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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108 Is It A Misunderstanding
+10 pearls
Judging by the impact created by the mahogany coffin when it fell, it must weigh at least three hundred kilograms. They couldn’t
help but wonder who would possess such strength to throw the mahogany coffin from a far distance to the Chalker residence’s
courtyard and injure Wilfred, a martial artist, so severely.
“That’s impossible...”
Angelina shook her head in disbelief. She was all too familiar with this voice, but she couldn’t believe the owner of this voice was
the same as the person she had in her mind.
She turned her head stiffly toward the damaged entrance.
Finally, the young man appeared.
It was Emrys.
In an instant, everyone in the Chalker family widened their eyes in disbelief, especially Angelina. They couldn’t help but tremble
in fear.
It’s him. It’s really him! Emrys was the one who threw the mahogany coffin into our courtyard. Isn’t he Cordelia’s boy–toy? How
does he have such immense strength?
The Chalkers‘ teeth were chattering in fear because they knew that he was also most probably a martial artist to be able to throw
a heavy mahogany coffin into their courtyard by himself.
This also meant that the person the family had been attempting to disparage for the past was a martial artist.
That thought terrified them instantly.
few days

Emrys‘ expression was icy cold when he walked into the Chalker residence. Every step he took struck fear in the Chalkers‘

“I have prepared a big gift for you guys. A coffin coupled with death candles! Do you like it?” Emrys bellowed. His shout
reverberated throughout the entire residence, causing everyone present to jolt in fright.
Trembling, Gerald answered, “Mr. Lund, perhaps there’s a misunderstanding between us.”
Emrys glanced at him coldly. “Misunderstanding? When you guys were ruining my and Delia’s reputations, why didn’t you call it a
misunderstanding then?”
Gerald froze.
His anger was palpable as he locked his gaze on Angelina.
Everything happening today is all because of this b*tch! D*mn it!
0776 Thu, 25 Jan
Chapter 108 Is It A...
+10 pearls
Emrys walked over to Wilfred and stated coldly, “I heard you consider yourself to be the ruler of Jadeborough. I also heard that
the Chalker family wants to control the entire Jadeborough. Last but not least, I heard that I’m just trash in your eyes.”

Wilfred broke out in cold sweat upon hearing the three statements.
From the force of the mahogany coffin slamming into him earlier, he knew that the young man in front of him was definitely
stronger than him.
Wilfred was already overwhelmed by fear.
Back when he said those words, he thought he was the only martial artist in Jadeborough. He had presumed that the assassin
from Shadow Garden was the one supporting Osmond and the others
behind the scenes.
Never in his wildest dreams did he expect the young man in front of him to be so terrifying.
No wonder Benedict was still screaming that it was over for the Chalker family after I beat up the latter this afternoon. Now I
understand why he was so confident about it.

The Chalker family was indeed doomed after offending such a frightening martial artist.
It was as if the end of the world had arrived for them!
“M–Mr. Lund, it’s a misunderstanding.” Wilfred gulped and tried to endure the excruciating pain.
Another misunderstanding?
Emrys‘ killing intent burst forth, and he grabbed Wilfred’s head and rammed it into the mahogany coffin.
Bang!.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I dare you to say it again. Is it a misunderstanding?”
“It really is a misunderstanding!”
“Is it a misunderstanding?”
“Is it a misunderstanding?”
“Is it a misunderstanding?”
Wilfred was dumbfounded as he didn’t know what he had done wrong. Angelina was the one
07:17 Thu, 23 Jan (
Chapter 108 Is It A ...
+10 pearl’s
trying to ruin Emrys‘ reputation, so he was confused about why the young man was beating him up instead.
Seeing that he still didn’t understand his mistake, Emrys held Wilfred’s head and explained coldly, “Your seven–colored
centipede bit a woman I hold dearly in my heart. Tell me. Is this still a misunderstanding?”
Emrys grabbed Wilfred’s head again and smashed it into the coffin.

The moment he entered the residence, he already felt the aura of the seven–colored centipede emanating from Wilfred. As a
result, Wilfred was the first person on whom he vented his rage.
Cherished By Seven Sisters