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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chapter 98
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Cherished By Seven Sisters
Chapter 98 Playing With Fire
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+10 pearls
Osmond, Thomas, Christian, and the other heads of the wealthy families informed of the inside story shivered fearfully. The
Chalkers are playing with fire!
They couldn’t interfere in the matters at North River District, so they could only warn their subordinates not to speak recklessly. If
not, even the gods couldn’t save them.
Similarly astounded were members of the Sheldon family.
Ever since Benedict’s son, Kane, offended Cordelia, the Sheldon family’s influence in South River District had plummeted.
As almost all the affluent families in South River District knew Cordelia had Empyrean Lord’s support, no one dared to associate
themselves with the Sheldons after the latter incurred Cordelia’s displeasure.
In less than a month, the market value of businesses under the Sheldon family evaporated at a rate of hundreds of millions per
If that situation dragged on, the Sheldons might soon have to withdraw from Jadeborough permanently.
However, today, the Chalker family’s voluntary provocation gave Benedict new hope for a

“Tyson Chalker, congratulations! You’ve found a gem of a granddaughter–in–law! Hahaha!” Benedict laughed maniacally.

He was aware of Emrys‘ identity. The latter wasn’t a kept man supported by Cordelia, nor was he Empyrean Lord’s brother–in–
law. Instead, Emrys was Empyrean Lord himself!
Benedict figured the Chalkers were destined to meet their demise for daring to tarnish Empyrean Lord’s reputation in that
He believed it wouldn’t be long before the Chalker family would perish, and their businesses in North River District would
naturally be divided and taken over by the other prestigious families.
If Benedict wished to have a piece of the pie in that turmoil, he had to do one thing right away, which was to redeem himself. I
must atone for my mistake, no matter what! Otherwise, the Sheldon family will never rise again.
He gathered all members of the Sheldons at once and suggested his idea of heading to North River District and thrashing
Jadeborough News.
Once that decision was made, everyone from Sheldon Group was shocked to their cores.
The distribution of forces in North River District differed from South River District. South River District was led by Osmond, the
South River King, with many prestigious families operating
12:12 Wed, 24 Jan G.
Chapter 98 Playing With Fire

+10 pearls
under him. On the other hand, the Chalkers reigned supreme in North River District.
In other words, the Chalker family’s status in North River District was similar to or even more significant than Osmond’s in South
River District.

All of North River District’s industries, including real estate, food and beverages, clothing, and many more, belonged to the
Chalker family. Naturally, that included Jadeborough News as well.
Benedict’s decision to thrash Jadeborough News was no different from challenging the Chalkers‘ authority. One could only
imagine how insane that idea was, as doing that would cause them to face the Chalker family’s wrath and retaliation.
Everyone in the Sheldon family advised Benedict not to be impulsive, but he was determined and stated that anyone who was
afraid could leave Sheldon Group at any time.
The others asked in puzzlement, “Mr. Sheldon, what is the reason for you to take this huge risk of offending the Chalker family?”
After experiencing the incident involving Cordelia Group, the Sheldons had already suffered an immense loss. If they were to
provoke North River District’s Chalker family at this moment, they would truly be driven to the brink of despair.
Has Mr. Sheldon lost all hope for the Sheldon family and is ready to give up?
Taking in everyone’s confused expressions, Benedict sneered, “Why? Ha! Because the Chalker family has crossed one of the
most powerful figures in Chanaea–Empyrean Lord!”
Empyrean Lord!

Everyone shuddered at the mention of that name. The next instant, their faces flushed, and an urge to kneel and show their
reverence to the great man washed over them.
Empyrean Lord was Chanaea’s guardian, so everyone wondered how he could possibly be related to this matter.
“Mr. Sheldon, are you saying that Cordelia h–has a relationship with Empyrean Lord?”
Mr. Sheldon made such a crazy decision right after Jadeborough News published an article to smear Cordelia, and he also
mentioned the Chalkers had provoked Empyrean Lord. Doesn’t that imply Cordelia has a special relationship with Empyrean
The members of the Sheldon family weren’t fools. Comprehension swiftly dawned on them.
Benedict nodded.
Utter stupefaction surged and churned within everyone. So, this is indeed the case! No wonder Mr. Sheldon was willing to punish
Kane severely, even beating him to the brink of death when he offended Cordelia previously.