had originated from Nina herself. To divert attention from them, she

had falsely claimed her boyfriend was waiting downstairs, conveniently with Marcus's car parked right there.

Meanwhile, Nina and Marcus remained oblivious.

With the renowned entertainment journalist Nina, Marcus's assistant felt relieved, thinking he didn't have to guard

against any potential scandals.

The assistant, unable to resist, struck up a conversation with Nina. "Ms. Ashlee, how did you recognize our car?"

"It's not just cars. I remember what your family members look like," Nina replied with a smirk. "It's part of my job."

She tapped her nose playfully. "Sharper than a dog's, remember?"

Amused, the assistant chuckled, wanting to continue their chat. But seeing Marcus's displeasure, he quickly

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retreated to the back seat.

Left with no other distractions, Nina instinctively turned her gaze towards Marcus. "Thank you for today."

"No need for thanks," Marcus retorted without missing a beat. "You should thank yourself."

After all, it was Nina who had released photos of him with other actresses, forcing this unavoidable confrontation.

Caught off guard, Nina hurriedly pulled out her phone, eager to clarify things with Marcus.

While Nina cared deeply about click rates and the exposure level of her entertainment news, she had never made

such a grave mistake in all her years.

Vans had certainly thrown her off balance.