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Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 191.2
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Today, it was Hui Wang and Yong Wang’s turn to guard, and tomorrow it would be An Wang and Dai Wang’s turn. As for the other princes, they were all exhausted and could leave the palace and return home. Perhaps things were not as serious as everyone expected, after all, no one could predict the emperor’s condition.

Jin Wang, Yaoniang, and Xiaobao left Qianqing Palace. Although it was time for Xiaobao to go to the imperial study, given the current situation, no one would be going there. However, Xiaobao still asked someone to go to the imperial study to inform his teacher of his absence.

Yaoniang was a little worried. Even if she was stupid, she could still see the many political schemes happening over a short period of time. All sides were vying against each other, targeting each other, and not trusting each other. Even a simple matter like taking care of the emperor during his illness could create so many complications.

She glanced at Jin Wang and said, “Your Highness, is everything really okay? I can’t help but feel like something is going to happen.”

“Nothing will happen. Don’t worry.”

When they returned to Jin Wang Manor, Yaoniang realized that they hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. After being delayed for so long, she asked the kitchen to prepare a meal. Despite reassuring Yaoniang that nothing would happen, Jin Wang barely touched his chopsticks.

He accompanied Yaoniang and Xiaobao to finish the meal before putting down his chopsticks. However, Yaoniang had been with him for so long, how could she not notice that something was troubling him?

Jin Wang’s heart was in chaos. While the maids were cleaning up the table, Jin Wang told Yaoniang to rest while he went to the front courtyard.

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Watching his back as he left, Yaoniang couldn’t help feeling worried.

In the study in the front courtyard, Li Maotian said, “Looking at it this way, it seems to be an accident, and the empress’s faction is not involved?”

Liu Da and Mr. Hei looked thoughtful, obviously pondering over everything that had happened.

“Benwang can’t help but feel that things are not that simple,” Jin Wang said from behind the desk.

Although he couldn’t explain why it was not simple, it was obvious that Jin Wang realized this was a critical moment. This was why he brought up this matter to discuss with his advisors, despite the potential damage to the imperial family’s reputation. He didn’t want to miss any opportunities due to a moment of carelessness.Tʜe sourcᴇ of thɪs content ɪs NoᴠᴇFɪre.nᴇt

“From what Your Highness has recounted, there doesn’t seem to be any hint of involvement from the empress’s faction. The only thing that would be considered strange is that Empress Wei was too calm. Her reaction was not what an empress in such a situation should’ve had. Today’s swift and decisive action from Empress Wei also doesn’t match the impression that she had given in the past.”

Coincidentally, what Liu Da said matched Jin Wang’s thoughts.

As for how Liu Da knew about Empress Wei’s usual behaviour, it was due to the intelligence gathered by Jin Wang’s spies planted throughout the palace. Since they were vying for that position, Jin Wang Manor also had spies in the palace. Empress Wei was a crucial figure in the Central Palace’s faction, making her an area of significant focus.

“Liu Da’s doubts are exactly the same as benwang’s. It’s just that there is no conclusive evidence at the moment, and no one dares to say that the sudden illness of the emperor is related to the Central Palace faction.”

The situation had once again reached a deadlock. There was no evidence, and the main character, Emperor Hongjing, was unconscious. If the Central Palce faction really did make a move, they would surely do so under the guise of supporting the legitimate heir. It has always been a tradition to favour the legitimate son as heir over everyone else, including the eldest son. Although Dai Wang was mediocre, it didn’t mean he couldn’t be a stable emperor. If things ever reached that point, even the neutral ministers in the court, for the sake of the country, would support Dai Wang to the throne to prevent chaos in the court.

The current situation was now very unfavourable for Jin Wang’s faction, and what had seemed like a victory was now complicated by unexpected events.

Although it may seem like Emperor Hongjing was ignoring Jin Wang by sending him to repair Western Park, those who were familiar with Emperor Hongjing’s character would be able to tell which side he was leaning towards. As for Jin Wang, he only needed to continue waiting, and that position would be his. But now it seemed that it wouldn’t be so easy to obtain.

Jin Wang took a deep breath and was about to say something when someone suddenly rushed into the room.

It was Fucheng.

“Your Highness, the eldest young master is causing a disturbance and wants to enter the palace to attend to the emperor.”

Yaoniang had never seen Xiaobao acting so difficult to deal with in the past. He refused to listen to any form of coaxing or coercion.

She finally understood Erbao’s temperament, which didn’t resemble either hers or Jin Wang’s. Instead, it was more like his older brother. Perhaps she and Jin Wang also had this aspect in their character, but she may not have realized it.

“This matter is not something I can decide. If you want to go, go and speak to your father.”

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Just as she said that Jin Wang entered the room.

Jin Wang looked at Xiaobao, and Xiaobao looked at Jin Wang.

The three-year-old Xiaobao already looked like a big child from the outside, comparable to a five or six-year-old, which caused people to often forget his real age. But in fact, Xiaobao was not even three and a half years old.

Xiaobao knew that Jin Wang was angry, and he could see it in his father’s eyes. He pretended to be scared and cried, covering his eyes. “I just want to attend to Grandfather Emperor. I want to accompany Grandfather Emperor. Grandfather Emperor told me after father is done with Western Park, he will take me there to play. Grandfather Emperor won’t die, I want to go see him, then he won’t die.”

“You child, who told you about dying? Stop saying that!” Yaoniang exclaimed. At the same time, she had the urge to cry. If there was anyone who Xiaobao was closest to besides his parents, younger brother, and a few other children, it was Emperor Hongjing.

Emperor Hongjing really loved Xiaobao. Although Yaoniang had not witnessed their interactions with her own eyes very often, she could tell the emperor’s affection towards Xiaobao was genuine from what he told her.

“These days, the palace is too chaotic. As a child, you shouldn’t go and join in on the excitement. Let your father take care of your Grandfather Emperor’s affairs. Just stay at home and accompany me and Erbao. If you don’t accompany Erbao, he will have no one to play with.”

For the first time, Xiaobao ignored it when someone brought up Erbao.

“Even if father is watching in the palace, he still has to come home to accompany mother. I can stay behind with Grandfather Emperor to watch over him.”

Yaoniang also tried to persuade her son, but Jin Wang’s eyes flickered and he looked at Xiaobao with a meaningful gaze, “You are not young anymore. You should know what you are saying. Accompanying Grandfather Emperor is not just a matter of talking. Would you be able to persevere?”

“I can definitely persevere. Father, please let me go. I’ll go find Eunuch Li, he will definitely agree.”