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Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 198.2
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Defeated battles, limited food supplies, and worries concerning the rest of their family members outside the palace. There were very few who could be happy in such circumstances.

Every day, Dai Wang was consumed by rage, yet he seemed trapped like a cornered beast.

In the past few days, there were many more deaths among the palace maids and eunuchs of the Qianqing Palace compared to before. Finally, when Dai Wang thought of using these servants to vent his anger again, he was dissuaded from it. The other party spoke very realistically, stating that what the palace had the most were palace maids and eunuchs. If these people were pushed to their limits and started a revolt, even Dai Wang would find it difficult to survive.

So what should he do?

No one could answer him!

Every day, there were people who wanted to open the palace gates and escape, but they were all killed. The people guarding the few palace gates were all Chang Jian’an’s men, and it was Chang Jian’an who had dissuaded Dai Wang earlier.

In a situation that should have been a guaranteed victory, this person had turned everything into a mess. Chang Jian’an was filled with disdain for Dai Wang. But now it was too late for anything, the outcwas already determined, and the only option left was to save their lives.

At this moment, differences finally emerged between Chang Jian’an and Dai Wang.

Chang Jian’an’s suggestion was to use the officials in their hands to negotiate an escape route, but Dai Wang seemed uninterested in this. After all, Dai Wang was born a prince and had his own pride and dignity. What would be the point of escaping? Under the heavens, there was no land that was not ruled by the emperor. Did he have to resort to becoming a bandit, living a life of hiding forever?

Duke Weiguo and Duke Weiguo Shizi also showed no interest in this matter. Due Weiguo fell ill that night. Old people, after experiencing repeated shocks and anger, would collapse. The shizi also couldn’t abandon his elderly father and the rest of the family to escape. They were not like Chang Jian’an, who had no family or attachments.

Seeing that both of them appeared so weak, Chang Jian’an no longer paid any attention to them and decided to handle the matter himself. However, before he could make his request to the other side, chaos suddenly broke out in the palace.

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No one knew how those people managed to attack and open the city gates. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, those people had infiltrated.

In the main hall of the Qianqing Palace, on the throne, sat a person.

This person was dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe but wore an expression of desolation.

It was none other than Dai Wang.

Before, he still had sreservations, but later, after tearing off his disguise, he no longer bothered to conceal his intentions. He had long yearned for the throne, and now that he finally had the opportunity, he naturally wanted to don the yellow robe and display his might.

From afar, there seemed to be a thunderous roar, as if a mountain was collapsing: “Surrender and you will not be blamed for the past; resist and you will be beheaded without mercy!”

“Protect the family and defend the nation! Uphold justice and eradicate treachery! May the heavens bless the Great Dagan Dynasty!”

This was the slogan shouted by the troops of Jin Wang whenever they were facing rebels. It was precisely due to such deceptive and misleading words that Dai Wang’s forces suffered countless losses. Even now, Dai Wang couldn’t understand why he was about to lose.

Clearly, he had the advantage, and his forces outnumbered those of Jin Wang. How could he be losing?

Suddenly, a phrase spoken by Elder Chen several days ago resounded in his ears: “By daring to commit such treacherous acts against the heavens and earth, one’s position will ultimately be unstable. History will record it, and it will be remembered for thousands of years.”

Dai Wang didn’t believe such words. When looking at historical records, history was always written by the victors.

What did it mean to dare to commit treacherous acts against the heavens and earth? Didn’t it apply to kings, nobles, and generals too?

He was the di son of his father, a legitimate heir to the throne. Why shouldn’t the throne be his? It should have been his from the beginning!

With a creak, the tightly closed palace doors were pushed open from the outside, and a dishevelled general stumbled in, shouting with a hoarse voice, “Your Highness, they’ve breached the defences, they’ve breached the defences…”

Dai Wang didn’t know what he was thinking; he just made a faint sound without even raising his head.

Suddenly, the palace doors swung wide open, and a large amount of sunlight poured in from outside. Facing the light, Dai Wang sat motionless, his eyes squinting due to the brightness. Many people rushed in, and the one leading them was tall, composed, and had a dignified bearing, as if a divine being had descended.

“Third brother, hope that you have been well.”

In the Kunning Palace, Empress Wei sat upright on the phoenix throne in the main hall.

She wore a bright yellow dress adorned with swallows. Her appearance was dignified, with her silver hair neatly arranged, tied up in a bun and adorned with a crown of six dragons and three phoenixes.

The previously quiet Kunning Palace suddenly becnoisy.

Footsteps becchaotic, accompanied by the screams of palace maids, and soon the partially open palace doors were pushed open from the outside.

“Empress niangniang…”

Without waiting for the other party to speak, the empress stood up abruptly from the phoenix seat.

“You’ve cjust in time. Bengong has been imprisoned in this palace by Dai Wang for a long time. Bengong seeks justice to be brought despite the familial relations! Dai Wang conspired to harm the emperor, plotted to seize the throne, confined the empress, and imprisoned the ministers. His crimes are too numerous to record…”

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No one spoke, and everyone’s gaze becstrange.

The Empress intended to sever ties to protect herself, but the problem was that things had already reached this point. How could she be sure that others would believe her? Truly, wealth and glory easily cloud one’s judgment. Even one of the most noble figures in the world could commit such shameless acts.

Fu Cheng, the leader, smiled and said, “Your Majesty, it’s better not to speak these words to us. We can’t understand them. You should save them for His Majesty.”

At the mention of Emperor Hongjing, Empress Wei suddenly becsorrowful. She covered her face with her sleeve and cried uncontrollably.

“That wicked child dared to lay hands on the emperor, keeping the imperial body in the Qianqing Palace. Bengong had told him countless times to move the emperor to the Zi Palace first, but he turned a deaf ear and accusedof meddling. If bengong were not his birth mother, bengong is afraid this life of mine would have already been forfeited… Every night, bengong dreams of His Majesty visitingand asking why bengong had given birth to such a wicked child. But His Majesty says he doesn’t blme. Dai Wang has been in his fiefdom for too long and has never been close to me. He acts so recklessly, and bengong…”

Fu Cheng interrupted, saying, “Your Majesty, you should save these words for His Majesty.”

Empress Wei exclaimed in suspicion, “What are you planning? If bengong didn’t remember wrongly,t you are the personal eunuch of His Highness Jin Wang, are you trying to harmbehind my back? Bengong is the Empress of the Dagan Dynasty and the Mother Empress of His Highness Jin Wang. How dare Jin Wang borrow courage from the heavens to lay hands on his mother? Doesn’t he fear the contempt and ridicule of the world?”

Fu Cheng helplessly replied, “My lord has no intention of harming you, Your Majesty. It would be better if you don’t make baseless assumptions. This old servant just wants to take you to see His Majesty.”

As he spoke, he grew impatient with Empress Wei’s chatter. He raised his chin, and someone emerged from behind him.

However, Empress Wei completely misunderstood his meaning. She instinctively stepped back until she tripped over something and fell to the ground. Even so, she didn’t forget to fight for her life. She crawled forward using both hands and feet, trying to hide behind the phoenix seat.

Hong Rang had already been taken down by others. Seeing this scene, he felt a deep sense of grief and indignation as these lowly people looked at the empress as if watching a monkey at a show.

“Your Majesty, the emperor is not dead! The emperor is not dead!”

Empress Wei’s movements suddenly froze. The look of fear on her face solidified, and then she fainted.