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Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 145: Son Of Destiny
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True Monarch Sun Quan stared at the sword in Sun Jiaolong's hand with an intense excitement, surprise, and hope--especially after he explained that it was actually the Human Destiny Sword.

As the name suggests, this sword holds the destiny, fortune or Luck of the entire Human Race of the Myriad Emperor World. It was created by the Human Emperor back in ancient times as the Luck Condensation Weapon of the Great Qin Imperial Dynasty.

Anyone who holds it is the rightful heir of the Great Qin Imperial Dynasty and has the right to recreate or re-establish the Great Qin Imperial Dynasty. Of course no cultivators in current time will acknowledge this so-called heir as no one would want some random person becoming their leader just because a sword said so.

In fact, there are many other benefits that Sun Jiaolong will have access to as the holder of the Human Destiny Sword.

For one, he will have access to the [Myriad Emperor Dao Scripture], which is a Emperor level technique created by the Human Emperor that cultivates the Dao of Emperor or the Dao of Sovereign.

Just this fact was enough to make Retired Prince Sun Quan very excited as their Great Wu Imperial Dynasty finally has a second Emperor Scripture. Besides the one created by their founder, the remaining three Emperor Scriptures were in fact Quasi-Emperor Tier techniques, maybe just a little more powerful than that.

However, they still did not reach the level of a true Emperor Art.

Another benefit that Sun Jiaolong will receive is the increase in talent and strength. As a successor to the Human Emperor, Sun Jiaolong's talent must reach a certain level, and if he does not, the sword will make it up for him.

A third benefit is the fact that he should have access to the Great Qin Treasury. There are rumors that the Great Qin Imperial Dynasty--as the only dynasty that ever conquered the entire world--held countless wealth. Wealth enough to make a single man have more resources than both the Dao Opening Sect and the Emperor Enlightening Academy combined. There are also rumors that the Human Emperor discovered a method of longevity and left it in this treasury.

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The fourth benefit that Sun Jiaolong will receive is the fact that after reaching a certain level of cultivation, he will be able to activate the [Human Preservation Array] through the sword, as such, being able to have the power of an Emperor Formation anywhere in the Myriad Emperor Realm.

This is one reason that Sun Jiaolong did not fear showing his sword to True Monarch Sun Quan. Although with his current cultivation realm he cannot yet activate the array, however, once someone tries to take the sword from him by force, the array will open up automatically to protect him.

Despite this, Sun Jiaolong will still choose to remain low-key in the future as the significance of this sword is too great to the Myriad Emperor World.

This sword represents the legitimacy to rule the entire Myriad Emperor World. Although the majority of cultivators would never accept or allow this, however. there are many of them that would.

As long as Sun Jiaolong decided to reveal his status as the Human Emperor' successor, countless people would still rally behind him, thus allowing him to form a powerful force very quickly.

The Myriad Emperor World has been long divided by all the factions of the world. As such, no sect or dynasty would allow another powerful faction to rise up and take a piece of the pie that was already divided.

If any faction wants to get more power, there is only one way and that is to cultivate a Great Emperor. And even that may not be enough. The Myriad Emperor World has reached such a stable balance that not just any Great Emperor can decide the direction of the entire world. Said Emperor must be extremely powerful in order to do so.

This balance created by all the powerful factions of the world has both a positive and a negative. The positive is that the world is generally quite peaceful: there are few large scale wars between factions as they usually use their Heaven Chosen to decide the outcomes of things.

A perfect example of that is the fact that there has been no Emperor Dao War since the Middle Emperor Era. In other words, no Emperor Lineage has fought each other until extermination since the last Era.

The negative part of this balance is the fact that the Myriad Emperor World has become stale or stagnant for countless millennia. Nothing new or unexpected has happened for millions of years.

Many people believed that the reason that The Glorious Age arrived in this Era was because Heavenly Dao wanted to shake the status quo of the world, so it set out to cultivate a powerful Great Emperor that could bring brand new and better changes to the entire world.

