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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chapter 72
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Cherished By Seven Sisters
Chapter 72 Thrashed
Cordelia was also experiencing the same contradictory feelings.
+10 pearls
She was sitting on the couch with a distant expression. However, based on her repeated glances at Emrys, it was apparent she
was curious about his answer, too.
Upon seeing that, Emrys grinned mischievously. “She’s pretty good. While she isn’t as attractive as you all, she’s still gorgeous.”
“Does this mean you’re satisfied with your date?” inquired Caylie carefully.
“She’s all right. I’m still considering.”
Unable to sit still any longer, Cordelia dashed toward Emrys and twisted his ear, blurting, “We’re all older than you, yet we aren’t
in a hurry to get married, so why are you?”
I knew it! Cordelia’s panicking. The more aloof a woman is, the more terrifying they are when jealous. Even though Emrys was
wincing from the pain, he was feeling giddy. She looks cute like this!

Caylie’s heart ached as she persuaded, “Be gentler with Emrys, Delia! Look at how red his ear is. If you want to twist someone’s
ear, do it with Lena’s!”.

“Hey! I only splashed back at you at the pool earlier, Caylie. Are you that grudgeful?” questioned Yelena gloomily.
“I’m your older sister, Yelena! How dare you speak to me like that!”
“Oh yeah? You got a problem with that?”
The duo promptly argued with each other. It was a common sight.
After a while, Yelena ceased her conflict with Caylie and turned to Emrys. “Do you have a picture of your date, Rys? Considering
you’re satisfied with her at first glance, I’m curious what kind of woman she is.”
Cordelia and Caylie were intrigued as well.
An ambiguous expression settled on Emrys‘ face. “Not only do I have pictures, but I also have videos of her!”
“Really? Show it to us, then!” requested Cordelia impatiently.
Thus, Emrys brought them to Ninette’s room and turned on the computer inside. In the next few minutes, the sisters pummeled
him violently. It was a gory scene.
Feeling miserable, Emrys explained, “You all misunderstood me! The woman in the video is who
11:01 Sat, 20 Jan

Chapter 72 Thrashed
+10 pearls

I met on my blind date carlier!”
“What?” The sisters were shocked. Soon, their expressions turned weird.
Yelena was the first to belly laugh. “You’re so lucky, Emrys! I can’t believe you encountered such a strange situation. I think you
can play the main character in one of these videos.”
In response, Emrys grimaced. Do you have to gloat?
Meanwhile, Caylie was furious. “What kind of shameless woman is she? She has some nerve to return here for a blind date after
embarrassing her ancestors!”
As she spoke, she glanced at the screen again and blushed.
With a frigid expression, Cordelia spat, “How dare you download porn on your computer, Ninette! I’m going to punish you when
you return!”
Then, she turned to Emrys. “Relocate the computer to my room. From now on, you aren’t allowed to use it. Do you hear me?”
Emrys didn’t have the guts to disobey Cordelia and meekly carried the computer to her room.
That night, while sleeping, he suddenly opened his eyes with an icy expression.
It was because he sensed murderous intent approaching the building.
At the same time, there was movement in Yelena’s room.
Quietly, Emrys stood in front of the window. With the help of the moonlight, he saw an agile figure diving out of the window of the
neighboring room.
While that person was dressed in dark clothing and was wearing a mask, Emrys recognized the slender figure as Yelena.