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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132 The Resemblance Is Uncanny
Roger, perceiving the underlying meaning, smiled and replied, “Dr. Lund, if it’s agreeable to you, Jacqueline will serve you
wholeheartedly and carry out any tasks you assign.”
“Dad, what are you talking about?” Jacqueline stomped her foot in protest, glaring at Roger. However, her expression revealed
that she was not entirely opposed to the suggestion. She seemed more embarrassed than anything else.
Emrys grinned and said, “I appreciate your kind offer, Mr. Balford, but I already have seven extraordinary and stunning sisters.”
After speaking, he stood up, walked out of the living room, and left the house with his bicycle.
As Roger observed Emrys‘ retreating figure, his eyes gleamed with excitement, and he exclaimed, “Dr. Lund is a remarkable
individual with great potential. I believe he is destined for greatness. We, the Balford family, must maintain close contact with
him. Don’t you agree, Jacqueline?”
“Hmm?” Jacqueline, lost in her thoughts, snapped back to reality upon hearing Roger’s words. “Yes, you’re absolutely right,
Upon noticing her expression, Roger could not help but tease her, “Jacqueline, why do you look disappointed? Are you upset
because Dr. Lund didn’t accept you as his servant?”
“What? I’m not...” Jacqueline, renowned for her ego, would never allow herself to be disappointed simply because Emrys
declined to take her as his servant.
That would be too harsh a blow to her sense of self–worth.

Caught in the act of defending herself, Jacqueline’s words faltered as her eyes locked with Roger’s gaze, leaving her
momentarily speechless.
Roger gave her a perplexed look. Indeed, it’s quite challenging to understand what goes on in a girl’s mind.

Meanwhile, at the Youngblood residence in Jazona, a woman of stunning beauty and elegance was captivated by her computer
Her eyes were wide with disbelief as she absorbed the information displayed before her.
Her name was Lydia Ginger.
Despite being in her mid–forties, her diligent self–care was evident in her flawless complexion, free from blemishes and wrinkles.
Her features exuded a subtle allure, a testament to the grace of passing years. Lydia must have been an awe–inspiring beauty in
her youth.
If Emrys were to catch sight of this enchanting woman, he would undoubtedly be taken aback, for she bore a striking
resemblance to his extraordinary sister, Cordelia. They were both enchanting beauties.
Standing beside Lydia was a middle–aged man, the very same suited gentleman whom Emrys had encountered at the elevator
of Maple Forest Hotel not long ago.
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He was Lydia’s husband and the influential head of the Youngblood family, Richard Youngblood, who held great power in

At that moment, they were watching footage from the surveillance camera outside the Maple Forest
The people who appeared in the footage were none other than Emrys and Cordelia.
In the footage, Emrys entered the hotel carrying Cordelia, which made her face less visible in the camera footage. However, as
they exited the hotel, their faces became undeniably clear and were captured by the camera.
“The resemblance is uncanny...” Lydia widened her eyes in disbelief. It almost felt like she was watching a recording of herself in
her youth.
Richard said, “I find it strange too. I wonder if... you know, twenty–five years ago...”
“Impossible!” Lydia cut him off abruptly before he could finish speaking, her eyes filled with a hint of anguish.
Twenty–five years ago, they did have a daughter, but she did not survive for long.
It was a painful and haunting chapter of their past.
The couple had always avoided discussing it, and if it were not for this peculiar circumstance, Richard would never have opened
this old wound.

“I’m sorry, Lydia. I shouldn’t have said that,” Richard apologized, wrapping his arm around her shoulder to offer comfort.
Two minutes later, they received a call from the hospital. “Mr. Youngblood, based on the test conducted at our hospital, we’ve
determined that your genetic match with Ms. Cordelia Youngblood is ninety–nine point five percent.”
In other words, the girl who appeared in the surveillance camera footage was Richard’s daughter!
Ninety–nine point five percent! How is that possible?
Richard could not help but shudder.
Lydia asked, “What’s wrong, Honey?”
Richard took a moment to regain his composure before speaking. “I had a paternity test done using a few strands of that girl’s
hair. The results confirmed that she is indeed our daughter.”
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