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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chatper 169
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Chapter 169 Do It Now Yelena's eyes also lit up. “Exactly. Let Caylie helpwith the acupuncture. After all, we often bathe together, so we're used to seeing each other.” Emrys, however, shook his head and said, “No, it won't work. Caylie is not a cultivator, so she doesn’t possess the life energy. Merely applying needles won't have any effect. Each needle must be infused with life energy.” Thus, they found themselves in a stalemate once again.

A moment later, Emrys said, “Actually, there is another method. | could just acupuncture certain points, combined with medicinal baths. This way, we could gradually unblock all the points in your b*dy, although it might take a bit more time.” “How long might it take?” asked Yelena.

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“Judging by your constitution, it could take anywhere from a few months to one or two years or even three to five years. During this period, you'll need to soak in medicinal baths daily, and I'll also need to administer acupuncture to you every day...” “That's enough.” Upon hearing how complicated it was, Yelena decisively stopped Emrys from continuing. She gritted her teeth and said, “Let's use the first method right now!” “Now?” Emrys’ face turned peculiar instantly.

Yelena glared at him and said, “What's the matter? If a girl likedoesn’t mind, what are you hesitating for? Consider yourself lucky today, you little rascal.” As she spoke, she was about to take action, but Emrys quickly stopped her. The smile at the corner of his mouth could no longer be contained as he said, “All right, oll * be honest with you. There's no need to open all the acupoints. | just need to find a few specific ones and infuse them with life energy.” Initially, he thought Caylie was the most naive one. Unexpectedly, even Yelena had her moments of confusion, and she was so easily fooled by him. Serves you right for always being so mischievous! Upon seeing Emrys* smile, Yelena finally realized she had been tricked. Immediately, she was both embarrassed and angry, exclaiming, “Well, well, Rys, you've becquite cunning, haven't you? just wait and see how I'll teach you a lesson.” Bang! Bang! Bang! Without showing any mercy, Yelena relentlessly pursued and beat up Emrys.

With a hint of schadenfreude, Larissa said, “Lena, you were just criticizing me, but didn’t you also strike quite ruthlessly... Yes, yes, keep beating this little rascal for me.” So what if you're a cultivator? You still have to yield under the authority of us sisters. Hmph! Caylie returned and upon witnessing the scene before her, she immediately reprimanded, “My goodness, what on earth are you guys doing? Yelena, can’t you pay a little attention to your image? Chapter 169 Do It Now Although Emrys is close to us, you can't just behave like this...” Larissa said, “Caylie, there's no need to plead for this little rascal. Let Lena give him a good thrashing!” Caylie said, “No, what | mean is that there are differences between men and women. At the very least, Yelena should have changed her clothes before fighting. Look, they've coff, haven't they?” That night, Emrys finally experienced the ruthless side of Yelena.

However, the storm cswiftly, and departed just as quickly.

The next day, Yelena, acting as if nothing had happened, barged into Emrys‘ room and said, “Rys, where is the secret book of martial arts technique you promised to givelast night?” “It’s in the drawer!” Emrys dared not provoke Yelena any further.

He hastily handed over the book that he had stayed up all night to transcribe the previous evening to Yelena.

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“That's a good boy. Once | have successfully completed my training, | will definitely reward you,” Yelena said, patting Emrys‘ head.

Psh! Who cares about your reward? Does it seem like |, Empyrean Lord, am the type to covet petty gains? Without uttering another word, Emrys immediately performed acupuncture on Yelena.

He targeted several specific acupoints on her b*dy, then infused her with life energy, fully unblocking the meridians within her b*dy.

“Remember this sensation of the flow of life energy. Cultivate it according to the spell until you refine a life energy that belongs solely to you, then you have succeeded.” After finishing his guidance, Emrys didn’t disturb Yelena.

Instead, he stepped outside to answer a phone call.

The call was from Philip.

“Mr. Lund, the situation isn’t looking very good.” Philip's voice was somewhat low as if he had encountered skind of problem.