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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 Do Him A Favor
Patrick arrived at Duncan’s house and bumped into Lincoln, who was leaving.
The two merely snorted and acted like they didn’t know each other.
At that moment, an old man in a white shirt was standing under the shade of a tree and practicing
That man was none other than Duncan.
Although he was already in his seventies, he was still a healthy old man because he was adamant about practicing yoga on a
daily basis.
As healthy and fit as he was, he still couldn’t stop himself from getting too emotional and vomiting blood when he heard someone
had performed Needle of Ninth Revival. From that, it was obvious that Needle of Ninth Revival was a very precious technique.
“You’re here, Patrick!” Duncan stopped what he was doing and smiled.
Patrick nodded. “I bumped into Lincoln just now, Mr. Rodriguez.”
“Yes. He told me he was opening a traditional medicine clinic, and he invited me to help him out.”
“Did you agree to it, Mr. Rodriguez?”
Duncan laughed and shook his head. “One must rely on his own capability to open a clinic. He’s not going to go far if he uses

unorthodox tricks. Hence, I criticized him and sent him away.”

“Nice one.”
“Are you here because you’ve heard from the amazing doctor?”
“Are you serious?” Duncan jumped in front of Patrick, grabbed his shoulders, and shook him violently.
Needless to say, Patrick was startled. “Calm down, Mr. Rodriguez!”
Duncan was getting impatient when he urged, “Quick! Bring me to see him. I want to be his disciple
Duncan valued the knowledge of traditional medicine more than life itself. In fact, he had dedicated his entire life to traditional
medicine, and that was why he could become the best in the country. Despite having retired, he still couldn’t stop thinking about
his past achievements.
One of those achievements was Needle of Ninth Revival.
Chapter 59 Do Him A Favor
+10 pearls
Duncan learned the acupuncture technique from an ancient manual when he was young, and he made a name for himself in the
traditional medical field with that technique.
After he became famous, he was generous enough to share his knowledge with his disciples..

It was only two years ago that Duncan realized his Needle of Ninth Revival was incomplete as he was revising it.

As it turned out, Needle of Ninth Revival didn’t require nine needles to perform the acupuncture. Instead, it was a progressive
healing effect, with a total of nine levels.
Life energy restoration, Soul Cross, would only happen when one had reached the ninth level.
With Duncan’s current ability, the best he could do was seven levels. He had spent the past two years performing the last two
levels required, but he could never do it.
Hence, when Duncan heard Patrick telling him that someone had performed the Needle of Ninth Revival, Duncan specifically
asked Patrick how many levels had that person achieved. The answer to that question was twelve.
That was an extra three levels.
Not only was there an increase of three levels, but that man that had performed the Needle of Ninth Revival had discovered the
way to achieve the first nine levels.
From that day onward, Duncan had decided to ask Emrys to accept him as a student.
Upon seeing how excited Duncan was, Patrick couldn’t help but utter helplessly, “Mr. Rodriguez, I don’t think now is the right time
to visit Mr. Lund.”
“What’s the matter? Is he trying to negotiate terms with me?” Duncan was displeased.
Hearing that, Patrick’s expression changed dramatically, and he instantly flashed a bitter smile. “You’ve misunderstood me, Mr.
Rodriguez. What I meant is that Mr. Lund will definitely reject you if you were to visit him out of the blue.”
Patrick was being slightly crafty by omitting the fact that Emrys had already agreed to teach them Needle of Ninth Revival.
“What do you mean?” Duncan frowned.
“I think you should do him a favor first, Mr. Rodriguez.”
“What do you mean?”

Patrick smiled, and his eyes lit up. “Based on what I know, Mr. Lund knows a lady who owns Apricot Hall. Recently, an idi*t
deliberately opened a new clinic right across the street to put Apricot Hall out of business.”