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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chatper 179
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Chapter 180 Threats At Barbeque Stall

Denver's palm was instantly pinned to the table. He was stunned for a moment, only regaining his senses when

he saw the bright red liquid gushing out. Immediately after, he was hit by an intense, unbearable pain.

“D*mn it! You f¥cker! How dare you stab my hand! Kill him for me! Ah-" Denver's face was a mix of pain and

anger. With a roar, he instantly jolted the nearby youths out of their dazed states.

Almost simultaneously, they smashed their beer bottles, each holding one, their anger directed at Emrys.

Just as they were preparing to make their move, they were suddenly interrupted by a commanding voice. “Let's

see who dares to lay a hand on him!”

Following that, they saw Chandler walking toward them, his face stern and imposing.

Originally, Chandler was quite drunk. However, the commotion startled him, causing him to break out in a sweat,

which in turn, evaporated a significant amount of alcohol from his system.

He was usually easy-going, but when he got angry at that moment, he naturally exuded an aura of authority,

typical of those in power.

Several flashy youths were clearly frightened, clutching broken wine bottles and daring not to move.

Denver angrily said, “What are you cowards standing around for? Get them! My uncle is the district chief. He'll

cover for us if anything happens. What are you so scared of?”

“Hmph, only a mere district chief. What a grand air you put on! Call your uncle over right now. I'd like to see how

he’s going to clean up your mess!” exclaimed Chandler.

Chandler was seething with anger. A mere district chief had the audacity to act so recklessly, allowing his

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arrogant and overbearing nephew to run amok. Is there no law and order anymore?

Upon seeing Chandler being so bold that he didn’t even fear the district chief, the young men beceven

more intimidated. They held their beer bottles, hesitating to make a move, which infuriated Denver, who cursed

them for their cowardice.

One couldn't really blthem. Though they appeared brash and arrogant, in reality, only Denver truly had the


Back when they used to hang out with Denver, living off his generosity, all it took was a mention of his uncle

being the district chief, and those they bullied would immediately back down. However, not Chandler. He not

only stood his ground but even dared Denver to call the latter's uncle over.

As such, they were concerned Chandler was a big shot.

Moreover, there was another crucial reason. The young man who had pierced Denver's palm with a skewer

seemed to have impressive skills. They hadn't quite seen how he had made his move earlier.

As such, they didn’t dare to make a move recklessly.


Chapter 100 Threats At Barbeque Stutt

“A bunch of cowards! You'll all affectionately callBows when it comes to freeloading food and drinks, but now

that there's trouble, you all are good for nothing! F*ck!” Denver was seething with


Immediately, he used his free hand, the one not pinned down, to reach into his pocket, pull out his phone, and

dial a number. “Unde Morgan, csavequickly! Sjerk has stabbed my hand, and it’s still bleeding”

“D’'mn it! Who's the b’stard that dared to lay a hand on you? Did you mention my nto him?” Morgan indeed

had the scharacter as Denver, his speech was filled with nothing but profanities.

Denver said, “I told them who you are, but they didn’t believe me. They even askedto call you over. Unde

Morgan, please cquickly. I'm at Lowe’s Barbecue, the one in your jurisdiction. If you're any later, my hand

will be ruined!”

“Wait for me. I'll bring people over immediately. | want to see who the heck dares to stir up trouble on my turf!”

Upon connecting that phone call, Denver deliberately turned on the loudspeaker and even cranked up the

volto its maximum. His intention was to instill fear into the young man who had pinned his band

However, Emrys appeared indifferent, even casually twirling the stick in his hand, causing Denver to howl in


The stall owner expressed his concern, saying, “Young man, thank you for stepping in to help... However, we

can’t possibly win against them. Perhaps | should offer scompensation to settle this matter, alas...”

He let out a heavy sigh.

At first, he had no idea Denver was the nephew of the district chief. It wasn’t until he heard the voice on the

phone that he realized Denver wasn’t bluffing.

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Chapter 180 Threats At Barbeque Stall

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“A bunch of cowards! You'll all affectionately callBoss when it comes to freeloading food and drinks, but now

that there's trouble, you all are good for nothing! F*ck!” Denver was seething with


Immediately, he used his free hand, the one not pinned down, to reach into his pocket, pull out his phone, and

dial a number. “Uncle Morgan, csavequickly! Sjerk has stabbed my hand, and it’s still bleeding!”

“D*mn it! Who's the b*stard that dared to lay a hand on you? Did you mention my nto him?” Morgan indeed

had the scharacter as Denver, his speech was filled with nothing but profanities.

Denver said, “I told them who you are, but they didn’t believe me. They even askedto call you over. Uncle

Morgan, please cquickly. I'm at Lowe’s Barbecue, the one in your jurisdiction. If you're any later, my hand

will be ruined!”

“Wait for me, I'll bring people over immediately. | want to see who the heck dares to stir up trouble on my turf!”

Upon connecting that phone call, Denver deliberately turned on the loudspeaker and even cranked up the

volto its maximum. His intention was to instill fear into the young man who had pinned his


However, Emrys appeared indifferent, even casually twirling the stick in his hand, causing Denver to howl in


The stall owner expressed his concern, saying, “Young man, thank you for stepping in to help... However, we

can’t possibly win against them. Perhaps | should offer scompensation to settle this matter, alas...”

He let out a heavy sigh.

At first, he had no idea Denver was the nephew of the district chief. It wasn’t until he heard the voice on the

phone that he realized Denver wasn’t bluffing.