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Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 1063: War Preparations
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1063 War Preparations

Qian Heng sat on a throne with only Lightning Fist and Snake Saber beside him. He felt humiliated but, more importantly, worried about the future of his world. Thinking that they might suffer the same fate they have only recently eliminated filled him with anxiety.

"What should we do?" asked Lightning Fist. Qian Heng groaned, "We must summon everybody and prepare for war."

"Should we embellish the truth a little?" asked Snake Saber. "After all, she easily embarrassed us; looking too weak may not be good."

The room was quiet, and the silence spoke many words. However, after a few seconds, Qian Heng shook his head. "As tempting as that is, we don't want our people to underestimate our enemies. On the contrary, we should probably make things worse; instill fear to ensure they band together to face this upcoming threat."

"But too much fear might have an adverse effect," countered Lightning Fist.

"Indeed," groaned Qian Heng. If the people are too afraid, this might lead to destroying their fighting spirit instead of rallying them. Additionally, some people might do stupid things in the midst of despair.

"In that case, we'll tell the truth."

The two hurriedly summoned all the Emperor, Dao, and Immortal Lineage of the world. The world was shocked and wondered what was happening. Was the Palm Peak Sect going to do something? Although they had only cultivated their fourth Great Emperor, with the Axe Overlord as an Eternal, they now had the power to change the world's political landscape.

The invitation also originated from the Iron Fist Gang and the Moon Saber Pavilion⌜€“two factions that recently gave birth to Immortal Sovereigns. As such, some people believed these three factions might have allied to do something major. Every martial artist felt Wulin (Martial Art World) was about to change.

While on guard, representatives from different factions attended the meeting. However, no one was prepared for the truth. As soon as everyone was present, Qian Heng did not hesitate to drop the bombshell. He told the truth about Xu Shi's appearance and the upcoming invasion.

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"So, the rumors were true," muttered someone.

"I'm afraid so," nodded Qian Heng.

"So, what should we do?"

No one had an answer. It has only been over 200 generations since the Celestial Harmony Era ended and the Reviving Martial Art Era started. Two hundred generations is a long time for mortals but not nearly enough for all the surviving factions of this world to recuperate, let alone increase their strength.

Besides the current three with Eternal Class Powerhouses, only two factions could be classified as completely recuperated. The Rising Dragon Sect, a new sect with two Emperors, was allowed to keep such a domineering name because of their founder ⌜€“ the Dragon Subduing Emperor.

He was the supreme martial artist responsible for ending the reign of the Celestial Harmony World. He led the charge against them, slaughtering every last bit of influence they had in the Martial Hegemony World. He even led a successful attack on their homeworld.

Sadly for him, the Celestial Harmony World contained many Lineages with deep connections in the upper echelons of the Commerce Hub. With this power, they gathered countless Eternal Class Powerhouses to gang up on him. The Dragon Subduing Emperor was not a powerful Eternal; he would have died instead of severely injured.

The Martial Hegemony World was lucky to have a man of conviction like him. After that event, he did not stop his campaign against his aggressor. He used his regenerative abilities and the fact they could not easily gather so much power to wage guerrilla warfare on the Celestial Harmony World. After years of sneak attack and killing many people, he forced them to sign a binding peace treaty that granted this world true freedom.

The second faction was the Celestial Demon Cult. They are a new sect in this new era, but in the short 200 generations, they cultivated seven Great Emperors, five of whom were Pseudo Eternals. Many people believed the Spirit of the Epoch belonged to them in this era, and it was a matter of time before they cultivated an Eternal Emperor. No, they would have succeeded if it were not for Xu Shi killing their Heaven Chosen in this generation's battle.

"We must fight," said the Red-eye Demon, the representative of the Celestial Demon Cult. "Our cult is willing to be the vanguard for this battle; it's our chance to avenge our Cult Leader. However, we want something in return."

Everyone, including Qian Heng, frowned. However, they soon realized it was normal for these guys to ask something; they were not called a demonic cult for no reason.

"What's your request?" asked Qian Heng.

"We want you to revive our Cult Leader and help him prove the Dao."

Countless murmurs echoed in the background, and Qian Heng's brow was furrowed. "I understand reviving him, but how can I help him prove the Dao?"

Their world was lucky. After Xu Shi took away the Heaven Will, another one appeared because someone discovered a rare Void Beast Cemetery containing hundreds of well-preserved Void Beasts, many of whom were Tier 10. Their essence fused with the world and increased its World Source to the point of condensing a second Heaven Will.

"Isn't it obvious? The outsider showed us a way," said the Red-eye Demon.

"You mean the Heavenly Court?"


"I have no desire to establish a court and rule over people," explained Qian Heng.

"You no longer have a choice," replied the demon with a sneer. "We are about to face an invasion, and the court is the best way to organize the power of the entire world. It's also the best way to increase our strength and have a chance at surviving this war."

The room became silent. Although they did not want to admit it, they knew he was telling the truth. The world is relatively harmonious when dealing with foreign threats. However, this does not change the fact that they have been fighting and competing with each other for the past two hundred generations, leading to many contradictions and animosity. The court was the perfect setting to create a proper political structure.

"Only you can sit in that position without overwhelming opposition from different factions," continued the Red-eye Demon. "So, all we want is for you to gather enough merit for our Cult Leader."

"How is merit going to help?" asked someone.

"None of your business."

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Qian Heng pondered; he was not as misinformed as the person who asked the questions. 'Merit is one of the few omnipotent resources in the world. But how much is needed to acquire a Heaven Will?' His intuition as a martial artist warned him he was missing a significant piece of this mystery.

"And what if I refuse your request?" asked Qian Heng.

"Then you will know why we considered ourselves a demonic cult."

Qian Heng released an intense killing intent, turning the room red in a matter of seconds. However, the Red-eye Demon remained calm, with a smirk, almost a sneer, on the corner of his mouth. Qian Heng secretly sighed before focusing on everyone else.

"What do you guys think?" he asked. "If I'm to gather merit for them, it will be from everyone's share."

No one said anything for a while, making the situation embarrassing. Luckily, [Snake Confinning Hand] Kang Han, the representative of the Rising Dragon Sect, said, "I agree. Our world is facing a catastrophe, and the appearance of a second Eternal - especially one as talented as the former Cult Leader - might be what saves us."

Since the Rising Dragon Sect spoke, everyone soon followed and agreed. The sect has settled its legacy as a faction of justice and honor for many years. Others decided to follow suit since they were willing to abandon their benefit for the greater good.

"Then, it's decided," declared Qian Heng. "I will need you to activate the World Protection Array."

"No problem," nodded Kang Han.

"I will prepare everything for the court," continued Qian Heng. "Everyone immediately gathers resources, your legions, disciples, elders, and wake up the sleeping ancestors. Once the court is established, we will pool all our strength together for this upcoming war."

Qian Heng sighed deeply, "Remember: our freedom and the fate of our world are on the line."

With a heavy burden, all the factions dispersed to prepare for this war. Kang Han immediately visited his sect master, and his first words were, "We need to activate the Ancestor's trial."

The sect master, a thin old man with black clothes too big for him and ridden with scars, looked at him in shock. One of their sect's biggest secrets was that the ancestor's body had so much injury by the time the Celestial Harmony World signed the treaty that he deemed it more efficient to build another one instead of healing it.

So, he left it to the sect and ascended with his soul. The Ancestor's Trial was a backhand left by the ancestors to cultivate an Eternal Class Powerhouse by absorbing his body. However, the Dragon Subduing Emperor warned them only to use this trial unless it was a last resort.

"What happened?"

Kang Han explained the situation, and the sect master accepted his proposal.