In fact, Sun Jiaolong did not reveal the most terrifying part of the Human Destiny Sword to anyone.

The most heaven defying ability this sword granted him was the fact that he became the Son of Destiny of the Myriad Emperor World.

Sun Jiaolong knew that with this title or position, his life from now will be extremely smooth--at the very least until the Heaven Will Battle. No matter what troubles he encounters, no matter what powerful enemy he faces, he will always find a way to succeed or escape in one piece.

More importantly, from now on, wherever he goes, he will discover countless fortunate opportunities that increase his strength, wealth, or power. He will encounter countless beauties that will be helpful to his rise to the top.

As a matter of fact, this is not just Sun Jiaolong's wishful thinking. Throughout the Myriad Emperor World's billions of years of history, there has only been one Son of Destiny: and that was the Heavenly Son Emperor.

The entire life of the Heavenly Son Emperor was smooth sailing. Anywhere he goes, he will discover rare spiritual medicine, plants, or techniques. If he ever encountered an enemy he could not defeat, this enemy would be filled with bad luck until he or she mysteriously died in a weird or strange accident.

One time of his many concubines was dying after severing from a powerful curse. So, he wanted to find a rare elixir or pill to cure her. Just as the Heavenly Son Emperor left his home, he heard an explosion not far from him, so he checked it out.

It turns out that an alchemist blew itself out while refining a precious pill. When he arrived at the location, the Heavenly Son Emperor discovered that the alchemist had died, but the pills in the furnace survived. And it turns out these pills were the very one he needed to treat his concubine.

So, with a smile on his face, he immediately returned home, happy that he did not have to travel far.

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The worse thing is that this was not the most absurd thing that happened to the Heavenly Son Emperor. During his generation Heaven Will Battle, he did not have to fight for even a second.

A few minutes after arriving at the site of the battle, the Heaven Will appeared in front of the Heavenly Son Emperor who was inside a man-made cave deep in the mountain.

Without any effort, he took the Heaven Will, proved the Dao and became a Great Emperor. He then took the name of Heavenly Son to show he was favored by Heaven, that he was the son of Heaven and Earth itself.

Of course Sun Jiaolong will never believe that by being the Son of Destiny he will automatically become a Great Emperor. During the Glorious Age, luck is useless as only by killing all participants will the Heaven Will appear before the final winner.

Furthermore, the fate of the Heavenly Son Emperor is the perfect example of why no real powerhouse should rely on luck all their lives.

After the Heavenly Son became Emperor, no one was willing to accept losing just like that. So, many doubts about the ability of the Heaven Son Emperor aroused; people kept saying that it was only because of luck that he became an Emperor, an act which actually infuriated him.

So, the Heavenly Son Emperor used his powerful strength to suppress all these people. However, no one was convinced as he was just using his higher cultivation level to bully people weaker than him.

In fact, one of the most famous recorded incidents at that time was that a Heaven Chosen of that time spit directly in the face of the Heavenly Son Emperor, refusing to bow to him even if it killed him.

The Heaven Chosen directly called him a weak coward who relied entirely on luck to go through his whole life. After that incident, the Heavenly Son Emperor did kill the Heaven Chosen.

Instead, he set out to prove everybody wrong by attacking one of the most powerful Forbidden Land of the Myriad Emperor World: The Netherworld.

Unfortunately, the Heavenly Son Emperor's action just proved that the world was right about him. After entering the Netherworld, he never came out again, showing that even the Son of Destiny cannot rely on its heaven defying luck for everything.

Meanwhile, after checking the sword from Sun Jiaolong's hand, Retired Prince Sun Quan immediately returned to the Great Wu Imperial Dynasty to discuss future plans with the Sovereign and Retired Elders.

Back to the trial, in the Fang Divine Dynasty, Long Aotian woke up after a few days in a coma. He looked around with difficulty before saying with a tired voice, "Where am I? Wait, I'm still alive!"

"You are indeed alive, thanks to your luck and this Goddess' help," said a sweet and enchanting voice.