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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chapter 83
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hapter 83 What is Wrong With These People
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Frankien reprimanded her. “Where are your manner dels you we we have a part here? Go on and
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“Mr. Lund?” The pri, with her neck, cardslry charried Fearys. She wrinkled her nose and remarked. He’s not much older than me
Why should I call him Mr Land
A Franklin was out to continue scolding her, Emrys raised his hand and intervened, saying, “It’s Jay She’s just a kid
Tnd you just call me a kad Upon hearing keys words, the girl displayed a hint of disown the
raghorned her posture, attempting to make berell bok wore mature. However, realizing that her
tempt to weentuate her chest had failed, the gradually relaxed her shoulder.
Franklin shook his head resignedly before watroducing her to Kerrys. “This unarly girl is my wubhuber, Charone Sunderland
Rease forgive her for her demean
“No womes” Emrys harbored no ill feelings toward the teenager, even though he was only three years
ber veroor

The group gathered around the table for their meal.
As they enjoyed their food, Franklin could not stop mentioning his granddaughter with a cheerful expression “Mr. Lund, despite
her occasional unruliness, she has a good heart. If you don’t mind. please provide her with guidance in the future.”
Emrys finally understood the underlying motive behind Franklin’s invitation. It seemed the old man was trying to play
matchmaker and set Emrys up with his granddaughter. What’s wrong with you, Old Mr. Sunderland? She’s only in her senior
year of high school!
Emrys, trying to change the subject, turned his attention to the food. However, Thomas was determined to steer the conversation

back to the same topic. “Mr. Lund, you’re an impressive man. Im sure many girls have fallen for you. Is there anyone who has
caught your interest?”
Emrys was rendered speechless. Uh... He’s not right in the head either. What’s wrong with these peoples
Just as the conversation continued, Charlotte abruptly shoved her uterus aside and let out an exasperated sigh. “This is
ridiculous Go ahead if you guys want to get in Mr. Lund’s good book, but just leave me out of it
Cherished By Seven Sisters
Chapter 83 What is Wrong With These People
A girl who appeared to be a high schooler stepped forward.
With her hair pulled back into a high ponytail and neat bangs framing her forehead, she had a pair of eyes that resembled
sparkling gems, radiating the youthful energy found only in teenage girls.

She was dressed in a white t–shirt adorned with a bear print, paired with a black knee–length pleated skirt that accentuated her
smooth and slender legs.
The young girl resembled a budding lotus, with a hint of youthful innocence in her eyebrows and eyes.
Franklin reprimanded her, “Where are your manners? Didn’t you see we have a guest here? Go on and greet Mr. Lund!”
“Mr. Lund?” The girl, with her innocent appearance, carefully observed Emrys. She wrinkled her nose and remarked, “He’s not
much older than me. Why should I call him Mr. Lund?”
As Franklin was about to continue scolding her, Emrys raised his hand and intervened, saying, “It’s okay. She’s just a kid.”
“Did you just call me a kid?” Upon hearing Emrys‘ words, the girl displayed a hint of disdain. She straightened her posture,
attempting to make herself look more mature. However, realizing that her attempt to accentuate her chest had failed, she
gradually relaxed her shoulders.
Franklin shook his head resignedly before introducing her to Emrys. “This unruly girl is my granddaughter, Charlotte Sunderland.
Please forgive her for her demeanor.”
“No worries.” Emrys harbored no ill feelings toward the teenager, even though he was only three years
her senior.
The group gathered around the table for their meal.

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As they enjoyed their food, Franklin could not stop mentioning his granddaughter with a cheerful expression. “Mr. Lund, despite
her occasional unruliness, she has a good heart. If you don’t mind, please provide her with guidance in the future.”

Emrys finally understood the underlying motive behind Franklin’s invitation. It seemed the old man was trying to play
matchmaker and set Emrys up with his granddaughter. What’s wrong with you, Old Mr. Sunderland? She’s only in her senior
year of high school!
Emrys, trying to change the subject, turned his attention to the food. However, Thomas was determined to steer the conversation
back to the same topic. “Mr. Lund, you’re an impressive man. I’m sure many girls have fallen for you. Is there anyone who has
caught your interest?”
Emrys was rendered speechless. Uh... He’s not right in the head either. What’s wrong with these people?
Just as the conversation continued, Charlotte abruptly shoved her utensils aside and let out an exasperated sigh. “This is
ridiculous. Go ahead if you guys want to get in Mr. Lund’s good book, but just leave me out of it.”
Chapter 83 What Is Wrong With These People
As soon as she finished speaking. Charlotte stood up from the dining table and made her way out.
Franklin bellowed in rage, “Lunch’s still not over. Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m already full,” Charlotte replied, slinging a small backpack over her shoulder as she prepared to leave.
Thomas knitted his brows. “I thought you didn’t have class today?”
“Just leave me alone!” After Charlotte’s outburst, she added, “I have plans with some classmates to go to Mount Celestial. I’ll be
back later in the afternoon.”
“Y–You!” Franklin let out a deep sigh, his anger rendering him almost speechless.
His intention to play matchmaker between Charlotte and Emrys was dashed as the stubborn girl displayed no hint of self–
restraint. Mr. Lund must have already developed a negative impression of her.

Franklin was utterly disappointed.
Suddenly, Emrys stepped in and said, “Calm down, Old Mr. Sunderland. I’ll go and check on her.”
Franklin’s eyes lit up, and he was all smiles again. “Thank you, Mr. Lund. Sorry to trouble you.”
As Emrys left the living room, the remaining three exchanged glances, their eyes filled with joy. So Mr. Lund is into girls with an
attitude, huh? Looks like there’s still hope for us!
Little did they know that Emrys had his own intentions when he followed Charlotte outside.
Outside of the house, Emrys observed the gentle sway of the girl’s skirt and calmly advised, “You better not leave the house
Charlotte stopped in her tracks, turned around, and regarded him with a scowl. “It’s none of your business, Mr. Lund!”
She deliberately emphasized his name, expressing her disapproval of Franklin’s insistence on addressing him as “Mr. Lund.”
Observing her turn and walk away, Emrys could only offer a wry smile. She certainly is quite stubborn.
Pushing his bicycle along, he silently trailed behind her.
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